Drawing up a new character:
- Name and Concept
- Starting substats for everything but Psi is 3.
Inworlders and Hegemonics start with Psi/Pre and Psi/For of 3,
and Psi/Str of 0; Outworlders start with Psi/Str and Psi/For of 3,
and Psi/Pre of 0. If you think you're playing a non-human, ask us
about what you start with.
- Spend 6 "Creation Points". These can a) raise a whole stat by
one, b) raise a substat by three, or c) buy a shtick (major or minor, regardless of EP cost below).
- Spend 100 skill points on skills, including psi talents for any psi
shticks you want to use. (5-point useful skills cost 5 points per level, etc.)
For Later:
Spending EPs and Skill Points:
You can buy a substat up with EPs, by spending N eps, when you're
buying that substat to N. (You buy substats up one at a time; you
don't buy stats as a whole). The exception to this is your low Psi
stat, which costs 2*N.
You can buy a shtick with EPs too.