Northern stars are pure white, very bright, and constant, in fixed regular patterns. They slowly drift downwards at a precisely measured rate. The six central stars of the northern sky form the constellation of the Hexagon. They are also the brightest ordinary stars of the sky.
Western stars tend towards golden-white and wander slowly and lazily. At the center of the western sky is the constellation Nirella and Tomas, the Lovers.
The stars above are of all colors (as a group, not indivdually), with blue and gold predominating. New stars appear, primarily near the zenith, and slowly move down, adopting the characteristics of one of the horizontal directions when they get low enough. This process distorts the constellations, but is slow enough that most people need not be concerned.
The stars below are faint and white, and identical. Since the stars beneath the Land are only visible in the Lake of Stars, they are not well mapped. All of the stars below presumably migrated down from above, but the details are not well documented. From the behavior of the stars just above the horizon it is inferred that the stars below are extinguished frequently, but if such extinction has been directly observed, nobody is telling. The only well-known constellation is the Raven, at the nadir of the sky.
The eastern stars tend towards redness and when they move they do so abruptly and in straight lines. The constellation Conflict, the Axe, is often considered to exemplify the western sky, even though it is not central.
Southern stars are very numerous, not as bright, change color and brightness unpredictably, and always move. Only in the south are stars commonly seen to move upwards. The southern constellations distort noticeably even to an untrained observer.
Stars occasionally fall from the sky. This is an omen of serious disaster, especially for the region in which it lands.
Sator, the Judge. To the West of the Hexagon. He holds the Balance above the Hexagon. He represents an individual who pronounces judgement, or the act of judgement; or the nation of the Upper Darnelles. He does not represent the enforcement of justice - that is the Knight. On the Golden Path.
The Balance. Held by Sator above the Hexagon. Its stars form a rigid pattern with hexagonal overtones. It also represents the act of judgement, but is more abstract than Sator. Also represents the nationes of Syndic or Leblin. On the Golden Path.
The Starfish. Represents symmetry, or specialization; or the nations of Tavat Mien or Hengmir.
Chalcor, the Shepherd. To the West. Represents one who protects, or gives guidance or comfort, commonly a parent, elder, or mentor; or the nation of Misambokia. On the White and Shadow Paths.
Doror, the Ruler. To the East of the Balance, and high. Represents formal authority, regardless of any ability to enforce it; or the nations of Ceczo or the Tzalin kings. On the Golden Path.
The Hourglass. Below the Hexagon. Represents measurement or time. Also often represents the Unnamed, or Its clergy, or those strongly associated with It (such as a lich who got that way because of the Unnamed's talisman); or the nation of Ald Miles. The death of Ghoras was heralded by a new star in the Hourglass. On the Shadow Path.
Andor, the Knight. To the East. Andor was the legendary last mortal weilder of Adjudicator. He represents the enforcement of impartial and absolute justice, to which there is no appeal; or the nation of Aris, or the Justiciars. On the Shadow and Red Paths.
Lotea, the Blossom. Slightly north of center. Represents agriculture; or the nation of Loulan.
Coihiril, the Healer. Slightly south of center. Represents healing and nurturing forces, or a parent, typically a mother; or the Plains of Volan. On the Shadow Path.
Yulma, the Chalice. Represents the nation of Rianne.
Oma, the Nonnig. To the North. Represents communication and travel; or the nation of Asaen.
Aiwe, the Dove. High and towards the North. Represents peace; or the nation of Thearos. On the Golden Path.
Alqua, the Swan. Uppish. Represents the nation of Soren. On the Grey and Golden Paths.
Erdil, the Unicorn. Below the Lovers (and get you mind out of the gutter :). Represents protection, or parenthood, especially fatherhood; or the nation of the Lower Darnelles. On the Grey and Shadow Paths.
Wilwarin, the Imago (2). High and towards the South. Represents the nation of Sabat. On the Golden Path.
Luine, the River. Towards the south. Represents martime activities of the calm and peaceful sort; or the nations of Gosseg Run or Mudwallow. Luine does not have many stars, but is suffused with a faint radiance. On the Shadow Path.
Anan, the Ariel. Represents innocence, childhood; or the King Under Sky.
Trillian, the Painter. Towards the North. Represents the visual arts; or the nation of Alkynia. Jacques Trillian made the legendary Red and White Masks of Alkynia. On the White Path.
Athonet, the Easel. Towards the North. An adjunct of Trillian, tends to represent the object of art itself rather than the artist. Also represents the nation of Aravy.
Moran, the Bard. Towards the West. Represents the fine and performing arts; or the nation of Belid. Moran d'Vale was the lover of the Unnamed God. On the Grey and White Paths.
Nebel, the Harp. An adjunct of Moran, tends to represent the work of art itself rather than the artist. Also represents Ro Palis. On the White Path.
Lagdal, the Roc. Towards the East. Represents Rhi Miles. On the Grey Path.
Nafal, the Fire Angel (1). Towards the South-East. Represents Senliat. On the Red Path.
Aviran, the Pegasus. Towards the South-West. Represents the nation of Pavane. On the White Path.
Roah, the Sprite. Towards the South. Represent mischief, subtlety, or concealment; or the nation of Grivllos.
Faron, the Hunter. Represents Dvelinhurszt.
Dagorok, the War Beast. Represents the Isles of Verne. On the Grey and Shadow Paths.
Ganato, the Warrior. Represents martial prowess; or the nations of Cliffsfall or Pdallar. On the Shadow Path.
Seregiat, the Sword. Represents Gri-ennis or the Vath.
Curdardh, the Colossus. Towards the North. Represents the Granite Holt. There is no consensus as to what being or creature Curdardh portrays. Since only Shagras Herself can wield the axe Conflict, some claim Curdardh is an avatar of the Red Lady. Others note that Curdardh holds the Axe at its side but does not actually wield it. There have been duels becauase of this constellation. On the Shadow Path.
Verkertor, the Great Drake. Very high in the sky, typically considered to be an Uppish as well as Eastern constellation. Represents great temporal power, so it is of great interest to all would-be megalomaniacs. Also represents the Tzalin kings, or the nation of Kerrak. On the Grey, Golden and Red Paths.
Tirashar, the Gryphon. Along with Verkertor, shared with the sky Above. Represents military power; or the nation of (you guessed it) Ithyra. On the Golden and Red Paths.
Lithui, the Hydra. High and towards the South. Represents internal division or dissent; or the nations of Ngth or Mooris.
Duath, the Gargoyle. Towards the South. Represents the King Under Land. On the Shadow Path.
Tabanokh, the Serpent. The largest constellation, wanders all over the southern sky. Represents the King Under Sea. Tabanokh does not have many stars, but is suffused with a faint radiance. On the White, Golden, Shadow and Red Paths.
Naba, the Hermit. Towards the West. Represents wisdom or knowledge, or withdrawal; or the nation of Vendilon. On the White and Golden Paths.
Gamadn, the Lamp. High and towards the West. Represents inspiration, divination, seers and prophets, even if false (especially if false, if you must know); or the nation of Morn Valan. On the Golden Path.
Bhavtat, the Platypus. Near the horizon. Represents Hviviviveros or Mudwallow. On the White and Shadow Paths.
Masithch, the Kraken. Towards the East. Represents violent maritime affairs; or the nation of Xaban. On the Shadow and Red Paths.
Acrefirhi, the Scorpionman. Towards the East. Represents Mounch. On the Red Path.
Dabsi Girihaoc, the Flail. Towards the East. On the Red Path.
Shoaku, the Star of Mastery, is associated with Anz. It is an unvarying bright white, as are the major stars of the north. It is nearly always the third brightest object in the sky, after the Sun and the Moon. It follows the Grey Path, which bisects the sky, from East to West. On the Equinoxes, as seen from the City of Tzalmir, the Sun follows the Grey Path. It passes through the constellations of War Beast, Drake, Roc, Hawk, Bard, Swan, Lovers, Unicorn. It takes about ten years to complete a circuit. Ask an Anzish sage if you want more precision, they know it to the second.
Lorinque is the Star of Desire, the handmaid of Nirian. It is yellow-white and is typically the second faintest of the Wanderers, although it is brighter than most ordinary stars not in the North. It follows the White Path, which is meandery, with epicycles galore. It fills the region adjacent to the Western sky, and moves primarily from North to South. It passes through the constellations of Shepherd, Painter, Harp, Bard, Pegasus, Hermit, Serpent, Platypus. It has a period of about seven years.
Ytzyra is the Star of Renewal, favored of the Creator. It is of a deep golden color, exactly like the Sun, and is usually the second brigtest of the Wanderers. It circles along the Golden Path every three years and never sets. The Golden Path is about halfway to the zenith, roughly circular, with precession effects. Motion is counterclockwise. It passes through Gryphon, Drake, Serpent, Chaos, Lamp, Hermit, Imago, Swan, Dove, Judge, Balance, Ruler.
Zigal is the Star of Disaster, associated with the Unmaker. It is pale white, and dim. The untrained observer will typically not be able to distinguish it from the ordinary stars surrounding it. It moves clockwise along the Shadow Path near the horizon. It spends about half of its circuit below the horizon, but which half it is precesses with a period of about six orbits (or about eight years). It has a period of eleven months and passes through Hourglass, Knight, Colossus, Axe, War Beast, Warrior, Gargoyle, Kraken, Serpent, Platypus, River, Healer, Unicorn, Shepherd.
Vessh is the blood-red Star of Battle, the herald of Shagras. It is usually dimmer than the Star of Renewal, but they both vary in brightness with ranges that overlap. It follows the Red Path from South to North. The Path is piecewise linear, with rapid motion between corners. Every five months it passes through Kraken, Serpent, Scorpionman, Flail, Serpent again, Fire Angel, Drake, Gryphon, Knight.
Taghyir is Geskekelud's Star of Change. Its appearance varies wildly. It has been known to shine with several colors at once, and sometimes duplicates itself. After Ghoras died it split into six. It is often said to follow the Broken Path, which is not a path per se, as it can be anywhere. Northern excursions are rare and brief, and often ominous.