24.111 HW1

Find something that some "authority" has said about what Quantum Mechanics tells us the world is like; the more surprising, interesting, or "crazy," the better. Especially good are claims about what makes QM different from classical mechanics. In an email to me (bskow@mit.edu) quote your authority, and provide a complete citation for the source of your quote (complete means I can easily find the quote myself, using your citation). Put "24.111 HW1" in your subject line.

I use "authority" loosely: it can be a quantum mechanics textbook, a physics textbook of some other kind, a book or article on physics for a popular audience, even an article on the internet. Please find your authority on your own; do not submit a quotation that you know someone else in the class is also submitting. Also: you may not use any wikipedia articles for this assignment. (We will survey your results in class, and I want a diverse set of quotes, and if wikipedia is allowed then a large majority of you will likely send in the same quote. Please also do not look for quotes in the materials for this course.)

This assignment is due by noon on Sunday, Feb 7. (Complete assignments get an A; others get an F.)