A lot of the questions come from the homework --- sometimes the same question, sometimes closely related.

Some of the questions ask you to describe distinctions we drew in class, or theories we discussed in class. For example (these may or may not be on the test) we distinguished between attitudinal and sensory pleasure, and between conscious and unconscious mental representations, and between several different versions of the bias toward the near... we talked about several theories of time, several versions of hedonism, several hypotheses about subjective duration.

Some of the questions are about arguments we spent a lot of time on in class that did not necessarily make it into the HW. For example we talked about several arguments that the bias toward the near is irrational, and about several arguments that welfare hedonism is false, several arguments against the block universe...

I’d recommend you really have the distinctions and theories down, if you know them you'll be fine on the parts about the arguments. [There is no question of the form "write down argument X."]