More on Hedonism, the Shape of a Life, Narrativity, and Redemption


SENSORY Welfare Hedonism:


"Attitudinal" Welfare Hedonism:


"Both lives contain ten years of marital strife followed by contentment; but let us suppose that in the former, you regard your first ten years of marriage as a dead loss, whereas in the former you regard them as the foundation of your happiness. The bad times are just as bad in both lives, but in one they are cast off and in the other they are redeemed" (65-66).


Velleman: "structural" features of a life make a difference to overall welfare.

Question: What structural features?

One proposal: narrative structure. " event's place in the story of one's life lends it a meaning that isn't entirely determined by its impact on one's well-being at the time...And the event's meaning is what determines its contribution to the value of one's life. (63)

The "narrative" theory of welfare: X's life is better (in the welfare sense) for X than Y's is for Y if and only if X's life makes for a better story than Y's.


What about the role of redemption?