About Our Floor

Welcome to Burton 2!

We are 1 of 9 floors in the MIT dorm known as Burton Conner (BC). Our floor is a tight-knit, inclusive community with a huge range of interests.

B2 is racially/ethnically diverse and LGBTQ-friendly. We specifically accommodate kosher dietary restrictions; you can find out more about our floor plan and additional accommodations here.

Considering moving to B2? Well, if you like the sound of...

...then this might just be the floor for you.

If you join us, you’ll get eXcLuSiVe aCcEsS to the following floor traditions:

And although our mascot was once the B2Knight, it is now the B2can. Squawk!


Burton 2 is made of 8 s u i t e s, connected by hallways. Each suite contains a fully-furnished kitchen, a shared bathroom, and a unique mixture of singles/doubles/triples. All our residents share a floor lounge equipped with entertainment technology! You can find the official floor plan below.

Most suites and bathrooms on B2 are gender-neutral, unless otherwise requested. Every year, 2 of the 8 suites are reserved for residents with kosher dietary restrictions (kosher dietary restrictions). These two suites are typically single-gender.

floorplan of Burton 2

You are not required to purchase a meal plan if you live in BC. Some residents will still choose to purchase one; they typically find that they do not use all of their meal swipes.

All shared spaces are regularly cleaned by our wonderful housekeeping staff. BC has elevators and will be wheelchair-accessible after completion of the renovation slated for 2020-2022.

Feel free to contact our floor chairs at burton2-chairs@mit.edu