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Heat radiation (radiate.f)

This subroutine is used for nonuniform radiation heat flux, characterized by distributed load labels of the form RxNUy, cf *RADIATE. The load label can be up to 20 characters long. In particular, y can be used to distinguish different nonuniform radiation patterns. The header and variable description is as follows:

      subroutine radiate(e,sink,temp,kstep,kinc,time,noel,npt,
     &  coords,jltyp,field,nfield,loadtype,node,area,vold,mi,
     &  iemchange)
!     user subroutine radiate
!     INPUT:
!     sink               present sink temperature
!     temp               current temperature value
!     kstep              step number
!     kinc               increment number
!     time(1)            current step time
!     time(2)            current total time
!     noel               element number
!     npt                integration point number
!     coords(1..3)       global coordinates of the integration point
!     jltyp              loading face kode:
!                        11 = face 1 
!                        12 = face 2 
!                        13 = face 3 
!                        14 = face 4 
!                        15 = face 5 
!                        16 = face 6
!     field              currently not used
!     nfield             currently not used (value = 1)
!     loadtype           load type label
!     node               currently not used
!     area               area covered by the integration point
!     vold(0..4,1..nk)   solution field in all nodes
!                        0: temperature
!                        1: displacement in global x-direction
!                        2: displacement in global y-direction
!                        3: displacement in global z-direction
!                        4: static pressure
!     mi(1)              max # of integration points per element (max
!                        over all elements)
!     mi(2)              max degree of freedomm per node (max over all
!                        nodes) in fields like v(0:mi(2))...
!     OUTPUT:
!     e(1)               magnitude of the emissivity
!     e(2)               not used; please do NOT assign any value
!     sink               sink temperature (need not be defined
!                        for cavity radiation)
!     iemchange          = 1 if the emissivity is changed during
!                        a step, else zero.

guido dhondt 2014-03-02