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Result Format

Listing of the mesh- and the nodal results format. The data are stored in fixed format. Node-, element-definitions and results might be in ascii or binary coding. The ascii format is able to store element- and node-numbers up to '99999' in the short form or up to '9999999999' in the long form. An example for the short form is shown below:

>    1Ctest             !''1C'' defines a new calc of name ''test''
>    1UDATE  26.01.2000 !''1U'' stores user job-informations
>    2C                 !''2C'' starts a block of node coordinates
> -1    1 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 ! 1. node
> -1    2 0.10000E+01 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 ! 2. node ....
> -3                    !end of the current block
>    3C                 !''3C'' starts a block of elem definitions
> -1    1    4    0    0!first elem, type of that elem is 4 (he20)
> -2    1    2    3    4   13   14   15   16    5    6    7    8 ..
> -2   12   17   18   19   20 !twenty nodes defining that element
> -1 ...
> -2 ...
> -2 ...
> -3                    !end of the current block
>    1PHID      10      !defines a parameter HID value 10
>  100CL101            !''100C'' starts a user defined result block
> -4  DISP        3    1         !Attribute Header Record (Dataset)
> -5  D1          1    2    1    0 !Component Def. Record  (Entity)
> -5  D2          1    2    2    0
> -5  D3          1    2    3    0
> -1    1 0.00000E+00 1.00000E+00 1.00000E+00  !Nodal Values
> -1    2 1.00000E+00 0.00000E+00 0.00000E+00
> -3                      !end of the current block
> 9999                    !end of data
The binary format applys only for data lines and the ``end of the current block'' line (-3), which is omitted. All other lines are the same.


root 2014-02-18