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Remarks Concerning NETGEN
It is not necessary to write the mesh in abaqus format if you use netgen as a mesher. The native netgen format (.vol) can be read by cgx (cgx -ng file.vol) as well. The netgen mesh format (.vol) includes also the surface-patches which were defined by the edges of the model and used for the generation of the volume-mesh. This patches can be used to define boundary conditions or loads. The nodes and faces of this patches are stored in sets named ``+set[nr]''. To get an overview over the patches type ``prnt se''. To see were the patches are located type ``plot f all'' and use the ``PAGE_DOWN''-key to scan through all sets.
A netgen surface mesh can be written based on the faces of elements. The faces of hex, tet, quad and tria elements are triangulated and written in the stand-alone netgen mesher format ( This mesher can be found in the netgen sub-directory nglib and is named ng_vol. It will create tet4 elements which use and keep the shape of the provided tri3 elements.
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