F-32 - Clear Customer Account (with or without Residual Items)

Customer accounts must be cleared after credit memos are posted to them (and under some other circumstances). Otherwise debits and credits remain as open items on the customer accounts. Clearing allows items to age properly.

Accounts should be cleared even if debits and credits are not equal. This type of clearing results in "residual" debit or credit items. Clearing without residuals is described by steps 1 - 3 below; clearing with residuals requires steps 1 - 6.
  1. Get started (SAP menu path, fast path)
  2. Clear customer: header data
  3. Clear customer: process open item
  4. Clear customer: residual items
  5. Clear customer: display overview
  6. Clear customer: correct customer item

1. Get Started

2. Clear customer: header data

Clear account: select customer

Account (customer number: MIT ID#, SSN#, or 7xxxxxxxxx)

3. Clear customer: process open items

  1. Select items to clear:

    USD Gross (make sure line item amounts to clear display in blue; double click on item to go from black to blue or vice versa)

    Select items to clear

    Notes: Amounts that are NOT to be cleared should display in black. Document numbers for invoices usually begin with "18"; document numbers for credit memos usually begin with "16".

  2. Review editing status:
  3. Assigned, Not assigned (System generated; when amounts to clear are in blue, the Assigned and Not assigned amounts in Edit Status box should equal zero, as shown below)

    Editing status, part 1 Editing status, part 2

  4. Are Assigned and Not assigned amounts equal to zero?

4. Clear customer: residual items

  1. Select Residual items tab.

    Clear customer: residual items

  2. Select items to clear:

    Net amount (In Net amount column, make sure that all debit and credit amounts to clear display in blue, as shown above; amounts for items NOT to clear should display in black.)
    Note: Double click on an amount to cycle between blue and black.

  3. Review editing status:

    Assigned, Not assigned (System generated; the Assigned amount is the customer's residual debit or credit; the Not assigned amount is the department's residual debit or credit.)
    Editing status, part 1 Editing status, part 2

  4. Type residual amount next to open item:

    Residual items (for debit balance, type Assigned amount next to most recent/appropriate invoice amount, shown below; for credit balance, type Assigned amount next to most recent/appropriate credit amount)

    Residual items

  5. Write down original document # and MMYY of Posting Date associated with residual debit/credit.

    For example, 1800084951 and 03/2001 (see above). You need this data in step 6.

  6. or ENTER (then continue with step 5).

    In Editing Status box, the Assigned and Not assigned amounts now equal zero (not shown).

5. Clear customer: display overview

  1. From menu bar, select Document => Simulate

    Document simulate

  2. For residual customer credit, double click on credit item; for residual customer debit, click on debit item.

6. Clear customer: correct customer item

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