1998 list of attendees

  1. Parviz Dousti, dousti+@andrew.cmu.edu
  2. Walter Wong, wcw+@CMU.EDU
  3. Derrick J Brashear, shadow+@andrew.cmu.edu
  4. Joseph L Jackson, jackson+@CMU.EDU
  5. Gregory M Diskin, diskin+@andrew.cmu.edu
  6. Samuel R Weiler, srw+@CMU.EDU
  7. Sean Goller, shon+@andrew.cmu.edu
  8. Ryan Troll, ry+@CMU.EDU
  9. Jeffrey Hutzelman, jhutz@cmu.edu
  10. Michael Oltz, mdo1@cornell.edu
  11. Laurie Collinsworth, ljc1@cornell.edu
  12. Jeanmarie Lucker, jlucker@stanford.edu
  13. Bob Morgan, bob.morgan@stanford.edu
  14. Sylvan Clebsch, sylvan@stanford.edu
  15. Russ Allbery (rra@stanford.edu)
  16. Nadine Foster (nadinef@stanford.edu)
  17. torg@stanford.edu (Tim Torgenrud)
  18. charles antonelli, cja@umich.edu
  19. kevin coffman, kwc@umich.edu
  20. gavin eadie, gavin@umich.edu
  21. Tom Coppeto, tom@mit.edu
  22. Paul Hill, pbh@mit.edu
  23. Jonathon Weiss, jweiss@MIT.EDU
  24. vkumar@MIT.EDU (Vijay Kumar), Thursday, 9-12am for a new initiatives/academic space talk.
  25. thorne@MIT.EDU (Scott Thorne), talk on data management issues on Wednesday from 11-12noon.
  26. Bob Mahoney, bobmah@MIT.EDU, Tuesday the 14th, from 3:15-4:30.
  27. Bill Cattey, wdc@mit.edu
  28. and many others drifting in and out ...