Category U: International organization (UN, legal, public opinion)
Phase 3 Factors

3U-01  The UN begins to assert itself strongly
3U-02 The UN does not assert itself strongly
3U-03 The UN presses for an immediate cease fire
3U-04 The adversaries agree to a UN cease fire resolution
3U-05 "Non-status quo" side is anxious to see the conflict in the UN
3U-06 "Status quo" side is anxious to see the conflict in the UN
3U-07 The UN actively seeks a political formula to end the hostilities
3U-08 The UN Secretary General urges restraint on both sides
3U-09 UN Security Council membership favors end to hostilities and negotiated settlement
3U-10 UN Security Council adopts a resolution calling for a ceasefire
3U-11 A great power vetoes UN Security Council resolution
3U-12 UN General Assembly is convened under the Uniting for Peace resolution
3U-13 UN General Assembly declines to place question on its agenda
3U-14 UN General Assembly favors end to hostilities
3U-15 UN General Assembly discusses the conflict but takes no action
3U-16 The UN creates a body to make an on-the-spot report and facilitate negotiations
3U-17 A UN body condemns those aiding "non-status quo"
3U-18 A UN body condemns those aiding "status quo"
3U-19 UN agrees to send a peacekeeping force to the area
3U-20 Plans for a UN force are elaborated and contingents committed
3U-21 UN force's mandate supports objectives of "non-status quo" side
3U-22 UN force's mandate supports objectives of "status quo" side
3U-23 Regional organization to which sides belong offers to mediate
3U-24 One side withdraws from international organization

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Copyright © 1999 Lincoln P. Bloomfield and Allen Moulton