118LSF10 Jul 2015 09:06
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ATIEP2730129OEP200302921956Method for transmitting data including an error control mechanism designated for unreliable networks and error resilience applicationsINCITS 256;NCIjEP3701431=EP20030701431\rOPTICAL CONNECTORAndiamo T11; X3; NCITSkEP3701632o=EP20030701632]&SOFT HANDOFF FOR OFDMAndiamo T11b n<,EP4725717&?EP20040725717};SYSTEM FOR BROADCASTING ADVERTISEMENTSAndrew CorporationSCTE IPS SP 00vEP4798406?EP20040798406MMETHOD TO DETERMINE PRECODING-WEIGHTS BASED ON CHANNEL STATE INFORMATION IN A MIMO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMT13!EP5107717AEP20050107717лExchange and use of globally unique device identifyers for circuit-switched and packet switched integrationT13!EP5107717AEP20050107717лExchange and use of globally unique device identifyers for circuit-switched and packet switched integrationT13EP6113364BEP20060113364 m5Multi-layered enveloped method and system for push content metadataT13EP6113368BEP20060113368&4Registration method and apparatus for push content deliveryAppleT13EP1956016R;EP20010956016 AvTECHNIQUES FOR PERFORMING UMTS-AUTHENTICATION USING SIP (SESSION INITIATION PROTOCOL) MESSAGEST133EP5732795@EP20050732795DIFFERENTIAL FORWARDING IN ADDRESS-BASED CARRIER NETWORKSAppleT13,RREP77055554CEP200707055555*IAPPARATUS, METHOD AND COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT PROVIDING FAST AND RELIABLE UPLINK SYNCHRONIZATION USING DEDICATED RESOURCES FOR USER EQUIPMENT IN NEED OF SYNCHRONIZATIONINCITS 397EP7734279fCEP20070734279-MANAGING CONNECTIONS IN A MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORKArrayComATISEP7734279fCEP20070734279-MANAGING CONNECTIONS IN A MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORKAT&T X3.110EP6006542AEP20060006542FM.Transmission rate control method, mobile station and radio network controllerX3.110(EP6014304`BEP200600143046B6Channel quality indicator for time, frequency and spatial channel in terrestrial radio access networkT1.4034EP6779599BEP20060779599rݍMETHOD OF ENHANCING VOICE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN A GROUP OF USERS IN A NETWORKT1.403A"EP7733555\CEP20070733555L 5 .A METHOD OF INDICATING MOBILE STATION CAPABILITY TO A NETWORKAT&TT1.4030%EP97927692X5EP19970927692 wMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PROVIDING DIVERSITY IN HARD HANDOFF FOR A CDMA SYSTEMT1Y1; ATIS; T1+EP40114289EP20000401142< Y|Radio telecommunications system with reduced delays for data transmission T1.310_1EP40070579EP20040007057< Y|Radio telecommunications system with reduced delays for data transmission T1.310B5EP5713325]@EP20050713325uMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR LOOKING UP CONFIGURATION INFORMATION FOR A NETWORK NODE T1.3105EP5763287@EP20050763287cARRANGEMENT AND METHOD RELATING TO HANDLING OF IP TRAFFICAT&T T1.3106EP5799607hAEP20050799607Y]METHOD FOR PRIORITY BASED QUEUING AND ASSEMBLING OF PACKETSAT&T T1.310pEEP89101118w)EP19890101118! /YCellular telephone system with shared radio data channelsAT&T T1.310OEP1909724:EP20010909724+|ACCESS SYSTEM FOR A CELLULAR NETWORKAT&T T1.310[EP3293247>EP20030293247'5 8Method of address managementAT&TT1.104cEP4005644 ?EP20040005644:qN#Methods and computer program product for reducing unwanted and unsolicited electronic messagesT1.104hEP4714760>EP20040714760mAMethod for transmitting data in a radio communication networkAT&TT1.104uEP5735639@EP20050735639LBMETHOD FOR PERFORMING MEASUREMENTS BY A MOBILE STATION OF A RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, CORRESPONDING MOBILE STATION, AND UNIT FOR A RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMT1.221&{EP6006544AEP20060006544QV.Transmission rate control method, mobile station, and radio base station T1.413|EP92913505B.EP19920913505V)p{VARIABLE RATE VOCODERAT&TX3T9.5;X3.263&EP97403003#6EP199704030035:7Data transmission frame and method and device for sending and receiving such a frameX3T9.5EP1979223:EP20010979223oSEMERGENCY CALL IN A PACKET SWITCHED WIRELESS COMMUNICATION NETWORK T1.111KEP6800032`BEP2006080003213METHODS AND COMPOSITIONS FOR TREATING OPHTHALMIC CONDITIONS VIA SERUM RETINOL, SERUM RETINOL BINDING PROTEIN (RBP), AND/OR SERUM RETINOL-RBP MODULATIONT1.637tEP7108288CEP20070108288^xCAMethod of setting up virtual private networks and remote access controlTIA/EIA-492E00fEP2725954mEP20030750325ߍMETHOD FOR PERMANENT REDUNDANT TRANSMISSION OF DATA TELEGRAMS IN COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS T1.2213EP5076187f8EP20050076187 }A method for improving performances of a mobile radiocommunication system using a power control algorithm TIA 663EP5255164AEP200502551648Policing networksAT&TTIA/EIA 136fEP5792491DAEP20050792491+METHOD FOR CARRYING OUT A PROTECTED FUNCTION OF AN ELECTRICAL FIELD DEVICE, AND AN ELECTRICAL FIELD DEVICET1.521e7EP92107524l%EP19920107524KtRMethod and apparatus for controlling a TDM communication deviceT&TT1.724 EP969435054EP199609435055qMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ACCESSAT&TT1.724.EP9894391137EP19980943911wtMETHOD OF IMPLEMENTING MACRODIVERSITYAT&TT1.724EP1307304p;EP20010307304ӚPreamble design for multicarrier transmission over channels with multiple inputs and outputsT1.724EP1401287;EP20010401287 Transmit power control for base stations in macro-diversityAT&TT1.724EP93117819EP20000931178X䠥A METHOD OF CONTROLLING POWERAT&TT1.724YEP9662482":EP20000966248ʢMETHOD, SYSTEM, DEVICE FOR PROVING AUTHENTICITY OF AN ENTITY OR INTEGRITY OF A MESSAGE T1E1;T1.427.02R'EP4769525?EP20040769525oMETHOD AND SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING MOBILITY IN A COMMUNICATION NETWORK, RELATED NETWORK AND COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT THEREFOR X9.45H;EP6818480BEP20060818480->AEDGE NODE FOR A NETWORK DOMAINBankers Trust X9.45LcEP1008283"9EP20000100828Apparatus and method for digital wireless communicationsBankers Trust X9.451yEP1985938;EP20010985938 /AUTHENTICATION IN DATA COMMUNICATIONBell Atlantic Network Services Inc. T1.105EP4008434(?EP20040008434Optical power limiterBell Atlantic Network Services Inc.J-STD 014;J-ST-EP5028682AEP200500286828A&Method and apparatus for signalling control information of uplink packet data service in mobile telecommunication system T1.413ѾEP6016720;>EP20060016720Method of transmitting/receiving control message in a mobile communication system providing multimedia broadcast/multicast service T1.413DEP60264954AEP200600264956ݨMethod for indicating cell selection when a session is stopped in amultimedia broadcast/multicast service systemeeX3 1213-D HippcEP7013313BEP20070013313R1Method and apparatus for reporting inter-frequency measurement using RACH message in a mobile communicaiton systemeeX3 1213-D HippsEP7013903@EP200700139035m Method and apparatus for performing non-scheduled transmission in a mobile communication system for supporting E-DCHM1/03-0166;INCeEP7020229AEP20070020229ZMethod and apparatus for distinguishing between services of all frequency bands and specific frequency band T1.601eEP7020229AEP20070020229ZMethod and apparatus for distinguishing between services of all frequency bands and specific frequency band T1.601SEP86900480%EP19860900480gMADAPTIVE METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CODING SPEECHBT Group T1.601SEP86900480%EP19860900480gMADAPTIVE METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CODING SPEECHBT Group TIAsEP86903722l%EP19860903722gRTDM COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR EFFICIENT SPECTRUM UTILIZATIONBroadcom Corporation T1.427.01EP87110177H'EP19870110177'i]TRANSPONDER USEFUL IN A SYSTEM FOR IDENTIFYING OBJECTSBronius GaizauskasMH-59EP90122429,EP19900122429tbOptical connectorBrocade Communications SystemsInc. T10EP91117397V-EP19910117397GwI/tDynamic bit allocation subband excited transform coding method and apparatusications SystemsInc. T11EP91905041}+EP19910905041Px9gDIGITAL SPEECH CODER HAVING IMPROVED SUB-SAMPLE RESOLUTION LONG-TERM PREDICTORations SystemsInc.INCITS 427-EP93904649//EP199309046498>METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR THE ARRANGEMENT OF VOCODER DATA FOR THE MASKING OF TRANSMISSION CHANNEL INDUCED ERRORSX3.105;X3.106;g%EP81062469EP20000810624==fConnector part for optical connectionCast Connection HoldingsANSI/AISC 358-<&EP95083779EP20000950837ǡ#eIMPROVED FRAME STRUCTURE FOR AN ADAPTIVE MODULATION WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMX9.62/(EP11158803;EP20010115880" |Socket and plug for an optical connectorCiena CorporationINCITS 414; IN_)EP1402441;EP20010402441Terminal suitable for being powered locally and remotely through a local networkINCITS 414(+EP1963303r;EP20010963303M zMETHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ESTIMATING ARTIFICIAL HIGH BAND SIGNAL IN SPEECH CODEClyNCITS 340v+EP1967393;EP20010967393+DEFINING CONTEXT IDENTIFIER IN HEADER FIELD COMPRESSIONCisco Systems Inc.T1A1.2/2003-05+EP1973497;EP20010973497x METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR UPLINK SCHEDULING OF PACKET DATA TRAFFIC IN WIRELESS SYSTEMT1S1.7;ATIS,EP20094672EP20020009467`Method and apparatus for selecting an encoding rate in a variable rate vocoderc.T1S1;ATIS`3EP32920078>EP2003029200714 A method for dynamic allocation of codes to a base stationCisco Systems Inc.TIA-10013EP3425632i>EP200304256327 Sending of information (NACK) from a subscriber terminal with respect to the reception of a data packet in a point-to-multipoint radio transmission systemQ.1980.1;ATIS-U4EP3740973>EP20030740973oSYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING PARTIAL PRESENCE NOTIFICATIONSCisco Systems1588/D1.28EP4253938|?EP20040253938@!$Methods and apparatus for automatically recording push-to-talk (PTT) voice communications T11, INCITS 41e=EP5017923AEP20050017923X8Deactivation method of multimedia broadcast multicast service and related deviceINCITS 432; INKEP98953071w7EP19980953071HLEADLESS FREE-CUTTING COPPER ALLOYClariPhy INCITS 1647LEP99934770g8EP19990934770b METHOD FOR CONTROLLING TRANSMISSION POWER IN WCDMA SYSTEMClariphy T11LEP99935888p8EP19990935888œWMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INBAND SIGNALING CONTROL OF VOCODER BYPASSn Air Interface TIA/EIA 663;CAMEP999702478EP19990970247NINTELLIGENT NETWORK SERVICES IN PACKET-SWITCHED NETWORKCommScopeTIA/EIA-568-B.`EP57835166AEP20050783516>;&MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, WIRELESS CONTROL STATION, WIRELESS BASE STATION, MOBILE STATION, AND MOBILE COMMUNICATION METHODX3 Project 200tEP993075268EP19990307526QjCommunication systemCompaqX3T13/D96122r0pEP2799444Multiresolution transmission, in particular for multicarrier systemsINCITS 397LEP9169659]9EP2000091696531%|METHOD, SYSTEM AND TERMINAL DEVICE FOR ACTIVATING A PACKET DATA SUBSCRIBER CONTEXT FOR PACKET DATA X9.24 Part 2EP9727040,:EP200009727041|CONNECTION RELEASE IN A TWO-LAYER COMMUNICATION NETWORKDiebold X9.24 Part 2ZEP9920771t:EP2000099207722VϖLOCATION OF A MOBILE STATION IN A TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMDiebold X9.24B EP1401498!;EP200104014983Method for controlling the transmission power in a mobile radio communication system X9.24 EP1923745:EP200109237454镂SUBSCRIBER AUTHENTICATIONDiebold X9.249 EP1997926;EP20010997926;6tSYSTEM AND METHOD FOR THE PARALLEL TRANSMISSION OF REAL-TIME CRITICAL AND NON REAL-TIME CRITICAL DATA VIA SWITCHED DATA NETWORKS, ESPECIALLY ETHERNETPH5.1 EP2017963 0EP20020017963 >Heirarchical transmission with multicarrier modulation and error correction codingyPH5.1 EP2253038dEP20030396095<4Method for transferring GPRS data packets from different PDP contexts according to their relative priority PH1.55;PH1.56;EP4002009>EP20040002009>Lead-free copper alloy and use thereofEastman Kodak Company PH1.55;PH1.56;EP4009384 0EP20040009384 >Multicarrier transmission with variable symbol part and guard intervalKodak Company PH1.55;PH1.56;EP4009385 0EP20040009385 >Multicarrier transmission with variable symbol part and guard intervalKodak Company PH1.14 1993EP4026902@EP200400269027Method and apparatus for transporting a client layer signal over an optical transport network (OTN)I3A IT.10.7466(EP82107529I EP19820107529M%]METHOD OF ACCESSING TRANSMISSION CHANNELS OF AN INFORMATION TRANSMISSION SYSTEMpanyI3A IT10.7466)EP83201765,"EP19830201765MOP^METHOD AND CONTROL DEVICE FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE VOLUME OF TRAFFIC AMONG DIFFERENT CONTROL CHANNELS OF A RADIO NETWORK PH1.14)EP83201766,"EP19830201766MNP^METHOD AND CONTROL DEVICE FOR THE DISTRIBUTION OF THE VOLUME OF TRAFFIC AMONG DIFFERENT CONTROL CHANNELS OF A RADIO NETWORKCEA-909)EP83201767,"EP19830201767MMP^METHOD AND CONTROLLING DEVICE FOR THE SELECTION OF AN ORGANIZATION CHANNEL IN A MOBILE RADIO STATION OF A RADIO TRANSMISSION SYSTEM INCITS 414, IN)EP83201768,"EP19830201768MP^MONITORING AN EXISTING RADIO LINK BETWEEN A FIXED AND A MOBILE RADIO STATIONTOLEC)EP83902481!EP19830902481MgDATA SIGNALLING SYSTEMEquitable Equipmentee*)EP85902748&$EP19850902748M0tA TWO WAY PERSONAL MESSAGE SYSTEM WITH EXTENDED COVERAGE.Ericsson JSTD 007;070078)EP86200724%EP19860200724N_INTEGRATED SERVICES RADIO TRANSMISSION SYSTEMEricsson JSTD-014A)EP86201267%EP19860201267NR_RADIO TRANSMISSION SYSTEM WITH A VARIABLE TIME SLOT DURATION IN A TIME DIVISION MULTIPLEX FRAME JSTD-014aQ)EP87200545&EP19870200545N<`METHOD AND CONTROL CIRCUIT FOR THE SELECTION OF A SERVICE CHANNEL IN A MOBILE RADIO STATION PN-3388;JSTD 0)EP91201355,EP19910201355!I=}Method for determining equalization delays in a transmission system and related transmission system SP 3386;J-STD-)EP91870197-EP19910870197!B}Time slot management systemEricsson SP 3387;J-STD-)EP92118663.EP19920118663NUWbMethod for decoding binary signalsEricsson SP 3520;JSTD 0)EP92121870 /EP19920121870N5kbArrangement for wireless connection between private branch exchanges.n TIA/EIA 136~*EP94111479M1EP19940111479O cRadio system with permanent adaptation to need in capacity through command of sender and receiverTIA 136-122-B*EP942007390EP19940200739 `}Method for forming groups of communication terminals in a trunked radio systemTIA 136-220*EP942007390EP19940200739 `}Method for forming groups of communication terminals in a trunked radio systemTIA 136-230*EP94401946v1EP199404019469OT4Channel sharing method using controlled time slot stealing in a multiplexed radio communication system, terminal and infrastructure thereforTIA 136-290*EP944021601EP19940402160:OT7Filling burst structure in a digital TDMA cellular radiocommunication system, and base station for the elaboration of this structure +EP952018992EP19950201899n;o}Capacity allocation for OFDMEricsson TIA 136-035-A+EP952022442EP19950202244o}Method for interleaving data frames, forward error correcting device and modulator including such a device TIA 136-100-b+EP964023934EP19960402393o}Method to synchronise data transmission between a receiver and a transmitter TIA 136-142+EP964023944EP19960402394p}Method to transparently transport an incoming clock signal over a network segment, and related transmitter and receiver unit TIA 136-150-B+EP964024134EP19960402413t!}Initialisation protocol for adaptive data rates, and related transceiver TIA 136-310-A+EP964400954EP19960440095OvInternetworking central for mobile radio networkEricsson TIA 136-320],EP97401422t5EP19970401422{PA time slot management method and apparatusEricsson TIA 136-330`,EP974015625EP19970401562"}Time multiplexing method, and related arrangements to be used in a central station and network terminals of a communications network TIA 136-331,EP9795021166EP19970950211PMultiresolution transmission, particularly for multicarrier systemsson TIA 136-900oEP1146925j/EP20000114692 Multiresolution transmission with multicarrier signalsEricsson TIA 136-932oEP1146956j/EP20000114695 Multiresolution transmission with multicarrier signalsEricssoneeJ-STD-038;TIA/oEP1146996j/EP20000114699 Multiresolution transmission and error correction coding with multicarrier modulationeeRIA/EIA/IS-200oEP1147006j/EP20000114700 Multiresolution transmission and error correction coding with multicarrier signalseeTIA/EIA 895oEP1147026j/EP20000114702 Multiresolution transmission, in particular with multicarrier signalsneeTIA/EIA-124-DyEP3009280j/EP20030009280 Multiresolution transmissionEricssoneeTIA/EIA-126-DyEP3009281j/EP20030009281 Multiresolution transmission and error correction coding with multicarrier signalseeTIA/EIA-41-E;TyEP3009282j/EP20030009282 Multiresolution transmission with multicarrier modulationEricssoneeTIA/EIA-637-A}EP3808111k>EP20030808111ŵSYSTEMATIC ENCODING AND DECODING OF CHAIN REACTION CODESEricssoneeTIA/EIA-637-BFEP4768966?EP20040768966DIMPROVED MIMO COMMUNICATIONSEricssoneeTIA/EIA-93-B;AEP4795444?EP20040795444<'METHOD OF COMMUNICATING SIGNALING MESSAGESEricssoneeTIA/EIA-96-C;A,EP5017756_3EP20050017756ؑOFDM communication devices using pseudo random modulated reference symbolseeTIA/EIA-97-D-EP5017862p7EP20050017862!Identification systemEricssoneeTIA/EIA-98-DEP5812772VAEP200508127720?l(ONE TIME PASSWORDEricssoneeTIA/EIA/IS 807EP93300919=/EP19930300919'z@SMigration communication control deviceEricssoneeTIA/EIA/IS 812US69726307mCUS20070697263`ss_Signaling over cellular networks to reduce the Wi-Fi energy consumption of mobile deviceseeTIA/EIA/IS 837US69735207nCUS20070697352g3VGSystem and method for correlating messages within a wireless transactioneeTIA/EIA/IS 838US89787707DUS20070897877 _Determining a channel matrix by measuring interferenceEricssoneeTIA/EIA/IS-127US8858906BUS20060088589(\OBPilot scheme for a MIMO communication systemEricssoneeTIA/EIA/IS-127US96417307vDUS20070964173`ss_Signaling over cellular networks to reduce the Wi-Fi energy consumption of mobile deviceseeTIA/EIA/IS-200PUS5580208DUS20080055802+ _Discontinuous reception method and apparatus of user equipment in a mobile communication systemeeTIA/EIA/IS-200H US69760907nCUS200706976094_Streaming of templates and data records in individual streams using a multistream protocoleeTIA/EIA/IS-200"US55279706BUS20060552797 X;Efficient frame retransmission in a wireless communication environmenteeTIA/EIA/IS-200EP1035316B9EP20000103531>BxMethod for transmission of packet switched data in a radio communication systemeeTIA/EIA/IS-200EP10956169EP200001095614|Updating of manufacturer specific harware informations at the manufacturer independent OMC-NMC interface of a mobile radio networkeeTIA/EIA/IS-6589EP11623069EP20000116230, axScoop-proof plug connector systemEricssoneeTIA/EIA/IS-683EP11631567EP20000116315E]Method and apparatus for media data transmissionEricssoneeTIA/EIA/IS-728EP1192186 :EP20000119218j#|Method for the selection of transmission entitiesEricssoneeTIA/EIA/IS-786EP12021362EP20000120213I_Internal temperature regulation of subscriber terminalEricssoneeTIA/EIA/IS-833EP12021462EP20000120214I_Ringing signal generatorEricssoneeTIA/EIA/IS-841g EP2031096 :EP20000203109 ڱ|A method and a device for objective speech quality assessment without reference signaleeTIA/EIA/IS-847EP3013036B9EP20000301303#dߍInterleaving method, interleaving apparatus, turbo encoding method, and turbo encodereeTIA/EIA/IS-856EP3030566w9EP20000303056F?Rate matching and channel interleaving for a communications systemssoneeTIA/EIA/IS-870"EP30456869EP2000030456845Mobile telecommunications systemEricssoneeTIA/EIA/IS-8752EP3093816<:EP20000309381$C#iMethods and systems for providing access to stored audio data over a networkeeTIA/EIA/IS-8803EP3096186B:EP20000309618iMethod and system for making wireless terminal profile information accessible to a networkeeTIA/EIA/IS-8903EP3096196B:EP20000309619B{}lMethod and apparatus for acquiring and storing data in association with a mode annotationeeTIA/EIA/TSB-583EP3096197B:EP20000309619B{}lMethod and apparatus for acquiring and storing data in association with a mode annotation DMIS;CAM-ICEP4025288:EP20000402528r#|Network system, method and server for data transferFarigntonX4DEP40285293:EP20000402852GȟMethod for remote feeding of a terminal in a local area networkieldbus FoundationANSI/ISA 50.02JEP46004609EP20000460046Q4Method for configuring a telecommunication systemX9 X9.59ZEP90115519EP20000901155 E TRANSPORTING QoS MAPPING INFORMATION IN A PACKET RADIO NETWORKFirst DataX9.59 \EP9016342#9EP20000901634E ЃCONTROLLED DATA NETWORK ERROR RECOVERYFiteleeTIA-455-220-AT`EP90349939EP20000903499-4etxMETHOD FOR SWITCHING A COMMUNICATIONS LINK TO ANOTHER CHANNEL (HANDOVER)ectronic2017-A`EP903726499EP20000903726>焂METHOD FOR INFORMING LAYERS OF A PROTOCOL STACK ABOUT THE PROTOCOL IN USEemiconductor Inc. INCITS 413bEP9044105%9EP20000904410G /]TECHNIQUES FOR PERMITTING ACCESS ACROSS A CONTEXT BARRIER ON A SMALL FOOTPRINT DEVICE USING AN ENTRY POINT OBJECTPH1.14 1993bEP9044136%9EP20000904413G /]TECHNIQUES FOR PERMITTING ACCESS ACROSS A CONTEXT BARRIER ON A SMALL FOOTPRINT DEVICE USING RUN TIME ENVIRONMENT PRIVILEGES ISA S50.02 dEP9050876>9EP20000905087H `HEADER COMPRESSION IN REAL TIME SERVICESFUJIFILM Corporation ISA S50.02hmEP9091877@9EP20000909187 METHOD OF GENERATING AND/OR DETECTING SYNCHRONIZATION SEQUENCES, SYNCHRONIZATION METHOD, TRANSMITTER UNIT AND RECEIVER UNITT1.105.08mEP9093827S9EP20000909382 L bDATA TRANSMISSION METHOD AND RADIO LINK SYSTEMFujitsuT1.105.08!rEP9111818j9EP20000911181ϔ[`INTRA-ROW PERMUTATION FOR TURBOCODEGatewayATA/ATAPI T13/vEP913337829EP20000913337N ]ZERO OVERHEAD EXCEPTION HANDLINGGatewayATA/ATAPI T13/.~EP9168079Z9EP20000916807P xMETHOD FOR ADAPTING THE MODE OF OPERATION OF A MULTI-MODE CODEC TO THE CHANGING CONDITIONS OF RADIO TRANSMISSION IN A CDMA MOBILE RADIO NETWORKANSI C78.1-197C~EP9168369?9EP20000916836 METHOD FOR FORMING AND DETERMINING A SIGNAL SEQUENCE, METHOD OF SYNCHRONIZATION, TRANSMITTER UNIT AND RECEIVER UNITANSI C78.1-197~EP9169790a9EP20000916979ت4}DATA TRANSMISSION WITH INTERLEAVING AND SUBSEQUENT RATE MATCHING BY PUNCTURING OR REPETITION C12.13-1991;C1DEP92078409EP20000920784S ۉLOCATION MANAGEMENT FOR CELLULAR SYSTEMSGE C12.13-1991;C1EP92111209EP20000921112MULTIPLEXING METHOD AND MULTIPLEXING DEVICE, AND DATA SIGNAL TRANSMISSION METHOD AND DATA SIGNAL TRANSMISSION DEVICE C12.13-1991;C1EP9214200c9EP20000921420JաWEIGHTED OPEN LOOP POWER CONTROL IN A TIME DIVISION DUPLEX COMMUNICATION SYSTEM C12.13-1991;C1EP9220360w9EP20000922036T USING GAIN-ADAPTIVE QUANTIZATION AND NON-UNIFORM SYMBOL LENGTHS FOR AUDIO CODING C12.13-1991;C1vEP9226431}9EP20000922643n͍INTELLIGENT DATA NETWORK ROUTERGEANSI C12.13-195EP9269641}9EP20000926964cDISCONTINUOUS TRANSMISSION CDMA SYSTEMGEANSI C12.13-19EP93083019EP20000930830nkVPRIORITIZATION AND FLOW CONTROL OF DATA PACKETS FOR A SPREAD SPECTRUM MULTIUSER CHANNELANSI C12.13-19YEP9310191r9EP20000931019[4xSYNCHRONIZATION METHOD FOR BASE STATIONSGEANSI C12.13-19EP93496219EP20000934962aˊRADIO TERMINAL FOR BROWSING THE INTERNETGEANSI C12.13-194EP93554829EP20000935548LDATA TRANSMISSION METHOD, DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEM, SENDING DEVICE AND RECEIVING DEVICEHL7EP93674429EP20000936744] pA METHOD OF AND APPARATUS FOR ESTIMATING A CHARACTERISTIC OF A SIGNALHL73EP93693239EP20000936932METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR CHOOSING A CHANNEL CODING AND INTERLEAVING SCHEME FOR CERTAIN TYPES OF PACKET DATA CONNECTIONSHL7EP94263939EP20000942639=a sbMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR BANDWIDTH ALLOCATIONGEHL7ɲEP94367449EP20000943674xMETHOD AND SYSTEM FOR VERIFYING THE AUTHENTICITY OF A FIRST COMMUNICATION PARTICIPANT IN A COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK TIAEP94408659EP20000944086_b METHOD OF IDENTIFYING INFORMATION ADDRESSED TO A USER IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, AND A COMMUNICATION SYSTEMTIA/EIA IS-683gEP94478969EP20000944789bdMETHOD FOR GENERATING PREAMBLE SEQUENCES IN A CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS SYSTEMc. T1E1.4;T1.427.7EP94934279EP20000949342e )VIDEO CODINGHewlett-Packard X3.39EP95135989EP20000951359Q}TRANSMIT DIVERSITY TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER FOR RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMSdX3T11/95-257(EP95157699EP20000951576TdMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSFERRING VIDEO FRAME IN TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM HIPPI 6400IEP95162209EP20000951622g DMETHOD FOR IDENTIFYING ELECTRONIC LABELS BY ADAPTIVE ROUNDSHewlett-Packard INCITS Project8EP95308709EP20000953087h METHOD AND SYSTEM TO SYNCHRONIZE MOBILE UNITS TO A BASE TRANSCEIVER STATIONrd INCITS ProjectEP95326619EP20000953266HwƲCODING METHOD AND DEVICE WITH AT LEAST TWO PARALLEL CODING STEPS AND IMPROVED PERMUTATION, AND CORRESPONDING DECODING METHOD AND DEVICE NCITS Project EP95462929EP20000954629 ْ|COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND METHOD PROVIDING A MODE SELECTION PROCEDUREt-Packard NCITS 1245-D;NxEP95563639EP20000955636^j g{gTRANSMISSION USING AN ANTENNA ARRAY IN A CDMA COMMUNICATION SYSTEMett PackardT10.EP95605039EP20000956050j ۽xSYSTEM AND METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING DATA, ESPECIALLY BETWEEN A USER PROGRAMME AND A SERVER PROGRAMME IN THE FIELD OF AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY WITH DISTRIBUTED OBJECTST10.EP95605039EP20000956050j ۽xSYSTEM AND METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING DATA, ESPECIALLY BETWEEN A USER PROGRAMME AND A SERVER PROGRAMME IN THE FIELD OF AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY WITH DISTRIBUTED OBJECTST10,EP95828049EP20000958280#+A METHOD OF SELECTING A NEW CELLHewlett-PackardEP9585485 :EP20000958548{l #ALLOCATION OF RADIO RESOURCES FROM A NETWORK IN A PACKET SWITCHED DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEM T13&EP9596866:EP20000959686>m gMETHOD AND SYSTEM FOR REDUCING PILOT SEARCH TIMES UTILIZING MOBILE STATION LOCATION INFORMATIONE1.17, E1.200EP9606807:EP20000960680m LAUNCHING APPLICATION FROM EMBEDDED INDICATOR IN SHORT MESSAGE SERVICE MESSAGEn E1.11, E1.17, .EP96571585:EP20000965715q }COAXIAL PLUG CONNECTORHitachi LtdX3B11EP9662469":EP20000966246ʢSET OF PARTICULAR KEYS FOR PROVING AUTHENTICITY OF AN ENTITY OR THE INTEGRITY OF A MESSAGEJSTD-014aEP9682710":EP20000968271r ʊ7EFFICIENT SPECTRAL ENVELOPE CODING USING VARIABLE TIME/FREQUENCY RESOLUTIONCEA-608-CEP9728880O:EP20000972888@}DETERMINATION OF THE TIME RELATION BETWEEN SPEECH SIGNALS AFFECTED BY TIME WARPINGCEA-608-C; CEAEP9733681:EP20000973368gGROUP CHAIN REACTION ENCODER WITH VARIABLE NUMBER OF ASSOCIATED INPUT DATA FOR EACH OUTPUT GROUP CODECEA 2014EP9738702=:EP200009738700#jVARIABLE RATE SPREAD SPECTRUM COMMUNICATION METHOD AND APPARATUStachi LtdCEA-909EP9740163A:EP20000974016iv iSPARSE FEEDBACK IN HIGH DELAY- LOW BANDWIDTH WIRELESS SYSTEMSHitachi LtdCEA-608-D; CEAEP9754474=:EP20000975447iMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DATA TRANSPORTATION AND SYNCHRONIZATION BETWEEN MAC AND PHYSICAL LAYERS IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMJ-STD-007;J-STEP97589456:EP20000975894'4}WIDEBAND AUDIO TRANSMISSION SYSTEMHSCIIPC 4902;IPC 4EP9789286S:EP20000978928/y %?GAIN-SMOOTHING IN WIDEBAND SPEECH AND AUDIO SIGNAL DECODERHughes Electronics Corporation - GETIA-1008EP9810896a:EP20000981089oTELECTRONIC LABEL READING SYSTEMHughes Electronics Corporation - GETIA-1040EP9811637I:EP20000981163#ixMethod and system for hierarchical network managementIBMX3.39EP9812658S:EP20000981265|z B|METHOD FOR CONTROLLING THE DATA SIGNAL WEIGHTING IN MULTI-ELEMENT TRANSCEIVERS AND CORRESPONDING DEVICES AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORKX3.66_EP9829769):EP20000982976s9lxFLEXIBLE ALLOCATION OF TRANSMISSION RESOURCES TO EXISTING LOGICAL CONNECTIONSX3.545EP9832819k:EP20000983281{ -METHOD AND DEVICE FOR DETERMINING THE QUALITY OF A SIGNALIBMX3.54 EP9864479r:EP20000986447VxlA SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR PROVIDING ADDRESS DISCOVERY OF SERVICES IN MOBILE NETWORKSX3.54 EP9870439>:EP200009870434*xMETHOD FOR THE DYNAMIC ALLOCATION OF RESOURCES IN A DIGITAL RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMX3.54 EP9870559B:EP20000987055]xMETHOD FOR SYNCHRONISING AN UPLINK SIGNAL TRANSMISSION IN A RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMX3.548 EP9871529R:EP20000987152̯4xMETHOD FOR AUTHENTICATING A RADIO COMMUNICATION NETWORK VIS-A-VIS A MOBILE STATION AND RADIO COMMUNICATION NETWORK AND MOBILE STATIONX3.54W EP9871999g:EP20000987199 ~ yMETHOD FOR PACKET-ORIENTED DATA TRANSMISSION IN A RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMX3.54EP9874579v:EP20000987457Q~ |METHOD AND SYSTEM ENABLING PREPAID SERVICE IN AN ALL-IP NETWORKBMX3.54\EP9886260R:EP20000988626~ xCOMMUNICATION SUBSCRIBER FOR COMMUNICATION WITH A FIELD BUS AND A NETWORK IBMkEP9886450Z:EP200009886452#yMETHOD FOR REPRESENTING FORMAT INDICATOR BITS IN A FRAME TO BE SENT IN COMPRESSED MODE X3.105;X3.106lEP9886460Z:EP200009886462#yMETHOD FOR REPRESENTING NON-TRANSMITTED DTX BITS IN A FRAME TO BE SENT IN COMPRESSED MODE X3.92mEP9886471Z:EP200009886472#yMETHOD FOR REPRESENTING FORMAT INDICATOR BITS IN A FRAME TO BE SENT IN COMPRESSED MODEX3.92;X3.106EP9888062v:EP20000988806G|METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ESTABLISHING A MULTIMEDIA CONNECTION BY NEGOTIATING CAPABILITY IN AN OUTBAND CONTROL CHANNELX3.110EP9898213a:EP20000989821F]yDATA TRANSMISSION IN A COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMIBMX3.192rEP9905394o:EP20000990539o yMETHOD AND SYSTEM FOR TRANSMITTING DATA AND FOR DETERMINING THE TRANSMISSION PROPERTIES IN A RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMX3.191`EP9908855>:EP20000990885-'3Method of space-time coding and corresponding transmitterIBMX3B5/93-121A9EP9917156D:EP20000991715 ۙVARIABLE LENGTH ENCODING OF COMPRESSED DATAIBMX9B9B!EP1101123:EP20010101123dBn|A method and system for referencing locations in transport telematicsX3T9.3"EP1101377:EP20010101377G]itPayment execution device for cashless payment and method for executing a cashless paymentX3T9.3L)EP1103642,EP20010103642! upSystem and method for generating signal waveforms in a CDMA cellular telephone systemX3T9.32EP1106582:EP200101065827|Method for accessing files stored in a mobile terminal device supporting an internet protocolX3T9.3P>EP1110202:EP20010110202a]|Communication system, method of communication and base stationIBMX3 T9.3v@EP1110877:EP200101108774|Method and medium for storing and accessing MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) information NCITS 317;X3T1{GEP1113029;EP20010113029d4Multicast routing method and an apparatusIBM X3T10/94-125;XJEP1114108;EP20010114108 uTDM over IP (IP circuit emulation service)IBMX3.224;X3.225UOEP11155221;EP20010115522 |Method, device and software program for processing and/or evaluating Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) messagesX3.224;X3.225XEP1118510j/EP20010118510 Multiresolution receiverIBMX3.224;X3.225iEP1124286x5EP20010124286ܡgA method of controlling initial power ramp-up in CDMA systems by using short codesX3.224;X3.225iEP1124286x5EP20010124286ܡgA method of controlling initial power ramp-up in CDMA systems by using short codesX3.224;X3.225~nEP1125790;EP200101257905Multimedia Messaging with reply-charging between different service environmentsX3.224;X3.225sEP11274469EP20010127446"o}Communication methodIBMX3.224;X3.225zEP11297484EP20010129748d MMethod of introducing optical cable into a solid bedIBMX3.224;X3.225EP1200945:EP20010200945~ (|Method and device for determining the quality of a speech signalMX3.224;X3.225EP1203699;EP20010203699 |Improved method for determining the quality of a speech signalIBMX3 989uEP1270986;EP20010270986 M#FLOW CONTROL IN A RADIO ACCESS NETWORKIBMX3 989EP1272562;EP20010272562wA SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR INTERROGATING ELECTRONIC LABELSIBMX3 989EP1274589;EP20010274589C&|FORWARDING A MOBILE SUBSCRIBER IDENTITY BETWEEN CORE NETWORK NODESX3 989ÕEP1274616;EP20010274616b/VMETHOD AND MOBILE COMMUNICATION NETWORK FOR PROVIDING MULTICAST AND/OR BROADCASTING SERVICESX3 989ƕEP1274620;EP20010274620#UMETHOD AND EQUIPMENT FOR CONTROLLING INFORMATION PROVIDED TO A USER IN A NETWORKX3 989EP1301861:EP20010301861JGIoMethods and arrangements for providing bi-directional control between data storage drives and automation controllersX3 989OʧEP1305091";EP20010305091b Radio communication system, radio base-station apparatus, mobile radio-station apparatus and radio communication methodX3 989zEP1307097h;EP20010307097ӚAdaptive time deversity and spatial diversity for OFDMIBMX3 989zEP1307097h;EP20010307097ӚAdaptive time deversity and spatial diversity for OFDMIBMX3 989{EP1400088:EP20010400088 zTransmission and reception of information symbols in multiplexed channelsX3 Project 105{EP1401288;EP20010401288  Method for signaling of the compressed mode parameters to a mobile stationX3 Project 105EP1401300 ;EP20010401300 L Method for controlling handover in a cellular radiocommunications networkX3 Project 105EP1401301 ;EP20010401301 K Method for controlling handover in a mobile radiocommunications networkX3 Project 105EP1402226n;EP20010402226{k#Communications system based on the SOAP protocolIBMX3 Project 105WEP1402479;EP20010402479 p|Modem and method for connecting modems in parallel to a networkBMX3 Project 105`EP1460047A;EP200104600477 G|Method for compressing a hierarchical tree, corresponding signal and method for decoding a signalX3 Project 105EP1830634;EP20010830634R^|Process for manufacturing a dual charge storage location memory cellX3 Project 105AEP1901736:EP20010901736wָlMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SIMULTANEOUS CIRCUIT-SWITCHED VOICE AND GPRS DATA INTERCHANGEX3 Project 105EP1902441:EP20010902441g!/A METHOD FOR FILTERING DIGITAL IMAGES, AND A FILTERING DEVICEIBMX3 Project 105EP1902442:EP20010902442l[A METHOD AND ASSOCIATED DEVICE FOR FILTERING DIGITAL VIDEO IMAGESX3 Project 112EP1904043:EP200109040438TRANSPORTING PORTABLE ELECTRONIC OBJECT PROTOCOL UNITS BY PROTOCOL FOR MICRO-COMPUTER FOR PERIPHERALSX3 Project 112}EP1909318:EP20010909318kI:RADIO FREQUENCY IDENTIFICATION TRANSPONDERIBMX3 Project 112EP1910528:EP20010910528q%TnAGILE NETWORK PROTOCOL FOR SECURE COMMUNICATIONS WITH ASSURED SYSTEM AVAILABILITYX3 Project 112EP1911392:EP200109113927 bgtMETHOD FOR SIGNALING A CHANNEL ASSIGNMENT IN A RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMX3 Project 112EP1911392:EP200109113927 bgtMETHOD FOR SIGNALING A CHANNEL ASSIGNMENT IN A RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMX3 Project 112EP1913506:EP200109135064stMETHOD FOR ADAPTING THE DATA BLOCKS TO BE SUPPLIED TO A TURBO CODER AND A CORRESPONDING COMMUNICATIONS DEVICEX3 Project 112EP1913867:EP200109138670sSERVICE PROVISION IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEMIBMX3 Project 112EP1921706:EP20010921706BZCOOPERATION OF ARQ PROTOCOLS AT PHYSICAL AND LINK LAYERS FOR WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONSX3 Project 112EP1923242:EP20010923242f pA TECHNIQUE FOR SETTING UP CALLS IN INTERNET PROTOCOL MOBILE NETWORKX3 Project 112EP1924437:EP20010924437 pMETHOD FOR ENABLING RECEIPT OF A PACKET-SWITCHED PAGE BY A MOBILE STATIONX3 Project 114 EP1927968:EP20010927968xY^TRANSMISSION OF SERVICE DATAIBMX3 Project 114EP1929645;EP20010929645IVIDEO CODINGIBMX3 Project 114EP1931997 ;EP20010931997% VCOMMON CHARGING IDENTIFIER FOR COMMUNICATION NETWORKSIBMX3 Project 114EP1932628:EP20010932628qqSECURE DOMAIN NAME REGISTRATIONIBMX3 Project 114EP1932629:EP20010932629qqPROTOCOL FOR SECURE COMMUNICATIONIBMX3 Project 114EEP1933808:EP20010933808Է ZNETWORK OPTIMISATION METHODIBMX3 Project 114EP1936490;EP20010936490'w/ARRANGING SUBSCRIBER BILLING IN TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMIBMX3 Project 114o)EP1941923;EP20010941923 OtMETHOD FOR SYNCHRONIZING A MOBILE STATION TO UMTS WHILE OPERATING IN GSM DEDICATED MODEX3 Project 114+EP1943144;EP20010943144xs|METHOD FOR SYNCHRONIZING A RECEIVER WITH A TRANSMITTERIBMX3 Project 114,EP1943398;EP20010943398*4G|METHOD FOR DETERMINING AMPLIFICATION FACTORS IN A DATA CHANNEL AND A CONTROL CHANNEL OF A DATA TRANSFER SYSTEMX3 Project 1144EP1947336;EP20010947336 ɦ|METHOD AND DEVICE FOR IMPROVING THE TRANSMISSION EFFICIENCY IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM WITH A LAYERED PROTOCOL STACKX3 Project 1144EP1947336;EP20010947336 ɦ|METHOD AND DEVICE FOR IMPROVING THE TRANSMISSION EFFICIENCY IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM WITH A LAYERED PROTOCOL STACKX3 Project 1144EP19474030;EP20010947403DIGITAL RADIO AND DIGITAL RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMIBMX3 Project 114 :EP1949818+;EP20010949818f MLOCATION SERVICES INTERWORKING WITH INTELLIGENT NETWORKIBMX3 Project 114=EP1951730/;EP200109517302 HALLOCATING DATA TRANSMISSION RESOURCES IN PACKET-SWITCHED DATA TRANSMISSIONX3 Project 114DEP1955236?;EP20010955236̅tMETHOD FOR RAPIDLY ALLOCATING RADIO RESOURCES TO LOGICAL CHANNELS IN A DOWN-LINK DIRECTIONX3 Project 114DEP1955476b;EP20010955476 xSYSTEM AND METHOD OF BOOTSTRAPPING A TEMPORARY PUBLIC -KEY INFRASTRUCTURE FROM A CELLULAR TELECOMMUNICATION AUTHENTICATION AND BILLING INFRASTRUCTUREX3 Project 1145EEP1955819A;EP20010955819fDuMETHOD AND DEVICE FOR LOCAL CLOCK GENERATION USING UNIVERSAL SERIAL BUS DOWNSTREAM RECEIVED SIGNALS DP AND DMX3 Project 114IEP1958113R;EP20010958113 WIRELESS MULTIMEDIA MESSAGING SERVICEIBMX3 Project 114NEP19604071;EP20010960407 x|METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR BEARER AUTHORIZATION IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION NETWORKX3 Project 114OEP1960820k;EP20010960820 lMONITORING CONNECTION STATE TO A USER TERMINAL IN A TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMX3 Project 114OEP1960822n;EP20010960822 A METHOD AND A SYSTEM FOR TRANSFERING AMR SIGNALING FRAMES ON HALFRATE CHANNELSX3 Project 1142REP1962618[;EP200109626184tMETHOD FOR REGULATING THE TRANSMISSION POWER IN A RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMX3 Project 114cREP1962710;EP20010962710 >METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MITIGATING THE EFFECT OF TRANSMISSION ERRORS IN A DISTRIBUTED SPEECH RECOGNITION PROCESS AND SYSTEMX3 Project 114UEP1964514q;EP20010964514 $yDUAL MODE SMART CARD AND ASSOCIATED METHODSIBMX3 Project 114]EP1969231`;EP20010969231 ztMETHOD AND BASE STATION FOR TRANSMITTING SIGNALS IN A RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMX3 Project 114gEP1974579;EP20010974579due]TECHNIQUES FOR HIDING NETWORK ELEMENT NAMES AND ADDRESSESIBMX3 Project 114nEP1978336u;EP20010978336 SECONDARY STATION AND METHOD OF OPERATING THE STATION.IBMX3 Project 114 nEP1978342w;EP20010978342 SECONDARY STATION AND METHOD OF OPERATING THE STATIONIBMX3 Project 114nEP1978706;EP20010978706B ]IMPROVED SPECTRAL PARAMETER SUBSTITUTION FOR THE FRAME ERROR CONCEALMENT IN A SPEECH DECODERX3.293;X3.294;oEP1979151;EP20010979151űx5DEVICE AND METHOD FOR WIRELESS BROADCAST ON A NUMBER OF CARRIER WAVESX3T1.01;NCITS OrEP1980558;EP20010980558 POSITIONING A SUBSCRIBER TERMINAL IN A PACKET-SWITCHED MOBILE TELEPHONY NETWORK USING BOTH PACKET-SWITCHED AND CIRCUIT-SWITCHED MESSAGESX3T1.01;NCITS ^rEP1980582;EP20010980582 ARRANGEMENT FOR IMPLEMENTING TRANSMISSION OF MULTIMEDIA MESSAGESMX3T1.01;NCITS sEP1981281;EP20010981281 $ҢMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR COORDINATED CHARGING OF SERVICES IN A MULTIMEDIA SESSIONX3T1.01;NCITS IuEP1982239u;EP20010982239 ڱ|A METHOD AND A DEVICE FOR OBJECTIVE SPEECH QUALITY ASSESSMENT WITHOUT REFERENCE SIGNALX3T1.01;NCITS wEP1983041;EP20010983041= y5ENHANCING PERCEPTUAL PERFORMANCE OF HIGH FREQUENCY RECONSTRUCTION CODING METHODS BY ADAPTIVE FILTERINGX3T1.01;NCITS m~EP1986834;EP200109868343 |CONNECTION SET-UP IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEMIBMX3T1.01;NCITS =EP1997803;EP20010997803' S?INDEXING PULSE POSITIONS AND SIGNS IN ALGEBRAIC CODEBOOKS FOR CODING OF WIDEBAND SIGNALSX3T1.01;NCITS EP1998026;EP20010998026IKHIGH PERFORMANCE MICRO-FILTER AND SPLITTER APPARATUSIBMX3T1.01;NCITS iEP2000581;EP200200005814r:Distributed intelligence MAC protocols for DWDM ring networksIBMX3T1.01;NCITS EP2000801;EP20020000801IG{ uMethod for data communication in a computer systemIBMX3T10.1;NCITS ®EP2007139CEP2703438:5CRYPTOGRAPHIC AUTHENTICATION WITH EPHEMERAL MODULESIBM INCITS 424$ZEP2717596/EP20030016151%CvDetection of broadcast signals for defining useable frequency bands for powerline communicationT13I]EP3029893~6EP20030029893IpAdaptive filterM-SystemsT13@`EP3075949=EP20030075949A+$Method and system for determining the quality of a speech signalSystemsT13kEP3100068:EP20030100068l ?/Communications system with half rate data channelsM-SystemsT137uEP3250586w=EP20030250586A5System, first and second entity and method for assigning and releasing resourcesCEA-608-C|vEP3250977=EP20030250977obFqCalendering of polymeric vinyl films exhibiting high gloss and structural stabilityCEA-805-BEP3290071c=EP200302900712 Quality of service optimisation in a packet-switched mobile communication systemUL 879EP3290595=EP200302905953 ͵System for automatically configuring a transceiver as either a central or a remote unit in a communication systemUL 879EP3291558 >EP200302915583 ZMethod and device for Ethernet MAC address translation in ethernet access networksUL 879ZEP3291806$>EP20030291806h5Method for protecting the integrity of messages in a mobile communications systemJSTD 007;07007lEP3291832&>EP20030291832{MH(Method for communicating information between a transmitter and a receiver using ultra-wide band signalsPN-3388;J-STD-EP3291876+>EP20030291876h5Method to allocate resources in a mobile radiocommunication system in packet modeSP 3386;JSTD 0ϖEP3292640>EP200302926406K Methods and devices for transferring and for recovering data packetsSP 3387;JSTD 0KEP3292791>EP200302927914 qZ Method and device for managing a shared transmission mediumMaxtorX3T9;INCITS 31EP3360071=EP200303600715 `Method of improving the interface efficiency in a communications networkT13/1321D;NCITEP3700321o=EP20030700321]GROUPING OF IMAGE FRAMES IN VIDEO CODINGMaxtorINCITS 397 EP3702060c=EP20030702060RHOPASSIVE RFID TAG THAT RETAINS STATE AFTER TEMPORARY LOSS OF POWERATA Corporation X3.297EP3702341m=EP20030702341RH!DATA TRANSMISSION BETWEEN COMPUTERSMcDATA CorporationX3.297;X3.289;EP3705642o=EP20030705642e3CLOCK-BASED TIME SLICINGMcDATA CorporationX3.297;X3.289;wEP3705815i=EP20030705815EIOMethod and apparatus for flow treatment and mapping on multicast/broadcast services X3.289;NCITS 3`EP3708293=EP20030708293MMETHOD, SYSTEM AND NETWORK ENTITY FOR INDICATING HIERARCHICAL MODE FOR TRANSPORT STREAMS CARRIED IN BROADBAND TRANSMISSIONX3.289;NCITS 3EP3714743=EP20030714743wDATA TRANSFER METHODMcDATA CorporationT11/02-018v1;N}EP3715177=EP20030715177|ePROTOCOL PARAMETER RE-NEGOTIATIONMcDATA Corporationx3.230; X3.288^EP3717318=EP20030717318= 揾BYPASSING TRANSCODING OPERATIONS IN A COMMUNICATION NETWORKMcDATA Corporationx3.230; X3.2881EP3722246=EP20030722246? >METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING DATA, PARTICULARLY HAVING MULTIMEDIA CONTENTS, IN A MOBILE RADIO TELEPHONE NETWORKx3.230; X3.288 EP3722599=EP20030722599Y7METHOD AND RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR TRANSMITTING USER INFORMATION AS A SERVICE TO SEVERAL USER STATIONSx3.230; X3.288(EP3727199=EP20030727199A METHOD FOR MONITORING AND CONTROLLING A NUMBER OF AVAILABLE DECENTRALIZED IP BUDGETS OF A SUBSCRIBER IN A PACKET-BASED COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK DURING AN ONLINE ASSESSMENT OF CHARGES WITH LIMIT VALUE MONITORING FOR DATA TRANSMISSIONSx3.230; X3.288EP3730298=EP20030730298x{5˨METHOD FOR CONFIGURATION OF A COMPRESSED MODE IN A MOBILE RADIOCOMMUNICATION SYSTEMx3.230; X3.288EP3732786=EP20030732786SSPATIAL PREDICTION BASED INTRA CODINGMcDATA Corporationx3.230; X3.288MEP3735637>EP20030735637C METHOD FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF DATA PACKETS IN A MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM AND CORRESPONDING MOBILE RADIO SYSTEMISO/IEC 14165--EP3737577x=EP200307375771METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MULTI-LAYER NETWORK IN SONET /SDHMcDATA CorporationISO/IEC 14165-/EP3741023 >EP20030741023sE +COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM AND METHODMercury Computer Systems48.1EP3743323=EP20030743323E METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PERFORMING POST ISSUANCE CONFIGURATION AND DATA CHANGES TO A PERSONAL SECURITY DEVICE USING A COMMUNICATIONS PIPE.S 303EP3743323=EP20030743323E METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PERFORMING POST ISSUANCE CONFIGURATION AND DATA CHANGES TO A PERSONAL SECURITY DEVICE USING A COMMUNICATIONS PIPE. NCITS 256EP3744467=EP20030744467QMETHOD FOR CODING MOTION IN A VIDEO SEQUENCEMicron NCITS 256)EP3745516=EP20030745516F (METHOD FOR MODELING SPEECH HARMONIC MAGNITUDESMicron NCITS 256EP3745827=EP20030745827{5 METHOD FOR CONTROLLING ACCESS RIGHTS IN A CELLULAR MOBILE RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM NCITS 256EP3747183=EP20030747183. METHOD AND DEVICE FOR INDICATING QUANTIZER PARAMETERS IN A VIDEO CODING SYSTEM NCITS 256 EP3750783 >EP20030750783CRYPTOGRAPHIC METHOD AND DEVICES FOR FACILITATING CALCULATIONS DURING TRANSACTIONS NCITS 256>EP3757482=EP20030757482DECODING OF CHAIN REACTION CODES THROUGH INACTIVATION OF RECOVERED SYMBOLS NCITS 256UEP3759831=EP20030759831{J zIDENTICAL PUNCTURING OF UE IDENTIFICATION DATA AND LOAD DATA IN THE HS-SCCH CHANNEL NCITS 256kEP3761381>EP20030761381`?_rDUAL-MODE SHARED OFDM METHODS/TRANSMITTERS, RECEIVERS AND SYSTEMSron NCITS 256EP3762394=EP20030762394fMMS MESSAGE TRANSFER METHOD AND SYSTEMMicron NCITS 2561$EP3765225>EP20030765225nMETHOD AND SWITCHING DEVICE PROVIDING MOBILE IP FUNCTIONALITY FOR A NON-MOBILE-IP CAPABLE MOBILE NODE NCITS 256*EP3768477>EP20030768477L wMETHOD AND APPARATUS IN A CELLULAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMMicrosoftT13,EP3769583Q>EP20030769583=METHOD FOR ACQUIRING DATA DESCRIBING AUDIO-VISUAL CONTENTS, SYSTEM, BROADCAST SERVER, DESCRIPTION SERVER, AND RECEPTION TERMINAL THEREFORT13-EP3769721>EP20030769721TSESSION UPDATING PROCEDURE FOR AUTHENTICATION, AUTHORIZATION AND ACCOUNTINGT13h0EP3771677$>EP20030771677M 4METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR WLAN-UMTS INTERWORKING EMPLOYING UMTS AIR INTERFACEnologies Inc. TIA-1001i1EP3772224y>EP20030772224{' METHOD FOR ESTIMATING A CHANNEL QUALITYMinolta Co. Ltd. I3A;NAPM4EP3773610?>EP20030773610M METHOD AND RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF USEFUL INFORMATION AS A SERVICE TO SEVERAL USER STATIONS I3A;NAPMT4EP3773708>EP20030773708 N ȗMethod for uplink access transmission in a radio communication system, base station and user equipment I3A;NAPMd7EP3775416>EP20030775416qN PRIORITIZATION OF MANAGEMENT OBJECTSMinolta Co. Ltd. I3A;NAPM^9EP3776436{>EP20030776436hlAPPARATUS AND METHOD FOR EXTENDING THE COVERAGE AREA OF A LICENSED WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM USING AN UNLICENSED WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEM I3A;NAPMCEP3782037>EP20030782037VOICE MAIL SYSTEM FOR PACKET SWITCHED NETWORKSMinolta Co. Ltd. I3A;NAPM!EEP3782629>EP20030782629CP ƷA METHOD OF CONTROLLING SERVICES ON A MOBILE PHONE NETWORKMolex ISO/IEC 14766-HEP3784367+>EP20030784367ln=ARQ SYSTEM WITH STATUS AND PACKET ACKNOWLEDGEMENTMOTOROLA 0700713@JEP3785421>EP20030785421R METHOD AND DEVICE FOR ROBUST PREDICTIVE VECTOR QUANTIZATION OF LINEAR PREDICTION PARAMETERS IN VARIABLE BIT RATE SPEECH CODING J-STD 019;PN 3:NEP3787670>EP20030787670EP200307971775METHOD FOR CARRYING OUT A TRANSFER PROCEDURE IN A RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR A PACKET-SWITCHING CONNECTION AND RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM SUITABLE FOR THE SAME J-STD-014aaEP3798209e>EP20030798209r}.METHOD, SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATION DEVICE FOR INFORMING AND GRANTING QoS PROFILE PARAMETERS IN A NETWORK JSTD 018;CDMA;fEP3807942m>EP20030807942ϙ׻PROVISION OF INFORMATION REGARDING A MOBILE STATIONMOTOROLA JSTD-011?hEP3808844x>EP20030808844T @PROTECTION AGAINST THE EFFECT OF EQUIPMENT FAILURE IN A COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMon JSTD-014jEP3810480>EP20030810480T PICTURE BUFFERING FOR PREDICTION REFERENCES AND DISPLAYMOTOROLA PN 3520;JSTD 0zEP4000146>EP20040000146V ZSystem and method for selecting a cellular network on a wireless local area network (WLAN) PN-3386;J-STD-zEP4000146>EP20040000146V ZSystem and method for selecting a cellular network on a wireless local area network (WLAN) SP 3387;JSTD 0>zEP4000203>EP200400002036OCircuit arrangement for providing electric power from an eletromagnetic field SCTE 41>zEP4000203>EP200400002036OCircuit arrangement for providing electric power from an eletromagnetic fieldSCTE 41/}EP4001219Y8EP20040001219W  xAir interface for telecommunication systems with cordless telecommunication between mobile and/or stationary transmitting/receiving devicesIEEE 802.16g}EP4001453>EP20040001453$[Method for assigning an IP-address to a deviceMOTOROLATIA-102.CAAAEP4010392@?EP20040010392iEMethod for tone disabling in a media gateway and media gatewayMotorola TIA-102.AACD)EP4011126J?EP20040011126bHORectifier circuit for transponderMotorola TIA-102.AACDEP4012309X?EP20040012309|hE?Circuit for phase modulation in a transponder based on back-scattering TIA-102.AACDEP40124096EP20040012409 k{Enhanced identification systemMotorola TIA-102.AACDEP4016879?EP200400168796A method of controlling audio communication on a networkMotorolaANSI/SCTE 20 2pEP40170329EP200400170329 dA method of controlling base station transmitting power during soft handoffANSI/SCTE 20 2EP4026479?EP2004002647988Method and apparatuses for information alignment between a manager and an agent in a management networkINCITS 397EP4028808f8EP20040028808 }A method for improving performances of a mobile radiocommunication system using a power control algorithmT13;NCITS;INCIEP4076732o?EP20040076732o7Method for transmitting TDD frames with increased data payloadBankers Trust NISTQEP4106363@EP20040106363C7Apparatuses and method for verifying a request message for authenticity and authorization and InformationT1.801.03|EP4251131?EP20040251131 /Apparatus, and associated method, for facilitating network selection by a mobile node pursuant to a packet data communication serviceT1.5182EP4251667?EP20040251667tyInterleaver for mapping symbols on the carriers of an OFDM systemional Telecommunications and Information T1.801.04;ATIS0EP4290053>EP20040290053?7Methods and system of error control with feedback resource allocation schemeommunications and Information T1.801.04;ATISEP4290226>EP20040290226ae Method for managing the quality of service (QOS) in a radiocommunication mobile system J-STD-011EP4290255>EP20040290255fe Method and device of dynamic resource allocation in a wireless networkoration JSTD 007EP4290541?EP20040290541e (/Method and device for joint dynamic sliding window management of multiple ARQ data links JSTD-014EP4290905&?EP20040290905R7yMethod for management of communication devices in an access network and a related acces unit JSTD-014a EP4291162D?EP200402911626sEMethod for establishing a connection in a system of mobile radio communication SP 3387;J-STD- EP4291930?EP20040291930f dMethod for coupling a device to a management server via a network Corporation SP 3520;J-STD & EP4291967?EP20040291967l#aqWireless communication network, mobile station and method of operation thereforInc. INCITS 433; INEP4292881@EP200402928817yRemote management method, a related auto configuration server, a related further auto configuration server, a related routing gateway and a related device for use in a home networkINCITS 430; INEP4292881@EP200402928817yRemote management method, a related auto configuration server, a related further auto configuration server, a related routing gateway and a related device for use in a home network INCITS 430EP42931420@EP20040293142tZA method for customizing authentication tokens such as smart cardsress SolutionsCGATS.20; INCIEP4405708@EP20040405708(Reception of redundant and non-redundant framesNokia CorporationJSTD 07-011;JSC$EP4703736>EP20040703736]$$ACALL FORWARDING IN A PACKET SWITCHED SYSTEM WITH BACK UP TERMINALSa CorporationJSTD-008&EP4705057>EP20040705057Bk ߄COMMUNICATION METHOD AND NETWORK DEVICE IN A RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMporationJSTD-009&EP4705133>EP200407051331H DATACAST FILE TRANSMISSION WITH META-DATA RETENTIONNokia CorporationSP 3384;SP 338&EP4705134>EP200407051342HACCESS RIGHT CONTROL USING ACCESS CONTROL ALERTSNokia Corporation TIA-146(EP4706216>EP20040706216k ۗTFC SELECTION IN THE UPLINKNokia CorporationTIA/EIA 136-B*EP4707214>EP20040707214k nCOUPLER FOR A RING TOPOLOGY NETWORK AND AN ETHERNET-BASED NETWORKia CorporationeeIS-707-A-12EP4711624>EP200407116243PICTURE CODING METHODNokia CorporationeeIS-707-A-2!5EP4713029>EP20040713029{ wMETHOD FOR OPERATING A DATA SERVICE IN A RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM CorporationeeTIA-893-17EP4714417>EP200407144177MULTI-PROTOCOL MEMORY CARDNorthern TelecomT1.105?:EP4715963?EP20040715963{uMETHOD, SYSTEM AND NETWORK DEVICE FOR ROUTING A MESSAGE TO A TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE NETWORK USERT1.105wNEP4727008.?EP20040727008r7%CONTACTLESS DATA CARRIERNorthern TelecomT1.105QEP47283785?EP20040728378o OCOMMUNICATION SYSTEMNorthern Telecom TIASEP4729931=?EP20040729931o $METHOD, SYSTEM AND NETWORK ELEMENT FOR AUTHORIZING A DATA TRANSMISSIONetworks LtdT1.521yTEP4730282>?EP20040730282?}FPICTURE CODING METHODNortel Networks LtdT1.105.01VEP4731427E?EP20040731427`p yRADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMNortel Networks LtdT1.105.011XEP4732162J?EP20040732162v5$XMETHOD FOR SIGNALLING TIME-SLICING PARAMETERS IN THE SERVICE INFORMATIONworks LtdT1.105.01|ZEP4733391P?EP20040733391p hAUDIO ENCODING WITH DIFFERENT CODING MODELSNortel Networks Ltd TIA-136.000-E,jEP4741297?EP20040741297HMethod for several mobile radio suppliers to jointly use a radio access networktd TIA-136.005ClEP4742170?EP20040742170H%GENERIC SERVICE REQUEST PROCEDURE IN A MULTIMODE SYSTEMNortel Networks Ltd TIA-136.020,pEP4744263?EP20040744263P7POWER MANAGEMENT IN MOBILE TERMINALS TO ALLOW TRANSMISSION OF ACK/NACK SIGNALSLtd TIA-136.030-B{EP4750992=?EP20040750992%PMETHODS AND APPARATUS FOR SECURING PROXY MOBILE IPNortel Networks Ltd TIA-136.123-DEP4769253?EP20040769253 H.IP-BASED SERVICES FOR CIRCUIT-SWITCHED NETWORKSNortel Networks Ltd TIA-136.133-EnEP4775931>?EP20040775931 w METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR ACCELERATING THE EXPIRATION OF RESOURCE RECORDS IN A LOCAL CACHE TIA-136.370-AEP4779361?EP200407793617. POWER ALLOCATION METHOD FOR MULTICAST SERVICESNortel Networks Ltd TIA-136.377-AEP4785873"?EP2004078587387pnSPACE-TIME BLOCK CODING SYSTEM AND METHODSNortel Networks Ltd TIA-136.440-AoEP4786246?EP20040786246nGENERATION OF A PSEUDORANDOM DATA SEQUENCENortel Networks Ltd TIA-136.905AֶEP4787203?EP20040787203w $ Handling of early media data INortel Networks LtdTIA-2000.1-28EP4789456?EP20040789456 METHOD FOR SELECTING A PUBLIC LAND MOBILE NETWORKNortel Networks LtdTIA 637CqEP4791331?EP200407913315x <METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING MESSAGES RELATING TO A MULTIMEDIA BROADCAST/MULTICAST SERVICE (MBMS), BASE STATION, SUBSCRIBER STATION AND RADIOCOMMUNICATION SYSTEMTIA-1016EP4793990?EP20040793990EEDATA REPAIR FOR MULTICAST/BROADCAST DATA DISTRIBUTIONNortel Networks LtdTIA-1035EP4798766?EP20040798766F.*INTER-SYSTEM HAND-OVER OF A MOBILE TERMINAL OPERABLE WITH A FIRST AND A SECOND RADIO ACCESS NETWORKTIA-2000.000EP4799088@EP20040799088x A RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, METHOD OF OPERATING A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, AND A MOBILE STATIONTIA-934.312EP4799124@EP20040799124)7CONSISTENT USER INTERFACE FRONT END FOR REMOTE USER INTERFACESNortel Networks LtdTIA/EIA-95-BEP4799558?EP20040799558)7sMODULATING APPARATUS, MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, MODULATING METHOD, AND COMMUNICATION METHOD TIA 1036YEP4800571?EP20040800571R)79A METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INTERRUPTING A TRANSMISSION OF A MULTICAST SIGNALs Ltd TIA-1011-1EP4801319@EP20040801319BNCONTROL DECISIONS IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEMNortel Networks Ltd TIA-1054EP4801682@EP20040801682.7/Device and method for correcting a data error in communication pathl Networks Ltd TIA-683-DEP48023782@EP20040802378B8METHOD AND DEVICE FOR SPEECH ENHANCEMENT IN THE PRESENCE OF BACKGROUND NOISEs Ltd TIA/EIA/IS-200EP4810891@EP20040810891 ,7KMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSMISSION OF CONTROL DATA IN A PACKET DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM TSB 158EP4817137?EP20040817137^z V METHOD FOR REVERSE SIGNALLING OF A TRANSMISSION SERVICE WHICH IS TO BE USED DURING A MOBILE TERMINATED - PSTN/ISDN ORIGINATED - CALL TIA-733-AYEP5001799P@EP20050001799lE Method and system for transmitting protocol data unitsNortel Networks Ltd TIA-127-AEP5005333z@EP20050005333R7 Circuit for load control in the reception path of a transponderortel Networks Ltd TIA-2000.2-D EP5007518@EP20050007518k:Detection of errors during the transmission of dataNortel Networks Ltd TIA/EIA/IS-200 EP5007835@EP20050007835kEMethod for wireless data transferNortel Networks LtdTIA-2000.3-D%EP5017190w7EP20050017190HLead-free, free-cutting copper alloysNortel Networks LtdTIA-2000.5-D,EP50199762=EP20050019976%5߀$Data flow control between base station and mobile station in a wireless communication systemTIA/EIA/IS-200g5EP5023668aAEP20050023668nv"Method for ACK/NACK signallingNortel Networks LtdTIA/EIA/IS-200oBEP5028430AEP20050028430!8(Method for additionally transmitting user data for a subscriber of a voice group call service in a radio communications systemTIA/EIA/IS-735DEP50754981EP20050075498JDTTransactions system comprising terminals and memory cards and corresponding memory cardsTIA 1016DEP50754981EP20050075498JDTTransactions system comprising terminals and memory cards and corresponding memory cardsTIA 1017SEEP5075638:EP20050075638kI:Radio frequency ID transponderNortel Networks LtdTIA 856-A`EEP5075652:EP20050075652kI:Radio frequency ID transponderNortel Networks LtdTIA 889-A`EEP5075652:EP20050075652kI:Radio frequency ID transponderNortel Networks LtdTIA 893-1{NEP5100541O@EP20050100541P Smartcard interface systemNortel Networks LtdTIA 934.000-B'OEP5100870\@EP20050100870KHhIP mobility in mobile telecommunications systemNortel Networks LtdTIA 97-FQEP5102086:EP20050102086qqSecure domain name server facilitating establishment of a secure communication linkTIA 98-Fi~EP5257176zAEP2005025717657(Method and apparatus for registering mobile node in a wireless local area network (LAN) environmentTIA-820-A-2EP5291403@EP20050291403xF~Digital communication method, transmitter and receiver, wherein the amount of pilot symbols is selected based on the demodulator type at the receiver sideTIA-820-BFEP5703717E@EP20050703717ֶ7USER MAC FRAME TRANSFER METHOD, EDGE TRANSFER DEVICE, AND PROGRAMtel Networks LtdTIA-870-AJEP5713324]@EP20050713324AoQvMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR UPDATING RESOURCE RECORDS IN A NAME-SERVER DATABASEs LtdTIA-893KEP5713326]@EP20050713326BotMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FACILITATING LONG-LIVED DNS QUERIESNortel Networks LtdTIA-894EP5714626~@EP20050714626.ϰPILOT DESIGN FOR OFDM SYSTEMS WITH FOUR TRANSMIT ANTENNASNortel Networks LtdTIA-1012EP5716728d@EP2005071672837xMETHOD FOR ADJUSTING THE OUTPUT POWER FOR A RADIO LINK WHICH USES TWO DIFFERENT CHANNELS, AND CORRESPONDING RADIO STATIONTIA-1016-A9EP5718406O@EP20050718406WMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR PROVIDING END-TO-END QUALITY OF SERVICE (QOS)etworks LtdTIA-1041OEP5722821P@EP200507228217jADAPTIVE FEEDBACK FOR MIMO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMSNortel Networks LtdTIA-1059EP5731259@EP20050731259VZ$cMETHOD FOR RADIO BEARER OPTIMIZATION THROUGH AN ADAPTIVE ACCESS PROBABILITY FACTORTIA-1066EP5732085@EP20050732085.H WIRELESS COMUNICATION METHODS, SYSTEMS, AND SIGNAL STRUCTURESNortel Networks LtdTIA-637-B-1[E]EP5732734@EP20050732734 HSYSTEM, APPARATUS, COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING TERMINAL OUTPUT POWERTIA-637-C-1[E]EP5732734@EP20050732734 HSYSTEM, APPARATUS, COMPUTER PROGRAM PRODUCT AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING TERMINAL OUTPUT POWERTIA-915-AEP5732855@EP20050732855Ya METHOD FOR A SESSION INITIATION PROTOCOL PUSH-TO-TALK TERMINAL TO INDICATE ANSWER OPERATING MODE TO AN INTERNET PROTOCOL PUSH-TO-TALK NETWORK SERVERINCITS 414EP5735642@EP200507356427RTELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMNortel Networks LtdTIA-1068@EP5736887@EP20050736887hA METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR REGISTERING AN UNLICENSED MOBILE ACCESS SUBSCRIBER WITH A NETWORK CONTROLLER TIA-1055EP5743081@EP20050743081EMethod, subscriber station and network arrangement for radio communication within the framework of HSDPA services TIA-1074EP5747754@EP20050747754häMESSAGES FOR INTERWORKING BETWEEN UNLICENSED ACCESS NETWORK AND GPRS NETWORK FOR DATA SERVICES TIA-873.003-A EP5747947@EP200507479477 FILE DOWNLOAD AND STREAMING SYSTEMNortel Networks Ltd TIA-928-2 [E]eEP5749844@EP20050749844hɘRELEASING RADIO RESOURCES IN AN UNLICENSED MOBILE ACCESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM TIA-945EP5750686@EP20050750686l7>PROTOCOL CONVERSION 'BEARER INDEPENDENT PROTOCOL (BIP)' - TCP/IP FOR COMMUNICATION BETWEEN SIM AND TERMINAL TSB-100-A-1[E]"EP5751413@EP2005075141378!METAL HALIDE LAMP AND LIGHTING APPARATUS USING THE SAMENortel NetworksT11EP5755073@EP20050755073I͹INTER-MODE/INTER-RAT HANDOVERNortel Networks LtdTIA-1012EP5760531@EP20050760531 7QSOFTWARE PLUG IN FRAMEWORK TO MODIFY DECRYPTION METHODS IN TERMINALS Networks LtdeeIS-2000.1.BEP5762068@EP20050762068$l"PROCESS FOR PRODUCTION OF STEROIDSNortel Networks LtdeeIS-817-1;TIAy)EP5783709%AEP20050783709vTRANSFER OF A USER EQUIPMENT IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEMNortel Networks LtdeeIS-856-1 ,EP57856777AEP20050785677K7YDATA TRANSFER METHOD AND AUTOMATION SYSTEM USED IN SAID DATA TRANSFER METHODs LtdeeIS-864~/EP5788496BAEP20050788496ZI A NETWORK ARCHITECTURE AND A METHOD RELATING TO ACCESS OF USER STATIONStworks LtdeeIS-866BEP5801777lAEP20050801777l A METHOD OF OPERATING A COMMUNICATON SYSTEM, A RADIO STATION, AND A RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMeeTIA 898HEP5805662XAEP20050805662$.!CELLULAR WIDE-AREA RADIO COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM WITH RELAY-ENHANCED CELLSworks LtdeeTIA 923XEP5816101hAEP20050816101pfc>$*METHOD FOR IMPROVED DATA THROUGHPUT IN COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKSNortel Networks LtdeeTIA 97-E-1}EP6000464p8EP20060000464œWMethod for inband signaling control of vocoder bypassNortel Networks LtdeeTIA-1011YEP6002923AEP200600029238(Transmission rate control method, and mobile stationNortel Networks LtdeeTIA-1014EP6004054AEP20060004054 *Method for optimising cell reselection performance in a mobile UMTS networkks LtdeeTIA-1015EP6008933h;EP20060008933.Method and apparatus for adaptive time diversity and spatial diversity for OFDMtdeeTIA-10202EP6014499:EP20060014499qqImprovements to an agile network protocol for secure communications with assured system availabilityeeTIA-136.000-E3EP6014500:EP20060014500qqImprovements to an agile network protocol for secure communications with assured system availabilityeeTIA-136.005.CWEP6017266BEP20060017266AS<Transmission rate control method, mobile station, radio base station, and radio network controllereeTIA-136.123-DEEP6017689BEP20060017689%{;Transmission power control method and mobile communication systemtel Networks LtdeeTIA-136.370.ACEP6018097BEP20060018097R2<Transmission control method, mobile station, radio base station, and radio network controllereeTIA-136.376CEP6018097BEP20060018097R2<Transmission control method, mobile station, radio base station, and radio network controllereeTIA-2000.1-D!EP6022238BEP20060022238`L[BMethod for re-assignment of S-CSCF services to registered IMS users of a Home Subscriber Server HSSeeTIA-683-B;ANSIEP6023103BEP20060023103~F7BMethod for operating a security related systemNortel Networks LtdeeTIA-683-CAEP6025868;EP20060025868 ~Method and apparatus for allocating data streams given transmission time interval (TTI) constraints and transmission power constraintseeTIA-707-B%EP6075820:EP20060075820kI:Radio frequency ID transponderNortel Networks LtdeeTIA-733-AcEP6075897 BEP20060075897W8A1;Method, network node and MPLS network for monitoring a tandem connection in a MPLS telecommunication networkeeTIA-801-A?EP6101013o=EP20060101013]Grouping of image frames in video codingNortel Networks LtdeeTIA-820-1@EP6101014o=EP20060101014]Grouping of image frames in video codingNortel Networks LtdeeTIA-864-1EP6114153+BEP20060114153)BI,A method of dual transfer mode handoverNortel Networks LtdeeTIA-866-1EP6122427$=EP20060122427,~S$Methods for ensuring medium access in a wireless networkNortel Networks LtdeeTIA-873-008:EP6126669CEP20060126669JI#A method of dual transfer mode handoverNortel Networks LtdeeTIA-894EP6127301 CEP20060127301KIHMethod for transfering network event protocol messagesNortel Networks LtdeeTIA-915 EP6250951AEP200602509518/Apparatus , and associated method, for facilitating delivery and processing of push contenteeTIA-925EP6290430AEP200602904308](.TR69 based service interface for OSGi bundlesNortel Networks LtdeeTIA-926 EP6291232rBEP20060291232L=}=Method for synchronisation between a mobile equipment and a smart cardetworks LtdeeTIA-934-200-A EP6292040CEP200602920400DA transient crosstalk controlling deviceNortel Networks LtdeeTIA-934-310-AEP6425271BEP20060425271Le1Method to reduce the transmission latency in GSM/EDGE delay-sensitive applicationseeTIA-934-340-AEP6425330)BEP20060425330Lw4Method for safely transmitting short ACK/NACK bitmaps in ARQ process inside edge compliant systemseeTIA-934-370-AEP6701792AEP20060701792ЕI REQUESTING PERMISSION FROM A BASE STATION TO SEND PACKETS QUEUED AT A MOBILE STATION ACCORDING TO ITS TRANSMISSION DELAY.eeTIA-934.330'EP6710233AEP20060710233ӕH/METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR INTER-LAYER PREDICTION MODE CODING IN SCALABLE VIDEO CODINGeeTIA/EIA 683-A*(EP6710444AEP20060710444o\I_v3SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ACHIEVING INTER-LAYER VIDEO QUALITY SCALABILITYNetworks LtdeeTIA/EIA/IS-200+EP6712655AEP20060712655c83A MAC Frame Transfer Method, an edge bridge, and a system for reducing floodingtdeeTIA/EIA/IS-200+BEP6726466AEP20060726466cIqESTABLISHING A COMMON PDP CONTEXT FOR PROVIDING AN IP MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATION SESSION TO A MOBILE USER EQUIPMENTeeTIA/EIA/IS-200DEP6727740AEP200607277408qMETHOD OF OPERATING A RADIO STATIONNortel Networks LtdeeTIA/EIA/IS-200oEEP6728114BEP200607281148@SCHEDULING OF UPLINK DATA TRANSMISSION USING DIFFERENT UE-IDSNortel Networks LtdeeTIA/EIA/IS-200HEP6730486AEP200607304868d5TRANSMISSION RATE CONTROL METHOD, MOBILE STATION AND RADIO BASE STATIONtworks LtdeeTIA/IS-889-ApXEP6739964AEP20060739964Ap>Y.CELL UPDATE PROCESS WITH RECONFIGURATION STATUSNortel Networks LtdeeTIS-136.133-EbEP6746011BEP20060746011u8F9TRANSMISSION RATE CONTROL METHOD, MOBILE STATION AND RADIO BASE STATIONtosystems X9F1EP6765459AEP20060765459 83DISCONTINUOUS TRANSMISSION/RECEPTION IN A COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPEP67715137BEP20060771513ȩ3METHOD TO DETECT A USER EQUIPMENT STUCK ON A DEDICATED CHANNELOak TechnologyINCITS 317EP6776082SBEP20060776082zIzJ9CIRCUIT ASSEMBLY FOR USE IN RF TRANSPONDERS, AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING A NUMBER OF SUCH TRANSPONDERSINCITS 317EP6780332~BEP20060780332I-UVA METHOD OF OPERATING A COMMUNICATION DEVICE AND SYSTEM, A COMMUNICATION DEVICE AND A SYSTEM INCLUDING THE COMMUNICATION DEVICE TIA$EP6780346BEP20060780346Iz<FORMAT ADAPTATION OF A CONTROL CHANNEL FOR DISCONTINUOUS DATA TRANSMISSIONtal T13/1321D;T13/IEP6784170BEP20060784170$;METHODS FOR SECURE AND BANDWIDTH EFFICIENT CRYPTOGRAPHIC SYNCHRONIZATIONgitalATA/ATAPIIEP6784170BEP20060784170$;METHODS FOR SECURE AND BANDWIDTH EFFICIENT CRYPTOGRAPHIC SYNCHRONIZATIONgitalATA/ATAPIEP6789116vBEP20060789116%I3;INTEGRITY PROTECTION COUNT SYNCHRONIZATION METHODPacific DigitalATA/ATAPIEP6795778BEP20060795778(9?SINGLE-CODEBOOK VECTOR QUANTIZATION FOR MULTIPLE-RATE APPLICATIONSsonicJ-STD 008-014B1EP6807008BEP20060807008mIOp>TRANSMITTING ALARM MESSAGES TO TERMINALS OF A SUBSCRIBER RADIOCOMMUNICATION SYSTEMJ-STD-007;J-STYEP6849004BEP20060849004IEA METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR AN ADAPTIVE WIRELESS ROUTING PROTOCOL IN A MESH NETWORKJ-STD-011EP7005441YCEP200700054415I!FLoad sharing in mobile radio access networks using modified parameters for cell reselection by dedicated signallingJSTD 007;07007EP7013773:EP20070013773kI:Radio frequency identification transponderPanasonicJSTD-014$EP7015719CEP20070015719AzQMobile communication terminal, communication station, communication network, and communication method Ltd.CEA-608C7 EP7017871 DEP20070017871 TProviding services in case of call diversion in a communication systemJ-STD-009;SP33EP7024563nDEP20070024563s:RMethod and device for adapting a buffer of a terminal and communication system comprising such deviceJSTD 007_#EP7100170r;EP20070100170M zMethod and system for estimating artificial high band signal in speech codecJSTD-0114EP710859266EP20070108592P0DATA PROCESSING DEVICEQualcomm Inc.TIA-2000.3-D##EP85111835$EP19850111835: O_TETRALIN DERIVATIVES, THEIR PREPARATION AND USEQualcomm Inc.TIA-2000.4-DyEP85901222#EP19850901222=R sIDENTIFICATION SYSTEM AND TRANSPONDER THEREFORQualcomm Inc.TIA-2000.5-D4EP85903622i$EP19850903622T ʈCELLULAR VOICE AND DATA RADIOTELEPHONE SYSTEM.Qualcomm Inc.TIA-2000.6-D4EP85903622i$EP19850903622T ʈCELLULAR VOICE AND DATA RADIOTELEPHONE SYSTEM.Qualcomm Inc.TIA-856-AEP85905981$EP19850905981V ]yDISPATCH TRUNKED RADIO SYSTEMQualcomm Inc.ISO/IEC FCD 23EP86102957Y%EP19860102957-Z إ_METHOD FOR REDUCING THE IMAGE DATA OF DIGITAL TELEVISION SIGNALSalcomm Inc. ISO/lEC 14496-EP86109339%EP19860109339` _METHOD FOR SUPERVISING AND CONTROLLING THE TRAFFIC IN DIGITAL TRANSMISSION NETWORKS TIA-1011-1[EP86115279L&EP198601152796Data randomization equipment and method.Qualcomm Inc. TIA 637 BEP86200434f%EP19860200434]].MULTI-PULSE EXCITATION LINEAR-PREDICTIVE SPEECH CODERQualcomm Inc. TIA 637 CEP86902237l%EP19860902237KtRMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CONTROLLING A TDM COMMUNICATION DEVICE.alcomm TIA-637-BEP86903767%EP19860903767q> cNOISE SUPRESSION SYSTEMQualcomm TIA-637-CEP86903767%EP19860903767q> cNOISE SUPRESSION SYSTEMQualcomm Inc. TIA-934.311#EP86905137&EP19860905137 36TRAINING OR ERGOMETER DEVICE.Qualcomm Inc. TIA-934.3129EP87104223&EP19870104223 `METHOD FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF DIGITAL SIGNALS IN A MOBILE RADIO SYSTEMInc. TIA-934.340qOEP87110260J'EP19870110260͍ ▃Handoff apparatus and method with interference reduction for a radio system TIA-934.370lEP87118379'EP19870118379o>s`METHOD FOR THE TRANSMISSION AND REPRODUCTION OF SEQUENCES OF TELEVISION PICTURES TIA-934.370EP87309122'EP19870309122 8CSpread spectrum multiple access communication using satellite or terrestrial repeaters.ISO/IEC 14496-WEP87401183'EP19870401183>sMETHOD OF TRANSFORM CODING FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF IMAGE SIGNALSalcommITU-T G.711.0(EP87900755v&EP19870900755v0COMPUTATIONAL METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR FINITE FIELD MULTIPLICATION.omm452EP87901959&EP19870901959i SYRINGE-IMPLANTABLE IDENTIFICATION TRANSPONDERQualcomm ITU-T G.168PEP87902067&EP19870902067~ {A METHOD OF OPERATING A RADIO TRANSMISSION OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEM INCLUDING A CENTRAL STATION AND A PLURALITY OF INDIVIDUAL REMOTE STATIONS, A RADIO TRANSMISSION OR COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, AND A REMOTE STATION ITU-T G.722.2EP879040436'EP19870904043D?*METHOD AND INSTALLATION FOR DIGITAL COMMUNICATION, PARTICULARLY BETWEEN AND TOWARD MOVING VEHICLES ITU-T G.729EP87906818'EP19870906818 ̪IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMQualcomm ITU-T G.729.1jEP88102345#(EP19880102345>?T}`METHOD FOR CODING IMAGE SIGNALSQualcomm ISO/IEC 14495-jEP88102345#(EP19880102345>?T}`METHOD FOR CODING IMAGE SIGNALSQualcommISO/IEC 13818-EP88104576D(EP19880104576 4`Method for reducing the image data of digital television signals.lcommISO/IEC 23002-EP88106939j(EP19880106939 "jImage processing system for a coded signal sequence subjected to predictive coding in different manners.ISO/IEC 23003-BEP88110582(EP19880110582( `Computerized subscriber radio equipmentQualcommISO/IEC 23004-EP88111357(EP19880111357zC?`METHOD FOR SCENERY MODEL AIDED IMAGE DATA REDUCTION FOR DIGITAL TELEVISION SIGNALSISO/IEC 29199-L EP88115574(EP19880115574 TRADIO ARRANGEMENT HAVING TWO RADIOS SHARING CIRCUITRYQualcommISO/IEC 11172-YEP88117271)EP19880117271q cZVTDMA Radio system employing BPSK synchronisation for QPSK signals subject to random phase variation and multipath fading.X3.282;NCITS 3EP88117612)EP19880117612 n METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR MULTIPLEXED VECTOR QUANTIZATIONQuantum 1153D ATA/ATAPEP88118501*)EP19880118501 PWCellular radiotelephone system with dropped call protectionR.R. Donnelley & SonseeCGATS.20GEP88306554(EP19880306554i +Method for locking to the user's card in a portable radio telephone.onnelley & SonseeCGATS.20GEP88306565(EP19880306565l XQColocated cellular radiotelephone systems.R.R. Donnelley & SonseeCGATS.20fEP88402231(EP19880402231VCMETHODS AND SYSTEMS TO AUTHENTICATE AUTHORIZATIONS AND MESSAGES WITH A ZERO KNOWLEDGE-PROOF SYSTEM AND TO PROVIDE MESSAGES WITH A SIGNATUREeeCGATS.20fEP88402231(EP19880402231VCMETHODS AND SYSTEMS TO AUTHENTICATE AUTHORIZATIONS AND MESSAGES WITH A ZERO KNOWLEDGE-PROOF SYSTEM AND TO PROVIDE MESSAGES WITH A SIGNATUREeeCGATS.20wEP88850246(EP19880850246K?g6APPARATUS FOR AVOIDING SPECTRUM SPREADING WHEN SWITCHING A TRANSMITTER ON AND OFFnseeCGATS.20&EP88902022 (EP19880902022 KTDMA COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM WITH ADAPTIVE EQUALIZATION.R.R. Donnelley & SonseeCGATS.20aEP88903553.(EP19880903553 hNSUBSCRIBER UNIT FOR A TRUNKED VOICE/DATA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM.Transmission SystemsT1.413EP88908903(EP19880908903.?&;TIMPROVED NOISE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMRockwell Science Center. Inc. HDSL2zEP89103927)EP19890103927n>CtƒPortable electronic apparatus.RSA Data Security X9.31EP89105172)EP19890105172q #}Method of monitoring the quality of at least two transmission sections of a transmission link for digital signals and a device making use of such a method. IEEE 1588-2007*EP89108913)EP19890108913aB`Method and device for coding pictures.Sarnoff CorporationCEA 2005+EP89108914)EP19890108914aB`Method for processing and transmitting a picture sequence.SCS T6.EP89108917)EP19890108917`B`Method for processing and transmitting a picture sequence.Seagate INCITS 431EP891138640*EP19890113864s D\Selective system scan for multizone radiotelephone subscriber unitsteINCITS 397EP89117213e*EP19890117213 uPower amplifier for a radio frequency signalSeagate T13EP89117213e*EP19890117213 uPower amplifier for a radio frequency signalSGIHIPPI-6400-PHEP89120274*EP19890120274bB^%aMethod for coding residual error pictures.Siemens 1588 EP89120329*EP19890120329bB^%aMethod of determining search positions for movement estimation.iemens 1588EP89301138)EP19890301138 BXCatheter valve assemblySiemens 1588WEP89302422)EP19890302422 MVoice activity detection.Siemens 1588EP89302818)EP19890302818 ECCOMMUNICATION SYSTEMSiemens 1588FEP89850040)EP19890850040E6CELLULAR DIGITAL MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM WITH PLURAL BASE STATION TRANSMITTERS, AND METHOD OF TRANSMITTING INFORMATION IN SUCH A SYSTEM 1588IEP89900004C)EP19890900004^ ̐9IDENTIFICATION APPARATUS AND METHOD.Siemens 1588rMEP89901408^)EP198909014088AWDIGITAL SPEECH CODER HAVING IMPROVED VECTOR EXCITATION SOURCE.Siemens 1588MEP89901513_)EP19890901513} tWTRUNKED COMMUNICATION SYSTEM WITH NATIONWIDE ROAMING CAPABILITYiemens 1588PEP89902364V)EP19890902364; BWALTERNATING SEQUENTIAL HALF DUPLEX COMMUNICATION SYSTEMSiemens 1588QEP89903010V)EP19890903010 R|WMULTIPLEXED ADDRESS CONTROL IN A TDM COMMUNICATION SYSTEM.SiemenseeTIA-1010xEP90103480+EP19900103480 0#}Method for subscriber identification and for the generation and verification of electronic signatures in a data exchange system.eeTIA-811EP90105506+EP19900105506<qcFrequency control apparatus and method for a digital radio receivernseeTSB-146-A8EP90109253U+EP199001092534% c^aTerminal with keybord, display and card reader.SiRF Technologiesee3GPP2 N.S0030EP90115487+EP19900115487JZ!hDigital speech coder having improved long term lag parameter determination.gieseeTIA/EIA/IS-801EP90117511+EP19900117511m, ϤaMethod for the processing of picture data, especially for still picture transmission.eeTIA/EIA/IS-817AEP90118813l%EP19900118813KtRMethod and apparatus for controlling a TDM communication deviceony Corporation X3 137EP90119336+EP19900119336q!SCommunication signal compression system and methodSony Corporation X3 137wEP90121127,EP19900121127c/ 6aMethod for transmitting a digital wide-band signal in a tributary group system over a network of a synchronous digital multiplex hierarchy. X3 829;ISO/IECEP90200678+EP19900200678L4 .Process for isolating nucleic acidMatsushita Communication Industrial Co. Ltd.CEA-608-C; CEA%EP90201356b+EP199002013565 Digital transmission system, transmitter and receiver for use in the transmission system, and record carrier obtained by means of the transmitter in the form of a recording device.CEA-9090EP90201369c+EP19900201369X=(}Digital transmission system using subband coding of a digital signal.lert ANSI UL 464]EP90202591+EP19900202591 6 .Method for transferring, between two switching exchanges for mobile services, the handling of an active connection with a mobile terminal. CEA-608-EEP90304786G+EP19900304786UՙData stream frame synchronisation.Spediant T1E1-43; T1E1-EP90304786G+EP19900304786UՙData stream frame synchronisation.Spediant T1E1&EP90850004*EP19900850004wH T6A method of rapidly controlling the frequency of a coherent radio receiver and apparatus for carrying out the method.X3.241$'EP90850072+EP19900850072H 6WAVE-FORM GENERATORStac ElectronicsX3.241'EP90850291+EP19900850291H X6A method of generating quality factors for binary digits obtained in the viterbi-analysis of a signal.X3.241.(EP90850341+EP19900850341H n6A phase-locked loop having a variable bandwidth.Stanford University T1.413~*EP90890273+EP199008902732nB5Method for transmitting binary information in an optical transmission network and optical transmission networkAWS A5.22-74;A1EP90902743*EP19900902743k`aMULTIPLE CONTROL SLOT TDM/FDM COMMUNICATION SYSTEMStoodyAWS A5.22-74;A3EP90903518*EP199009035187 LOW BIT RATE TRANSFORM CODER, DECODER AND ENCODER/DECODER FOR HIGH-QUALITY AUDIOAWS A5.22-74;A6EP90904756+EP19900904756f$@l`aPROCESS FOR OBTAINING A DECISION RESULT FOR A HALF-IMAGE/FULL-IMAGE DATA COMPRESSION PROCESS.AWS A5.22-74;A;EP909066360+EP19900906636 =EdDIGITAL RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND TWO WAY-RADIOStoodyAWS A5.22-74;ARAEP90908908G+EP19900908908]eDIGITAL SPEECH CODER WITH VECTOR EXCITATION SOURCE HAVING IMPROVED SPEECH QUALITYX3.267;INCITS MEP90913916+EP19900913916"V 4HiDIGITAL SPEECH DECODER HAVING A POSTFILTER WITH REDUCED SPECTRAL DISTORTION QEP90915956,EP19900915956W EP93308630B0EP19930308630CJ@Digital mobile radio communication system with repeat request of a burst of speech or data following error recognition ANSI T1.404pEP93309232W0EP19930309232T[Detection of multiple articlesActemaANSI T1.231YEP93309478b0EP19930309478{ !Dual connection method and apparatus in SDH ring network for data protectionATIS - 0300231SEP93400187//EP19930400187CԏChip card with multi communication protocolsActemaeeANSI T1.646EP93401656/EP19930401656C,Speech coding method and apparatus for the sameADA ATIS - 0300231ےEP934022330EP19930402233 Method of transmitting, together with a handover command in a cellular system, a timing advance signal to a mobile ATIS - 0600007%EP93402579:0EP19930402579CMethod for hierarchical coding/decoding of a digital signal and corresponding system used for digital television ANSI T1.418\EP93403176~0EP19930403176 nMethod for transmitting data between communication equipments connected to a communication infrastructure ATIS - 0600418]EP93403177~0EP19930403177 pMethod of high rate information transmission by multiple block allocation, method and device for reception ANSI T1.413EP93850059m/EP19930850059,R̉Cell extension in a cellular telephone systemAmati Communications ANSI T1.413QEP93904060K/EP19930904060 ;TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND SUBSCRIBER AUTHENTICATION METHODAmati Communications ANSI T1.413EP93906766m/EP19930906766"wLAYERED VIDEO CODERAmati Communications ANSI T1.413̴EP93907228T/EP19930907228 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR REDUCING POWER CONSUMPTION IN A MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVER ANSI T1.413̴EP93907228T/EP19930907228 APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR REDUCING POWER CONSUMPTION IN A MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVER ANSI T1.413UEP93907909n/EP19930907909),"ݏRADIO NETWORK TYPE DATA TRANSMISSION INSTALLATION AND METHODAmati Communications ANSI T1.4130EP93909114v/EP199309091147A METHOD OF TRAFFIC CHANNEL ASSIGNMENT IN A MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMcations ANSI T1.413EP93911166/EP19930911166W #DATA COMMUNICATION RECEIVER HAVING VARIABLE LENGTH MESSAGE CARRY-ON Communications ANSI T1.413EP93914221/EP19930914221 CHANNEL RE-ASSIGNMENT METHOD FOR TIME DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS (TDMA) TRUNKED SYSTEMSrporation ATIS - 0600413EP93915054/EP19930915054 7A METHOD FOR REGISTERING TRAFFIC DATA IN A TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM Communications Corporation ATIS - 0600413EP93915983/EP19930915983 >SHORT MESSAGE PROCESSING IN A MOBILE EXCHANGEAmati Communications Corporation ATIS - 0600413EP93917815/EP19930917815] >PACKET DATA TRANSFER IN A CELLULAR RADIO SYSTEMAmati Communications Corporation ATIS - 0600413'EP93919748/EP19930919748 A METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR REGULATING TRANSMISSION POWERAmati Communications Corporation ATIS - 0600413EP93920865 0EP19930920865 CONTROL HANDOFF METHOD IN A CELLULAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMAmati Communications Corporation ATIS - 0600413EP93920866 0EP19930920866 SOFT HANDOFF IN A CELLULAR TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMAmati Communications Corporation ATIS - 0600413EP93922893?0EP19930922893 wbDIAGNOSTIC SYSTEM FOR A PLANTAmati Communications Corporation ATIS - 0600413EP93923341.0EP19930923341 "ADAPTIVE REMATRIXING OF MATRIXED AUDIO SIGNALSArrayCommWTSC-WWINAgEP93924508O0EP19930924508 ;bPROCESS FOR TRANSMITTING DATA VIA A HEAVY CURRENT LINEAT&T Corporation ANSI T1.301yEP94100417(EP19940100417l XQColocated cellular radiotelephone systemsAT&T CorporationANSI T1.403EP941019690EP19940101969 "ķDevice for encoding speech spectrum parameters with a smallest possible number of bitsANSI T1.403 EP94105759e*EP19940105759 uPower amplifier for a radio frequency signalAT&TATIS - 0600403$EP94107838*EP199401078387 *Coded signal formatting for encoder and decoder of high-quality audioATIS - 0600403EP9411006861EP199401100682@Method for transmitting a message between two subscriber stations und device for performing the methodATIS - 0600403` EP94113148m1EP19940113148UDTProtection against data manipulation in transpondersAT&TATIS - 0600403EP941170051EP199401170054cMobile telecommunication system with repeater.AT&TATIS - 0600403!EP941188081EP19940118808 >cMethod and circuit for inserting data in a common wave radiotransmissionrationANSI T1.302F)EP942002360EP19940200236F{,`}Data exchange system comprising portable data processing unitsAT&T CorporationANSI T1.303H)EP94200239b+EP199402002395 Intensity-stereo encoding and decoding in a transmission systemT&T CorporationANSI T1.303H)EP94200239b+EP199402002395 Intensity-stereo encoding and decoding in a transmission systemT&T CorporationANSI T1.303I)EP94200240b+EP199402002405 Digital transmission system for transmitting an additional signal such as a surround signalANSI T1.303W)EP942002580EP19940200258\7A method for signalling in a telecommunication systemAT&T CorporationANSI T1.303.EP94202097D1EP19940202097bBcRadio system with frequency optimizationAT&T CorporationANSI T1.30329EP943013540EP19940301354DYWireless local area network apparatusAT&T ATIS - 0100302AEP943037771EP19940303777_HA multiple access radio systemAT&T Corporation ANSI T1.312wPEP943077691EP19940307769Discrete multiple tone transmission on high-speed digital subscriber linestion ANSI T1.312wPEP943077691EP19940307769Discrete multiple tone transmission on high-speed digital subscriber linestion ANSI T1.312=QEP943079871EP19940307987."CDMA communication with multiplex transmission of data over a long distance with a low to a high rate ANSI T1.312:TEP943088271EP19940308827IHandover between different radio telephone systemsAT&T Corporation ANSI T1.312XEP944001550EP19940400155Device for cross-mapping between synchronous and asynchronous transmission formats ATIS - 0100312XEP944001640EP19940400164DwApparatus for secure facsimile transmission and a secure facsimile comprising such a device ATIS - 0100312XEP944001650EP199404001652EP19950914384 Y6^METHOD AND EQUIPMENT FOR TRANSMITTING MESSAGES TO MOBILE RADIO STATIONSountain 3GPP TS26.346lEP95914498a2EP19950914498(ASELECTIVE CALL SYSTEMDigital Fountain 3GPP TS26.346vnEP95915211O2EP19950915211YEQLOCATION UPDATING FOR A PACKET-SWITCHED DATA SERVICE IN A MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM3GPP TS26.3461rEP95916725P2EP19950916725 [/aMETHOD FOR ADAPTING A TRANSMISSION MODE IN A MOBILE RADIOCOMMUNICATION SYSTEMn 3GPP TS26.346CuEP95918002q2EP19950918002\RCONTROL OF HANDOVER AND TRANSMISSION POWER CONTROL OF MOBILE STATION IN A MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM3GPP TS26.346yEP959195842EP199509195842]+CONNECTION RELEASE IN A TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMDigital Fountain 3GPP TS26.346yEP959195852EP199509195852]+TELECOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMTelefonaktiebolaget LM EricssonANSI J-STD-007^zEP959200932EP19950920093]kRA METHOD FOR IMPROVING THE AUDIBILITY OF A BROADCAST CONTROL CHANNELnaktiebolaget LM EricssonANSI J-STD-014rzEP95920124l2EP19950920124]&eMETHOD OF ACCESSING A PACKET IN A CELLULAR DIGITAL RADIO SYSTEMelefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson ~EP959225362EP19950922536_RPOWER CONTROL METHOD AND ARRANGEMENT FOR HANDOVER IN A MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMLM Ericsson ANSI J-STD-008EP959226302EP19950922630sd}CALL SETUP AND SERVICE INVOCATION IN TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORKSlefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson ANSI J-STD-010EP959239332EP19950923933aw^METHOD OF PROVIDING SERVICE AND DATA RATE NEGOTIATION IN A MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMricsson ANSI J-STD-011لEP959243352EP19950924335`SHANDOVER METHOD AND CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMTelefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson ANSI J-STD-014ڄEP959243362EP19950924336`SMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SPEECH TRANSMISSION IN A MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMget LM Ericsson ANSI J-STD-0147EP959244762EP19950924476GcMETHOD OF AND SYSTEM FOR COMMUNICATING MESSAGESEricsson J-STD-007; ATIEP959263482EP19950926348/`ELLIPTIC CURVE ENCRYPTION SYSTEMSEricsson J-STD-008EP959272082EP19950927208I_POWER CONSUMPTION CONTROL METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM SUBSCRIBER UNIT J-STD-009EP959272082EP19950927208I_POWER CONSUMPTION CONTROL METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM SUBSCRIBER UNIT J-STD-010EP959275442EP19950927544$ `SPREAD SPECTRUM INTERFERENCE CANCELER SYSTEM AND METHODEricsson J-STD-011EP959292812EP1995092928137METHOD IN RADIO BASED TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM USING REPEATERSEricsson J-STD-014-EP959293722EP19950929372`METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR SELECTING AN ENCODING RATE IN A VARIABLE RATE VOCODER J-STD-014axEP959320312EP19950932031gUDATA TRANSMISSION METHOD IN A TDMA MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMEricsson J-STD-014byEP959320322EP19950932032gUDATA TRANSMISSION METHOD IN A TDMA MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMTelefonaktiebolaget LM EricssonANSI T1.718ƗEP959321433EP19950932143*gc}ENCODING AND DECODING OF A WIDEBAND DIGITAL INFORMATION SIGNALHitachi Telecom (USA), Inc.ANSI J-STD-014$EP959342613EP19950934261@s>SELECTIVE CALL SYSTEMHitachiJ-STD-014apEP959352422EP19950935242i.bMETHOD FOR POWER SAVING IN A CELLULAR RADIOTELEPHONE APPARATUSHughes Network SystemsJ-STD-007թEP95939304E3EP19950939304lVHIGH-SPEED DATA TRANSMISSION IN MOBILE COMMUNICATION NETWORKSHughes Network SystemsJ-STD-008ѫEP95940137C3EP19950940137MmcPROCESS FOR TRANSMITTING CODED VOICE SIGNALS IN AT LEAST ONE TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORKJ-STD-009%EP95940248:3EP19950940248Cw~BURST ALIGNMENT PROCEDUREHughes Network SystemsJ-STD-010SEP95942278X3EP19950942278%"*DEVICE AND METHOD FOR INITIALLY SYNCHRONIZING SPREAD-SPECTRUM CODE OF CDMA TRANSMISSION SYSTEMJ-STD-011eEP95942306Y3EP19950942306}"ґMOBILE TERMINAL LOCATION REGISTRATION IN A MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMetwork SystemsJ-STD-014EP95943833L3EP19950943833[LOgMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INFORMING A USER OF MESSAGE STATUS IN A COMMUNICATION DEVICEJ-STD-014aEP95943833L3EP19950943833[LOgMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INFORMING A USER OF MESSAGE STATUS IN A COMMUNICATION DEVICEJ-STD-014b~EP95943981S3EP19950943981, eSPREAD-SPECTRUM SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ADAPTIVE POWER CONTROL IN A CELLULAR COMMUNICATION NETWORKANSI T1.107EP96100286(.EP19960100286;0Multifiber optical connector plug with low reflection and low insertion losswork CorporationANSI T1.410]EP96101121v3EP19960101121BQvMethod for establishing a call to a group of mobiles in a mobile communication networkATIS - 0600107xEP961031913EP199601031915ZvMethod for transferring subscriber data between network nodes in at least one of the structures of an intelligent network supporting the communication networkATIS - 0600410EP961059203EP19960105920iMethod for signature and session key generationInterDigital, Inc.ANSI J-STD-007EP961059213EP19960105921u xiMethod for secure session key generation and authenticationInterDigital, Inc.ANSI J-STD-008EP96107690.EP19960107690CIterative decoding method, decoding module and decoder therefornterDigital, Inc.ANSI J-STD-010{EP961096524EP19960109652{}vMethod and circuit for frame synchronisation in a multi-cellular telecommunications systemANSI J-STD-0112EP96110155w)EP19960110155! /YHandoff in a cellular commuinication systemInterDigital, Inc.ANSI J-STD-014EP96111452"4EP19960111452"`CDMA diversity transmission systemInterDigital, Inc.ANSI J-STD-014ZEP96113707L4EP19960113707Access method, mobile station and base station for CDMA mobile communication systemANSI J-STD-014ZEP96113707L4EP19960113707Access method, mobile station and base station for CDMA mobile communication systemJ-STD-007; ATIEP96115853p4EP19960115853,zvMethod and arrangement for data transmission between a mobile cellular network and user equipmentJ-STD-008EP96116504}4EP19960116504zvMethod and communication system for displaying caller identification on subscriber stations in case of group callsJ-STD-010EP961185044EP19960118504 aMethod and device for voice activity detection and a communication devicelJ-STD-011EP961191664EP19960119166 K~vRadio station with a separate antenna unitInterDigitalJ-STD-014EP961194844EP19960119484N|ļvMethod for acknowledged group call for GSM mobile radio network in regional configurationJ-STD-014a|EP96200046b+EP199602000465 Transmission signalInterDigitalJ-STD-014bEP962013223EP19960201322%rhStrengthened public key protocolIntradoeeATIS - 0500002 EP96201857b+EP199602018575 Transmission of digital signals by means of a record carrierIntradoeeATIS - 0500006EP96202785u4EP199602027850cDεElectronic component with electrically erasable non-volatile memorydoeeATIS - 0500007YEP962030864EP199602030869cDъ-Vehicle, in particular a refuse collection vehicle, provided with a safety systemATIS - 0800006EP962032764EP19960203276~-Method and communication network with conversion of a bit stream in transport frames ATIS - 0600404EP963041383EP19960304138L]Implementation of mutual rate adaptations in data services between GSM and DECT3GPP TS43.318;-EP96400149r3EP19960400149 dTransmission packet to be used for discontinuous transmissionKineto Wireless3GPP TS43.318;5EP964025544EP19960402554Method for phase alignment of electronic cards, interrogation station and electronic card for its implementation3GPP TS43.318;5EP964025554EP19960402555Power supply and modulation circuit for a ticket which is readable at a distance3GPP TS43.318;5EP964025564EP19960402556Procedure for interrogating cards at a distance, station and cards for its implementation3GPP TS43.318;5EP964025564EP19960402556Procedure for interrogating cards at a distance, station and cards for its implementation3GPP TS43.318;AEP96850015z3EP19960850015)!<7Method and arrangement for transfer between a cordless telecommunaction system and a cellular mobile telecommunication system3GPP TS43.318; AEP96850017|3EP199608500173KG<7Procedure to increase the traffic capacity in a wireless communications system3GPP TS43.318;CEP96900336d3EP19960900336Ά)XPACKET RADIO SYSTEM AND METHODS FOR A PROTOCOL-INDEPENDENT ROUTING OF A DATA PACKET IN PACKET RADIO NETWORKS3GPP TS43.318;EEP96900816}3EP19960900816W h%ALGEBRAIC CODEBOOK WITH SIGNAL-SELECTED PULSE AMPLITUDES FOR FAST CODING OF SPEECH3GPP TS43.318;EEP96901020`3EP19960901020Z|"rSPEECH CODING METHOD USING LINEAR PREDICTION AND ALGEBRAIC CODE EXCITATIONess 3GPP TS43.318;FEP969015463EP19960901546qDMOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;IEP96902541z3EP19960902541rqD"<7ARRANGEMENT FOR HANDOVER IN A MOBILE TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;cKEP969032243EP19960903224" eVARIABLE RATE TRANSMITTING METHOD, AND TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER USING ITeless 3GPP TS43.318;LEP969038543EP19960903854W |ADEPTH-FIRST ALGEBRAIC-CODEBOOK SEARCH FOR FAST CODING OF SPEECHineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;MEP969041173EP19960904117ʉ[HIGH-SPEED DATA TRANSMISSION IN MOBILE COMMUNICATION NETWORKSKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;MEP969041193EP19960904119ˉ[FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION IN A MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;bWEP969080363EP19960908036y /SIGNAL QUALITY DETERMINING DEVICE AND METHODKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;rWEP969080563EP19960908056y /SIGNAL QUALITY DETERMINING DEVICE AND METHODKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;rWEP969080563EP19960908056y /SIGNAL QUALITY DETERMINING DEVICE AND METHODKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;ZEP969090683EP19960909068iV@QzvPROCESS FOR PRODUCING AND EVALUATING A VIDEO DATA STREAM FOR VIDEO TRANSMISSION 3GPP TS43.318;]EP969102793EP199609102796z?7A METHOD TO DETERMINE THE EXCITATION PULSE POSITIONS WITHIN A SPEECH FRAMEess 3GPP TS43.318;]EP969102803EP199609102806z?7A METHOD OF CODING AN EXCITATION PULSE PARAMETER SEQUENCEKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;/]EP969103253EP199609103257ngIDENTIFYING APPLICATION CAPABILITIES FOR TELECONFERENCE CONNECTIONSo Wireless 3GPP TS43.318; eEP969135443EP19960913544b \A METHOD AND AN EQUIPMENT FOR TRANSMITTING A FILE-BASED MULTIMEDIA AND HYPERMEDIA SERVICE TO A MOBILE RECEIVER 3GPP TS43.318;eEP969135573EP19960913557c\MULTI-CHANNEL DATA TRANSMISSION SYSTEM WITH SLIDING-WINDOW DATA FLOW CONTROLs 3GPP TS43.318;PoEP969176234EP199609176239o}VIDEO-ON-DEMAND SYSTEMKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;qEP96918611 4EP19960918611n5vMETHOD OF TRANSMITTING DATA PACKETS ACCORDING TO A PACKET DATA SERVICE IN A CELLULAR MOBILE RADIO NETWORK PROVIDED FOR VOICE AND DATA-TRANSMISSION 3GPP TS43.318;rEP969187213EP19960918721ٴ",SMART CARD READERKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;wEP969209254EP19960920925nSPEECH CODERKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;ByEP969216164EP19960921616(IoMULTI-MEDIA RECEIVER AND SYSTEM THEREFORKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;{EP969226154EP19960922615ܡ5KAUTOMATIC POWER CONTROL SYSTEM FOR A CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS (CDMA) COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM 3GPP TS43.318;}EP969233524EP19960923352~vSYSTEM FOR USING ARTICLE OF COMMERCE TO ACCESS REMOTE COMPUTERKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;~EP969235254EP19960923525ܡ5KCDMA MODEMKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;~EP969235274EP19960923527ܡ5KCODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS (CDMA) COMMUNICATION SYSTEMKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;EP969242204EP19960924220[0nPULSE SHAPING FOR MULTICARRIER MODULATIONKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;TEP969260564EP199609260569]mCODE ACQUISITION IN A CDMA COMMUNICATION SYSTEM USING MULTIPLE WALSH CHANNELS 3GPP TS43.318;YEP9692728314EP19960927283InADAPTIVE DESPREADERKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;EP9692737484EP199609273745nMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TIME DIVISION DUPLEX PILOT SIGNAL GENERATIONWireless 3GPP TS43.318;ߎEP96930252[4EP19960930252rMESSAGING SYSTEMKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;ϏEP96930655O4EP199609306555JuoMETHOD FOR COMMUNICATING DATA IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMneto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;ЏEP96930656O4EP199609306565voMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR COMMUNICATING IN A WIRELESS COMMUNICATION SYSTEMless 3GPP TS43.318;OEP96932115b4EP19960932115E7METHOD FOR ENCRYPTION OF INFORMATIONKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;EP96932390x4EP19960932390O3-AMINO-PROPOXYPHENYL DERIVATIVES (I)Kineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;uEP96932976Y4EP19960932976J\oAPPARATUS AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING THE ACTUAL TRANSMISSION POWER OF A BASE STATION IN A CELLULAR COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM 3GPP TS43.318;eEP96936087n4EP19960936087rKpMETHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PROCESSING TELEPHONE CALLS INVOLVING TWO DIGITAL WIRELESS SUBSCRIBER UNITS THAT AVOIDS DOUBLE VOCODING 3GPP TS43.318;EP969374644EP19960937464lHSPREAD SPECTRUM TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;EP96938566w4EP19960938566rDMH7IMPROVEMENTS IN OR RELATING TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICESKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;+EP969404564EP19960940456eqFAST POWER CONTROL IN A VARIABLE DATA RATE MOBILE CDMA COMMUNICATION SYSTEMss 3GPP TS43.318;&EP969416794EP19960941679c:aINTER-MSC HANDOVER IN HIGH-SPEED DATA TRANSMISSIONKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;ǫEP96941935N4EP19960941935\roTIME DIVISION DUPLEX REPEATER FOR USE IN A CDMA SYSTEMKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;EP969459834EP19960945983d MMETHOD AND APPARATUS FOR INTRODUCING OPTICAL CABLE INTO A SOLID BEDo Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;EP969460434EP19960946043ΣCABLE JOINT FOR OPTICAL FIBRES WITH SPLICING CASSETTES AND OVERLENGTH LOOPSss 3GPP TS43.318;lEP969461484EP19960946148PROCESS AND DEVICE FOR DATA TRANSMISSION IN A CELLULAR RADIO SYSTEMo Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;yEP969461674EP199609461675vPROCESS FOR TRANSMITTING DATA IN A UNIVERSAL TRANSMISSION SYSTEMneto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;kEP971033705EP199701033705 vMethod of supplementary services management in a mobile communications network 3GPP TS43.318;EP97103854 5EP19970103854KE\vDynamic assigment of signalling virtual channels for wireless ATM systemsless 3GPP TS43.318;EP97104997W0EP19970104997T[Detection of multiple articlesKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;EP97104998W0EP19970104998T[Detection of multiple articlesKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;EP97105365%5EP19970105365#jrDevices for transmitter path weights and methods thereforKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;EP97105931)EP19970105931OC`Impurity measuring methodKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;EP9710611435EP19970106114R"dhvDigital signatures on a smartcardKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;[EP97109573m5EP19970109573"Method and apparatus for signal transmission in CDMA mobile communication system 3GPP TS43.318;@EP97110136u5EP19970110136Dt@Mobile communication system for supporting multiple simultaneous communications on single mobile terminal 3GPP TS.25.401EP97110306y5EP19970110306"Handover type judgement scheme for CDMA mobile communication systemo Wireless 3GPP TS.25.401EP971114695EP19970111469>!oMethod of controlling power on forward link in a cellular CDMA systemWireless 3GPP TS.25.401 EP971118385EP19970111838"Q=Radio channel initial transmission scheme for mobile communication systemless 3GPP TS.25.401;EP971127815EP19970112781D|A transponder systemKineto Wireless 3GPP TS.25.401*EP971136685EP19970113668 5wMethod and system for locating a mobile subscriber registered in a cellular mobile radio network 3GPP TS.25.401EP971153455EP19970115345}D}Transmission system for OFDM-signals with optimized synchronisationo Wireless 3GPP TS.25.401ZEP971157725EP19970115772 }Communication protocol between a transmitter-receiver unit and transpondersss 3GPP TS.25.401+EP97117217-EP19970117217Methof of data broadcasting using time-frequency interleaving and assigning a higher power for reference symbols, as well as the corresponding transmitter 3GPP TS.25.401EP971186495EP19970118649DCommunicating method between IPv4 terminal and IPv6 terminal and IPv4-IPv6 converting apparatus 3GPP TS.25.401EP97122842/6EP19970122842Communication method, transmitting apparatus and receiving apparatus for simultaneously using first and second communication resources by variable allocation 3GPP TS.25.401EP97122843/6EP19970122843Communication method, base station and terminal apparatusKineto Wireless 3GPP TS.25.401sEP9712294956EP19970122949sVwMethod for installation of an optical or electrical cable in a solid ground and arrangement for installation of the cable 3GPP TS.25.401EP973005164EP19970300516cZResource allocation in a multi-user, multicarrier mobile radio systemWireless 3GPP TS.25.401EP97304088l5EP19970304088"0\CDMA communication method and group spreading modulatorKineto Wireless 3GPP TS.25.401m'EP973064675EP19970306467D2Communication method and apparatus with transmission power controlto Wireless 3GPP TS.25.401n'EP973064685EP19970306468DV2Transmission method and apparatus in a cellular communication system Wireless 3GPP TS.25.401/EP973089336EP19970308933D7Communication method, base station and terminal apparatus using time slotsess 3GPP TS.25.4010EP973092136EP19970309213Methods for generating comfort noise during discontinous transmissionWireless 3GPP TS.25.401D;EP974015635EP19970401563ܐMethod and apparatus for configuring a communications networkKineto Wireless 3GPP TS.25.401<EP974019875EP19970401987ϋDInformation bits transmission process with error correction coding, and coder and decoder therefor 3GPP TS.25.401<EP974019885EP19970401988DInformation bits transmission process with error correction coding, and coder and decoder therefor 3GPP TS43.318;EEP976601095EP19970660109Oo,Method for radio resource controlKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;cGEP978104685EP19970810468֌m@Connector part for optical connectionKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;SEP979023784EP19970902378b "dA CONNECTION ESTABLISHMENT METHOD, A SUBSCRIBER TERMINAL UNIT AND A RADIO SYSTEM 3GPP TS43.318;`UEP979030394EP19970903039DtCOEXISTING GSM AND CDMA WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORKSKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;`UEP979030394EP19970903039DtCOEXISTING GSM AND CDMA WIRELESS TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORKSKineto Wireless 3GPP TS43.318;WEP97903657 5EP19970903657"uSIGNAL TRANSMISSION METHOD, TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER IN MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM 3GPP TS43.318;GWEP979037494EP199709037496EP19980904001k\gSwMETHOD FOR CONTROLLING LEGAL MONITORING OF TELECOMMUNICATIONSLG ElectronicsIIF-WT-026EP98908129w6EP19980908129ށEpPROCEDURE FOR ENSURING THE OPERATION OF SIGNALLING CHANNELS IN A V5 INTERFACEIIF-WT-026hEP98908938v6EP19980908938HMULTICHANNEL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM WITH DECODERLGEIPTVEP98909283Q6EP19980909283G_@WwMETHOD AND BASE STATION SYSTEM FOR CALLING MOBILE STATIONS FOR THE TRANSMISSION OF PACKET DATAIPTVŽEP98909518~6EP19980909518IpADAPTIVE FILTERLGEIPTVEP98909909x6EP19980909909OjBSubscription-based mobile station idle mode cell selectionLGEIPTVEP989117646EP19980911764T]METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSMISSION AND RECEPTION OF A TRANSMISSION RATE IN A CDMA COMMUNICATION SYSTEMIPTVEP989125366EP19980912536CpDELIVERY OF SHORT MESSAGES IN A PACKET RADIO NETWORKLGEIPTVEP989125366EP19980912536CpDELIVERY OF SHORT MESSAGES IN A PACKET RADIO NETWORKLGEIPTVEP989187266EP19980918726D㢃METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR DATA TRANSMISSION WITHIN A BROAD-BAND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMIPTV EP989197476EP19980919747-DETERMINING THE LOCATION OF A SUBSCRIBER UNIT IN A MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMIPTVXEP989216136EP19980921613 k{ENHANCED IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMLucent Technologies ANSI T1.105EP989231066EP19980923106"FMOBILE RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM, MOBILE STATION, AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING DIVERSITY HAND-OVER BRANCH ATIS - 0900105EP989245326EP19980924532n Ę}ARRANGEMENT FOR INDEPENDENTLY REQUESTING A PLAYING AUTHORIZATION FOR A REPRODUCED ENCRYPTED INFORMATION SIGNAL ANSI T1.6374EP989285916EP19980928591"WINFORMATION DATA MULTIPLEXING TRANSMISSION SYSTEM, MULTIPLEXER AND DEMULTIPLEXER USED THEREFOR, AND ERROR CORRECTING ENCODER AND DECODER ATIS - 10006373EP989319376EP19980931937q,6JqwMETHOD AND COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF SUPPLEMENTARY SERVICESANSI T1.7189EP989335486EP19980933548F?xwDEVICE AND METHOD FOR PERSONALISING CHIP CARDSLucent Technologies PQRC-2006-012REP989336706EP199809336700}sREDUCING MESSAGE TRAFFIC IN INTELLIGENT NETWORKMagnolia Broadband3GPP#EP989341966EP19980934196d ߗA SYSTEM FOR FORMING AND PROCESSING PROGRAM SPECIFIC INFORMATION CONTAINING TEXT DATA FOR TERRESTRIAL, CABLE OR SATELLITE BROADCAST3GPPVEP98936445 7EP19980936445,sMETHOD OF CONTROLLING COMMUNICATION RESOURCESMagnolia Broadband3GPPaEP98938102 7EP19980938102,׃POWER CONSERVATION FOR POTS AND MODULATED DATA TRANSMISSIONMagnolia Broadband3GPPEP98940752$7EP19980940752v[REDUCING SPARSENESS IN CODED SPEECH SIGNALSMagnolia Broadband3GPPEP98941975$7EP19980941975FCA METHOD FOR COMMUNICATING INFORMATION IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEM THAT SUPPORTS MULTIPLE MODULATION SCHEMES3GPPEP98941978'7EP19980941978FCA METHOD FOR SELECTING A COMBINATION OF MODULATION AND CHANNEL CODING SCHEMES IN A DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM3GPP5yEP98942338+7EP19980942338IMETHOD FOR PERFORMING A COUNTDOWN FUNCTION DURING A MOBILE-ORIGINATED TRANSFER FOR A PACKET RADIO SYSTEM3GPPEP989424996EP19980942499/6zmDATA TRANSFER WITH INTERRUPTION PHASESMagnolia Broadband3GPPFEP989462366EP19980946236#b@wINTERPOLATION FILTERING METHOD FOR ACCURATE SUB-PIXEL MOTION ASSESSMENTBroadband3GPP%EP98946540I7EP19980946540*##METHOD FOR ASSESSING THE DEGRADATION OF A VIDEO IMAGE INPUT BY A CODING AND/OR STORAGE AND/OR TRANSMISSION SYSTEM3GPPEP98947644T7EP19980947644x$METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR ASSESSING, AT RECEPTION LEVEL, THE QUALITY OF A DIGITAL SIGNAL, SUCH AS A DIGITAL AUDIO/VIDEO SIGNAL3GPPEP98948034M7EP19980948034f7OPTICAL AMPLIFIER CONTROLMagnolia Broadband3GPPEP98949945%7EP19980949945nQwMETHOD AND DEVICE FOR TRANSMITTING USER DATA IN A RADIOCOMMUNICATION SYSTEMdband3GPPEP98950125^7EP19980950125N-DIVERSITY RECEPTION IN A MOBILE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMMagnolia Broadband3GPPZ 7EP98951188 7EP19980951188t)wOPTIMISED OPERATIONS FOR RESEARCH IN ADJACENT CHANNELS AND FOR ALLOCATING OPTIMISED TIME SLOTS FOR MOBILE STATIONS TRANSMITTING IN A PLURALITY OF TIME SLOTS3GPP<:EP98952516&7EP19980952516wMETHOD, MOBILE STATION AND BASE STATION FOR TRANSMITTING INFORMATION VIA A RADIO INTERFACE OF A MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM3GPP$EP9895256047EP19980952560K.6wMETHOD AND DEVICE FOR TAPPING COMMUNICATION LINKS IN A MOBILE RADIO TELEPHONE SYSTEM3GPPEP98952886p7EP19980952886!IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMMagnolia Broadband3GPPEP98956050q7EP19980956050mMETHOD, AND ASSOCIATED APPARATUS, FOR SELECTIVELY PERMITTING ACCESS BY A MOBILE TERMINAL TO A PACKET DATA NETWORK3GPPEP98957288{7EP19980957288XMETHOD AND SYSTEM FOR DETERMINING POSITION OF MOBILE RADIO TERMINALSia Broadband3GPPg EP989599227EP19980959922 vHANDLING OF FORWARDED CALLSMagnolia Broadband3GPPl EP989599277EP199809599275wUPGRADING OF RESOURCES IN A TELECOMMUNICATIONS NETWORKMagnolia Broadband3GPP EP989600287EP19980960028n0COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE AND A MANAGEMENT CONTROL AGENT AND OPERATING PROTOCOL THEREFORE3GPPc EP98960332{7EP19980960332vYuSYSTEM AND METHOD FOR ELECTRONIC INVENTORYMagnolia Broadband3GPP EP989609337EP19980960933}G:A TRANSMITTER AND A METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING DATAMagnolia Broadband3GPP EP98961022[7EP19980961022WIOwMETHOD FOR TRANSMITTING INFORMATION VIA A RADIO INTERFACEMagnolia Broadband3GPP EP98961025\7EP19980961025]IwDATA TRANSMISSION PROCESS AND DEVICE IN A DIGITAL TRANSMISSION SYSTEM WITH ARQnd3GPP EP98961047b7EP19980961047IwMETHOD, MOBILE STATION AND BASE STATION FOR ESTABLISHING CONNECTIONS IN A RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM3GPP EP98961064i7EP19980961064IwMETHOD AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR PROCESSING ALARMS IN A MANAGEMENT NETWORK WITH SEVERAL MANAGEMENT LEVELS3GPPB EP989667547EP19980966754__KMETHOD AND SYSTEM FOR GENERATING A COMPLEX PSEUDONOISE SEQUENCE FOR PROCESSING A CODE DIVISION MULTIPLE ACCESS SIGNAL3GPPm EP989668137EP19980966813/6wMETHOD AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEM FOR PROCESSING ALARMS USING A MANAGEMENT NETWORK INVOLVING SEVERAL LAYERS OF MANAGEMENT3GPP EP989671506EP19980967150 ܃METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TRANSMITTING SIGNALS IN A COMMUNICATION SYSTEMBroadband3GPP EP99100556-EP19990100556x ؏Apparatus for the application of biological samples to an electrophoresis plateonal Ltd. 3GPP TS23.401k7 EP9911023768EP19990110237D}Geolocation determinationMarvell International Ltd.  3GPP TS23.402P? EP99112568Z8EP19990112568{*v&xMethod and communication system for processing alarms in a network with several management layers 3GPP TS23.861P? EP99112568Z8EP19990112568{*v&xMethod and communication system for processing alarms in a network with several management layersT? EP99112572Z8EP19990112572BBSxMethod and device for handling packet data serviceMatra CommunicationsZ? 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EP999447298EP19990944729>iTINTERLEAVER USING CO-SET PARTITIONINGNortel NetworkseeATIS - 0900105~) EP999457027EP19990945702\{METHOD OF MEASURING TIME DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRANSMITTERS, AND RADIO SYSTEMANSI T1.801.03j+ EP99946485~8EP199909464856~p}WAN ADAPTIVE CRITERION FOR SPEECH CODINGNTIA/ITS ATIS - 1000018+ EP999465318EP19990946531WCODEC MODE DECODING USING A PRIORI KNOWLEDGENTIA ANSI T1.801.04- EP999475028EP19990947502a^̀IDENTIFYING A MOBILE STATION IN A PACKET RADIO NETWORKNTIA ANSI T1.801.040 EP999487698EP19990948769W_eCOMMUNICATION NETWORKNTIA/ITS  ATIS - 01008011 EP999492368EP19990949236_}DATA TRANSPORTNTIA/ITS  ATIS - 01008012 EP999497178EP19990949717LOST PACKET RECOVERY METHOD FOR PACKET TRANSMISSION PROTOCOLSNTIAANSI T1.5184 EP999506018EP1999095060168}APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR TRANSMITTING PUNCTURED OR REPEATED DATAC PanasonicANSI J-STD-0086 EP999513128EP19990951312B XSPEECH CODINGMCC PanasonicANSI J-STD-010y8 EP999521838EP19990952183a?HIGH FREQUENCY CONTENT RECOVERING METHOD 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MATERIALEricsson ABUS34688299[8US19990346882b wdMethod and apparatus for signal combining in a high data rate communication systemUS34721199[8US19990347211BBTxMethod and mobile radio telephone network for handling a packet data service5US34754989)US19890347549P bdUser activated memory programming authorization in a selective call receiver:US34765006AUS20060347650m HDistributed architecture and methods for broadcast/multicast serviceon ABUS34773406AUS20060347734I RFID readers and tags transmitting and receiving waveform segment with ending-triggering transitionUS347835941US19940347835ǡBase station emulatorEricsson ABUS34800599_8US199903480054^}Method for improving performances of a mobile radiocommunication system using a power control algorithmRUS34805503n=US20030348055[6'Location technology support determinations in wireless communications networks and devicesKUS348181941US19940348181QhqAMethod of changing over path switch in optical transmission devicesson 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utilizing variable data fields with a page description languageuUS37393782US19820373937$J[1fFacsimile data reductionEricsson ABUS373942951US19950373942 u1fSupport of multiplicity of radio interfaces over an interface between a base station system and a mobile switch3US37426203=US20030374262Multi-modal content and automatic speech recognition in wireless telecommunication systems@US37433506AUS20060374335:Method and system for multi-layer network routingEricsson ABUS374444952US19950374444! o:fMethod and apparatus for the formatting of data for transmissionicsson AB?%US374896998US19990374896k\gSwMethod for controlling the statutory monitoring of telecommunication traffic/US37503689*US19890375036CfSquelch circuitEricsson AB)1US375067998US19990375067ܥSTurbo code interleaver with near optimal performanceEricsson AB9US37519103=US20030375191Transmission schemes for multi-antenna communication systems utilizing multi-carrier modulation6iUS3758752D2USD3758752cssFPAUTOMATIC VEHICLE 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vocoding using detection codesEricsson ABSUS3783244DUSD3783244css:kXGAUGED PULSE WIDTH DETERMINING CIRCUITEricsson ABUS378371998US19990378371@3"/Device and method for inserting previously known bits in input stage of channel encoder!US3785322D\USD3785322cssKi\HATCH COVEREricsson AB'US378625998US19990378625X8SMethod for a general turbo code trellis terminationEricsson AB)US3786439DUSD3786439cssF%!bERROR DETECTION SYSTEMSEricsson AB92US37877606AUS20060378776b8]q4Circuit-switched and multimedia subsystem voice continuityEricsson ABkUS37961103=US20030379611~Method and system for extending the reach of a data communication channel using a flow control interception deviceJuUS379746998US19990379746 Communication systemEricsson ABUS38001898"7US19980380018G_@WwMethod and base station system for calling mobile stations for the transmission of packet dataUS38091800#9US20000380918IpAdaptive filterEricsson AB2US38099106BUS20060380991 rMMethod and system for delivery of short message service 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apparatus for use in low BW:Rs applicationsBgUS383318952US19950383318GKDelay line separator for data busEricsson ABSUS38350606)BUS20060383506ZQELow-complexity bit-robust method and system for combining codewords to form a single codewordUS383555952US19950383555RNNMobile station operating in an analog mode and for subsequent handoff to another systemUS38356703=US20030383567)Arrangement for traversing an IPv4 network by IPv6 mobile routerscsson ABUS38366103=US20030383661/Network selection in a WLANEricsson ABu US38432403=US20030384324<.^Method and apparatus for communicationEricsson AB US384334952US19950384334]rUNavigation assistance for call handling in mobile telephone systemsson AB#US385109998US19990385109.=Neighbour cell measurements for cell re-selectionEricsson AB)US38531182US19820385311 eOFilm cartridges, films and cameras adapted for use therewithEricsson AB=@US386053998US19990386053ߪ~fSystem and method for performing combined multi-rate convolutional 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apparatus for beamforming in a wireless communication systemABqUS389075952US19950389075~TMDifferential to single-ended CMOS converterEricsson ABUS389287998US19990389287h,AFC device and method of controlling reception frequency in a dual-mode terminalUS389348952US19950389348nd}gHigh-speed memory and memory management systemEricsson ABPUS394974998US19990394974[(ăgRadio link protocol frame sorting mechanism for dynamic capacity wireless data channels^US39541903=US20030395419{PTime slot management method and a main station and substation realizing such a methoddUS395626998US19990395626WoCDMA communications and geolocation system and methodEricsson ABhUS39574595*2US19950395745;&gCell processing for voice transmissionEricsson ABiUS39578203=US20030395782-$]Method and apparatus for reducing co-channel interference in a communication systemvkUS39584303=US2003039584310 GbE LAN signal mapping to OTU2 signalEricsson ABsUS39612303=US20030396123LH?^Optimal location service for managing next hop 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