import ceylon.language { e=empty }

"A sequence with no elements. The type `Empty` may be
 abbreviated `[]`, and an instance is produced by the 
 expression `[]`. That is, in the following expression,
 `none` has type `[]` and refers to the value `[]`:
     [] none = [];
 (Whether the syntax `[]` refers to the type or the value 
 depends upon how it occurs grammatically.)"
see (`interface Sequence`)
shared interface Empty of e
           satisfies Nothing[] &
                     Ranged<Integer,Nothing,[]> {
    //"Returns `null` for any given index."
    //shared actual Null get(Integer index) => null;
    "Returns `null` for any given index."
    shared actual Null getFromLast(Integer index) => null;
    "Returns `null` for any given index."
    shared actual Null getFromFirst(Integer index) => null;
    "Returns `false` for any given element."
    shared actual Boolean contains(Object element) => false;
    "Returns `false` for any given index."
    shared actual Boolean defines(Integer index) => false;
    "Returns `[]`."
    shared actual [] keys => this;
    "Returns `[]`."
    shared actual [] indexes() => this;
    "Returns `true`."
    shared actual Boolean empty => true;
    "Returns 0."
    shared actual Integer size => 0; 
    "Returns `[]`."
    shared actual [] reversed => this;
    "Returns `[]`."
    shared actual [] sequence() => this;
    "Returns a string description of the empty sequence: 
    shared actual String string => "[]";
    "Returns `null`."
    shared actual Null lastIndex => null; 
    "Returns `null`."
    shared actual Null first => null;
    "Returns `null`."
    shared actual Null last => null;
    "Returns `[]`."
    shared actual [] rest => this;
    "Returns `[]`."
    shared actual [] clone() => this;
    "Returns `[]`."
    shared actual [] coalesced => this;
    "Returns `[]`."
    shared actual [] indexed => this;
    "Returns `[]`."
    shared actual [] repeat(Integer times) => this;
    "Returns `[]`."
    shared actual [] cycled => this;
    "Returns `[]`."
    shared actual [] paired => this;
    "Returns an iterator that is already exhausted."
    shared actual 
    Iterator<Nothing> iterator() => emptyIterator;
    "Returns `[]` for any given measure."
    shared actual 
    [] measure(Integer from, Integer length) => this;
    "Returns `[]` for any given span."
    shared actual 
    [] span(Integer from, Integer to) => this;
    "Returns `[]` for any given span."
    shared actual 
    [] spanTo(Integer to) => this;
    "Returns `[]` for any given span."
    shared actual 
    [] spanFrom(Integer from) => this;
    "Returns the given [[other]] iterable object."
    shared actual 
            (Iterable<Other,OtherAbsent> other) 
            given OtherAbsent satisfies Null 
            => other;
    shared actual 
    [] defaultNullElements<Default>
            (Default defaultValue) 
            given Default satisfies Object
            => this;
    "Returns 0 for any given predicate."
    shared actual 
    Integer count(Boolean selecting(Nothing element)) 
            => 0;
    shared actual 
    [] map<Result>(Result collecting(Nothing element)) 
            => this;
    shared actual 
    [] flatMap<Result, OtherAbsent>
            (Iterable<Result,OtherAbsent> collecting(Nothing element))
    		given OtherAbsent satisfies Null 
            => this;
    shared actual 
    [](*Args) spread<Result,Args>
            (Result(*Args) method(Nothing element))
            given Args satisfies Anything[] 
            => flatten((Args args) => this);
    shared actual 
    [] filter(Boolean selecting(Nothing element)) 
            => this;
    shared actual 
    Result fold<Result>(Result initial)
            (Result accumulating(Result partial, 
                                 Nothing element)) 
            => initial;
    shared actual 
    Null reduce<Result>
            (Result accumulating(Result partial, 
                                 Nothing element))
            => null;
    shared actual 
    Null find(Boolean selecting(Nothing element)) 
            => null;
    shared actual 
    [] sort(Comparison comparing(Nothing a, Nothing b)) 
            => this;
    shared actual 
    [] collect<Result>(Result collecting(Nothing element)) 
            => this;
    shared actual 
    [] select(Boolean selecting(Nothing element))
            => this;
    shared actual 
    Boolean any(Boolean selecting(Nothing element)) 
            => false;
    shared actual 
    Boolean every(Boolean selecting(Nothing element)) 
            => true;
    shared actual 
    [] skip(Integer skipping) => this;
    shared actual 
    [] take(Integer taking) => this;
    shared actual 
    [] skipWhile(Boolean skipping(Nothing elem)) => this;
    shared actual 
    [] takeWhile(Boolean taking(Nothing elem)) => this;
    shared actual 
    [] by(Integer step) => this;
    shared actual 
    [Other] withLeading<Other>(Other element) => [element];
    shared actual 
    [Other] withTrailing<Other>(Other element) => [element];
    shared actual 
    Other[] append<Other>(Other[] elements) => elements;
    shared actual 
    Other[] prepend<Other>(Other[] elements) => elements;
    shared actual 
    {Other+} follow<Other>(Other head) => { head };
    shared actual 
    [] sublist(Integer from, Integer to) => this;
    shared actual 
    [] sublistFrom(Integer from) => this;
    shared actual 
    [] sublistTo(Integer to) => this;
    shared actual 
    [] initial(Integer length) => this;
    shared actual 
    [] terminal(Integer length) => this;
    shared actual 
    [] indexesWhere(Boolean selecting(Nothing element)) 
            => this;
    shared actual 
    Null firstIndexWhere(Boolean selecting(Nothing element)) 
            => null;
    shared actual 
    Null lastIndexWhere(Boolean selecting(Nothing element)) 
            => null;
    shared actual 
    [] trim(Boolean trimming(Nothing elem)) => this;
    shared actual 
    [] trimLeading(Boolean trimming(Nothing elem)) => this;
    shared actual 
    [] trimTrailing(Boolean trimming(Nothing elem)) => this;
    shared actual 
    [[],[]] slice(Integer index) => [this, this];
    shared actual 
    void each(void step(Nothing element)) {}

"A sequence with no elements, abbreviated `[]`. The unique 
 instance of the type `[]`."
by ("Tako Schotanus")
shared object empty 
		extends Object() 
		satisfies [] {}

"An iterator that returns no elements."
shared object emptyIterator 
		satisfies Iterator<Nothing> {
    next() => finished;
    string => "empty.iterator()";