"Compares corresponding elements of the given streams using 
 the given [[binary predicate function|comparing]]. Two 
 elements are considered _corresponding_ if they occupy the
 same position in their respective streams. Returns `true` 
 if and only if:
 - the two streams have the same number of elements, and 
 - if the predicate is satisfied for every pair of 
   corresponding elements.
 Returns `false` otherwise. If both streams are empty, 
 return `true`.
 For example:
     corresponding({ 1, 2, 3, 4 }, 1:4)
     corresponding({ 1, 2, 3, 4 }, \"1234\", 
            (Integer i, Character c) => i.string==c.string)
 both evaluate to `true`."
see (`function everyPair`)
tagged("Comparisons", "Streams")
shared Boolean corresponding<First,Second>(
    {First*} firstIterable, {Second*} secondIterable,
    "The predicate function that compares an element of the
     [[first stream|firstIterable]] with the corresponding 
     element of the [[second stream|secondIterable]].
     By default, the elements are compared by a predicate
     function that returns `true` if and only if the 
     elements are [[equal|Object.equals]] or both `null`."
    Boolean comparing(First first, Second second)
            => if (exists first, exists second) 
                    then first==second
                    else !first exists && 
                         !second exists) {
    value firstIter = firstIterable.iterator();
    value secondIter = secondIterable.iterator();
    while (true) {
        value first = firstIter.next();
        value second = secondIter.next();
        if (!is Finished first, !is Finished second) {
            if (!comparing(first, second)) {
                return false;
        else {
            return first is Finished && second is Finished;