import ceylon.language.meta.model { Class }

 * Do we really need to enforce that you can't 
 * ask for the annotations of a certain type for a
 * certain program element unless the annotation 
 * type can appear at that program element? Why not
 * just return no annotations?

"The annotations of the [[given type|annotationType]] 
 applied to the [[given program element|programElement]]. 
 For example:
     // Does the process declaration have any annotations
     // of type SharedAnnotation?
     value isShared = annotations(`SharedAnnotation`, `value process`) exists;
 The annotations may be returned in any order."
shared native Values annotations<Value, Values, in ProgramElement>(
    Class<ConstrainedAnnotation<Value,Values,ProgramElement>> annotationType,
    ProgramElement programElement)
        given Value satisfies ConstrainedAnnotation<Value,Values,ProgramElement>
        //given Values of <Value?> | <Value[]>
        given ProgramElement satisfies Annotated;