import ceylon.language.meta.model { 
    AppliedType = Type, 

"""A value declaration.
   <a name="toplevel-sample"></a>
   ### Usage sample for toplevel value
   Getting a model requires applying type arguments to the
   value declaration with [[apply]] in order to be able to read that value. For example, here is how you would
   obtain a value model that you can read from a toplevel attribute declaration:
       String foo = "Hello";
       void test(){
           // We need to apply the the foo declaration in order to get the foo value model
           Value<String> valueModel = `value foo`.apply<String>();
           // This will print: Hello
   <a name="member-sample"></a>
   ### Usage sample for attributes
   For attributes it is a bit longer, because attributes need to be applied the containing type, so you should 
   use [[memberApply]] and start by giving the containing closed type:
       class Outer(){
           shared String foo => "Hello";
       void test(){
           // Apply the containing closed type `Outer` to the attribute declaration ``
           Attribute<Outer,String> valueModel = `value`.memberApply<Outer,String>(`Outer`);
           // We now have an Attribute, which needs to be applied to a containing instance in order to become a
           // readable value:
           Value<String> boundValueModel = valueModel(Outer());
           // This will print: Hello
shared sealed interface ValueDeclaration
        satisfies FunctionOrValueDeclaration & NestableDeclaration & GettableDeclaration {
    "True if this declaration is annotated with [[late|ceylon.language::late]]."
    shared formal Boolean late;
    "True if this declaration is annotated with [[variable|ceylon.language::variable]]."
    shared formal Boolean variable;

    "True if this declaration is an `object` declaration, whose type is an anonymous class."
    shared formal Boolean objectValue;
    "This value's anonymous class declaration if this value is an object declaration. `null` otherwise."
    shared formal ClassDeclaration? objectClass;

    "Applies this value declaration in order to obtain a value model. 
     See [this code sample](#toplevel-sample) for an example on how to use this."
    throws(`class IncompatibleTypeException`, "If the specified `Get` or `Set` type arguments are not compatible with the actual result.")
    shared formal Value<Get, Set> apply<Get=Anything, Set=Nothing>();

    "Applies the given closed container type to this attribute declaration in order to obtain an attribute model. 
     See [this code sample](#member-sample) for an example on how to use this."
    throws(`class IncompatibleTypeException`, "If the specified `Container`, `Get` or `Set` type arguments are not compatible with the actual result.")
    shared formal Attribute<Container, Get, Set> memberApply<Container=Nothing, Get=Anything, Set=Nothing>(AppliedType<Object> containerType);
    "Reads the current value of this toplevel value."
    shared actual default Anything get()
            => apply<Anything, Nothing>().get();
    "Reads the current value of this attribute on the given container instance."
    throws(`class IncompatibleTypeException`, "If the specified container is not compatible with this attribute.")
    throws(`class StorageException`,
           "If this attribute is not stored at runtime, for example if it is neither shared nor captured.")
    shared actual default Anything memberGet(Object container)
            => memberApply<Nothing, Anything, Nothing>(`Nothing`).bind(container).get();

    "Sets the current value of this toplevel value."
    shared default void set(Anything newValue)
        => apply<Anything,Nothing>().setIfAssignable(newValue);

    "Sets the current value of this attribute on the given container instance."
    throws(`class IncompatibleTypeException`, "If the specified container or new value type is not compatible with this attribute.")
    throws(`class StorageException`,
           "If this attribute is not stored at runtime, for example if it is neither shared nor captured.")
    shared formal void memberSet(Object container, Anything newValue);
    //=> memberApply<Nothing, Anything, Nothing>(`Nothing`).bind(container).setIfAssignable(newValue);

    "Returns the setter declaration for this variable if there is one, `null` otherwise."
    shared formal SetterDeclaration? setter;
