A 32-bit Unicode character.

Literal characters may be written between single quotes:

' '

Every Character has a unique Integer-valued Unicode code point.

Integer piCodePoint = '\{GREEK SMALL LETTER PI}'.integer; // #03C0
Character pi = #03C0.character; // GREEK SMALL LETTER PI

Characters are Enumerable, so character ranges may be produced using the measure() and span() operators.

value lowerLatinLetters = 'a'..'z';
value upperLatinLetters = 'A':26;

Characters have a natural order determined by their Unicode code points. So, for example, 'a'<'b', since 'a'.integer<'b'.integer.

By: Gavin
See also String

no subtypes hierarchy

Character(Character character)
codePointSee integer
controlSource Codeshared Boolean control

Determine if this character is an ISO control character.

digitSource Codeshared Boolean digit

Determine if this character is a numeric digit. That is, if its Unicode general category is Nd.

hashSource Codeshared actual Integer hash

The hash code for this Character, which is always its 32-bit Unicode code point.

Refines Object.hash
integerSource Codeshared Integer integer

The Unicode code point of the character, an Integer in the range 0..#10FFFF.

Aliases: codePoint
letterSource Codeshared Boolean letter

Determine if this character is a letter. That is, if its Unicode general category is Lu, Ll, Lt, Lm, or Lo.

lowercaseSource Codeshared Boolean lowercase

Determine if this is a lowercase representation of the character. That is, if its Unicode general category is Ll.

lowercasedSource Codeshared Character lowercased

The lowercase representation of this character.

Conversion of uppercase characters to lowercase is performed according to a locale-independent mapping that produces incorrect results in certain locales (e.g. tr-TR).

Furthermore, this conversion always produces a single character, which is incorrect for characters whose uppercase representation comprises multiple characters, for example İ. Thus,

  • 'İ'.lowercased evaluates to 'i', whereas
  • "İ".lowercased evaluates, more correctly, to the string "i̇".

Therefore, for most purposes, it is better to use char.string.lowercased instead of char.lowercased.

predecessorSource Codeshared actual Character predecessor

The character with the Unicode code point that is the predecessor of the unicode code point this character.

Refines Enumerable.predecessor ultimately refines Ordinal.predecessor
stringSource Codeshared actual String string

A string containing just this character.

successorSource Codeshared actual Character successor

The character with the Unicode code point that is the successor of the unicode code point this character.

Refines Enumerable.successor ultimately refines Ordinal.successor
titlecaseSource Codeshared Boolean titlecase

Determine if this is a title case representation of the character. That is, if its Unicode general category is Lt.

titlecasedSource Codeshared Character titlecased

The title case representation of this character.

uppercaseSource Codeshared Boolean uppercase

Determine if this is an uppercase representation of the character. That is, if its Unicode general category is Lu.

uppercasedSource Codeshared Character uppercased

The uppercase representation of this character.

Conversion of lowercase characters to uppercase is performed according to a locale-independent mapping that produces incorrect results in certain locales (e.g. tr-TR).

Furthermore, this conversion always produces a single character, which is incorrect for characters whose uppercase representation comprises multiple characters, for example ß. Thus,

  • 'ß'.uppercased evaluates to 'ß', whereas
  • "ß".uppercased evaluates, more correctly, to the string "SS".

Therefore, for most purposes, it is better to use char.string.uppercased instead of char.uppercased.

whitespaceSource Codeshared Boolean whitespace

Determine if this character is a whitespace character. The following characters are whitespace characters:

  • LINE FEED, \n or \{#000A},
  • FORM FEED, \f or \{#000C},
  • CARRIAGE RETURN, \r or \{#000D},
  • HORIZONTAL TABULATION, \t or \{#0009},
  • LINE TABULATION, \{#000B},
  • FILE SEPARATOR, \{#001C},
  • GROUP SEPARATOR, \{#001D},
  • UNIT SEPARATOR, \{#001F}, and
  • any Unicode character in the general category Zs, Zl, or Zp that is not a non-breaking space.
Inherited Attributes
Attributes inherited from: Object
Attributes inherited from: Enumerable<Other>
Attributes inherited from: Ordinal<Other>
compareSource Codeshared actual Comparison compare(Character other)

Compare this character with the given character, according to the Unicode code points of the characters.

equalsSource Codeshared actual Boolean equals(Object that)

Determines if the given object is a character with the same code point as this character.

largerThanSource Codeshared actual Boolean largerThan(Character other)

Determine if this character's code point is larger than the given character's code point, returning false if the two characters represent the same code point.

neighbourSource Codeshared actual Character neighbour(Integer offset)

The indirect successor or predecessor at the given offset, where:

  • x.neighbour(0) == x,
  • x.neighbour(i+1) == x.neighbour(i).successor, and
  • x.neighbour(i-1) == x.neighbour(i).predecessor.
notLargerThanSource Codeshared actual Boolean notLargerThan(Character other)

Determine if this character's code point is smaller than or equal to the given character's code point, returning true if the two characters represent the same code point.

notSmallerThanSource Codeshared actual Boolean notSmallerThan(Character other)

Determine if this character's code point is larger than or equal to the given character's code point, returning true if the two characters represent the same code point.

offsetSource Codeshared actual Integer offset(Character other)

The difference between the Unicode code point of this character, and the Unicode code point of the given character.

offsetSignSource Codeshared actual Integer offsetSign(Character other)

The sign of the offset from the given value.

smallerThanSource Codeshared actual Boolean smallerThan(Character other)

Determine if this character's code point is smaller than the given character's code point, returning false if the two characters represent the same code point.

Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from: Object
Methods inherited from: Comparable<Other>
Methods inherited from: Enumerable<Other>