"""The general contract for values whose magnitude can be
compared. `Comparable` imposes a total ordering upon
instances of any type that satisfies the interface.
If a type `T` satisfies `Comparable<T>`, then instances
of `T` may be compared using the comparison operators
`<`, `>`, `<=`, `>=`.
assert (x>=0.0);
A _ternary comparison_ is useful for asserting lower and
upper bounds.
assert (0.0<=x<1.0);
Finally, the _compare_ operator `<=>` may be used to
produce an instance of [[Comparison]].
switch (x<=>y)
case (equal) {
print("same same");
case (smaller) {
print("x smaller");
case (larger) {
print("y smaller");
The total order of a type must be consistent with the
definition of equality for the type. That is, there are
three mutually exclusive possibilities:
- `x<y`,
- `x>y`, or
- `x==y`
(These possibilities are expressed by the enumerated
instances [[smaller]], [[larger]], and [[equal]] of
The order imposed by `Comparable` is sometimes called the
_natural order_ of a type, to reflect the fact that any
function of type `Comparison(T,T)` might determine a
different order. Thus, some order-related operations come
in two flavors: a flavor that depends upon the natural
order, and a flavor which accepts an arbitrary comparator
function. Examples are:
- [[sort]] vs [[Iterable.sort]] and
- [[max]] vs [[Iterable.max]]."""
see (`class Comparison`,
`function sort`,
`function max`, `function min`,
`function largest`, `function smallest`)
by ("Gavin")
shared interface Comparable<in Other> of Other
given Other satisfies Comparable<Other> {
"Compares this value with the given value, returning:
- [[larger]], if this value is strictly larger than the
given value,
- [[smaller]], if this value is strictly smaller than
the given value, or
- [[equal]], if this value is [[equal|equals]] to the
given value.
For any two values `x` and `y` such that the expression
`x.compare(y)` is well-typed, the expression may be
x <=> y
Implementations must respect the constraints that:
- `x==y` if and only if `x<=>y == equal`
(consistency with `equals()`),
- if `x>y` then `y<x` (symmetry), and
- if `x>y` and `y>z` then `x>z` (transitivity)."
see (`function equals`)
shared formal Comparison compare(Other other);
"Determines if this value is strictly larger than the
given value."
shared default Boolean largerThan(Other other)
=> compare(other)===larger;
"Determines if this value is strictly smaller than the
given value."
shared default Boolean smallerThan(Other other)
=> compare(other)===smaller;
"Determines if this value is larger than or equal to the
given value."
shared default Boolean notSmallerThan(Other other)
=> !compare(other)===smaller;
"Determines if this value is smaller than or equal to
the given value."
shared default Boolean notLargerThan(Other other)
=> !compare(other)===larger;