"""The abstract supertype of all types representing definite
values. Any two values which are assignable to `Object`
may be compared for value equality using the `==` and `!=`
operators, even if the values are of different concrete
true == false
1 == "hello world"
"hello"+" "+"world" == "hello world"
Singleton("hello world") == ["hello world"]
However, since [[Null]] is not a subtype of `Object`, the
value [[null]] cannot be compared to any other value
using the `==` operator. Thus, value equality is not
defined for optional types. This neatly bypasses the
problem of deciding the value of the expression
`null==null`, which is simply illegal.
A concrete subclass of `Object` must refine [[equals]]
and [[hash]] (or inherit concrete refinements), providing
a concrete definition of value equality for the class.
In extreme cases it is acceptable for two values to be
equal even when they are not instances of the same class.
For example, the [[Integer]] value `1` and the [[Float]]
value `1.0` are considered equal. Except in these extreme
cases, instances of different classes are considered
see (`class Basic`, `class Null`)
by ("Gavin")
tagged("Basic types")
shared abstract class Object()
extends Anything() {
"Determine if two values are equal.
For any two non-null objects `x` and `y`, `x.equals(y)`
may be written as:
x == y
Implementations should respect the constraints that:
- if `x===y` then `x==y` (reflexivity),
- if `x==y` then `y==x` (symmetry),
- if `x==y` and `y==z` then `x==z` (transitivity).
Furthermore it is recommended that implementations
ensure that if `x==y` then `x` and `y` have the same
concrete class.
A class which explicitly refines `equals()` is said to
support _value equality_, and the equality operator
`==` is considered much more meaningful for such
classes than for a class which simply inherits the
default implementation of _identity equality_ from
Note that an implementation of `equals()` that always
returns [[false]] does satisfy the constraints given
above, as long as the class does _not_ inherit
[[Identifiable]]. Therefore, in very rare cases where
there is no reasonable definition of value equality for
a class, for example, [[function references|Callable]],
it is acceptable for `equals()` to be defined to return
`false` for every argument."
shared formal Boolean equals(Object that);
"The hash value of the value, which allows the value to
be an element of a hash-based set or key of a
hash-based map. Implementations must respect the
constraint that:
- if `x==y` then `x.hash==y.hash`.
Therefore, a class which refines [[equals]] must also
refine `hash`.
In general, `hash` values vary between platforms and
between executions of the same program.
Note that when executing on a Java Virtual Machine, the
64-bit [[Integer]] value returned by an implementation
of `hash` is truncated to a 32-bit integer value by
taking the exclusive disjunction of the 32 lowest-order
bits with the 32 highest-order bits, before returning
the value to the caller."
see (`function identityHash`)
shared formal Integer hash;
"A developer-friendly string representing the instance.
Concatenates the name of the concrete class of the
instance with the `hash` of the instance. Subclasses
are encouraged to refine this implementation to produce
a more meaningful representation."
shared default String string
=> className(this) + "@" +
Integer.format(hash, #10);