"Abstract supertype of resources which may be obtained at
the beginning of a `try` statement and then released when
the statement completes. Unlike a [[Destroyable]] resource,
a single instance of `Obtainable` may be reused between
multiple `try` statements or multiple executions of the
same `try` statement.
Lock lock = ... ;
try (lock) {
- [[obtain]] is called before the body of the `try`
statement is executed, and
- [[release]] is called when execution of the body of the
`try` statement ends, even if an exception propagates out
of the body of the `try`.
A class which satisfies `Obtainable` may impose constraints
on the ordering and nesting of invocations of `obtain()`
and `release()`. For example, it may be not be possible to
obtain a resource that has already been obtained. Those
methods should produce an [[AssertionError]] when any such
constraint is violated."
see (`interface Destroyable`)
tagged("Basic types")
shared interface Obtainable satisfies Usable {
"Obtain this resource. Called before the body of a `try`
statement is executed.
If an exception is thrown by `obtain()`, then `release()`
will not be called."
throws (`class AssertionError`,
"if an illegal state is detected")
shared formal void obtain();
"Release this resource. Called when execution of the
body of a `try` statement ends, even if an exception
propagates out of the body of the `try`."
throws (`class AssertionError`,
"if an illegal state is detected")
shared formal void release(
"The exception propagating out of the body of the
`try` statement, or `null` if no exception was
Throwable? error);