"A collection in which each distinct element occurs at most
once. Two non-[[identical|Identifiable]] values are
considered distinct only if they are unequal, according to
their own definition of [[value equality|Object.equals]].
A `Set` is a [[Collection]] of its elements. Sets may not
have [[null|Null]] elements.
A new `Set` may be obtained by calling the function [[set]].
value words = set { \"hello\", \"world\" };
value greetings = set { \"hello\", \"goodbye\", \"hola\", \"adios\" };
The [[emptySet]] is a `Set` with no elements.
Sets may be the subject of the binary union, intersection,
and complement operators `|`, `&`, and `~`.
value greetingsInWords = words & greetings;
value allWords = words | greetings;
An implementation of `Set` may compare elements for
equality using [[Object.equals]] or [[Comparable.compare]]."
see (`function package.set`, `value emptySet`)
shared interface Set<out Element=Object>
satisfies Collection<Element>
given Element satisfies Object {
"The fundamental operation for `Set`s. Determines if the
given value belongs to this set."
shared actual default Boolean contains(Object element)
=> super.contains(element);
"A shallow copy of this set, that is, a set with the
same elements as this set, which do not change if the
elements of this set change."
shared actual default Set<Element> clone()
=> package.set(this);
"Determines if this set is a superset of the given
`Set`, that is, if this set contains all of the
elements in the given set."
shared default Boolean superset(Set<> set) {
for (element in set) {
if (!contains(element)) {
return false;
else {
return true;
"Determines if this set is a subset of the given `Set`,
that is, if the given set contains all of the elements
in this set."
shared default Boolean subset(Set<> set) {
for (element in this) {
if (!element in set) {
return false;
else {
return true;
distinct => this;
shared actual {Element*}
defaultNullElements<Default>(Default defaultValue)
given Default satisfies Object => this;
"Returns a new `Set` containing all the elements of this
set and all the elements of the given `Set`.
For example:
set { \"hello\", \"world\" } | set { 1, 2, \"hello\" }
Produces the set `{ \"hello\", \"world\", 1, 2 }` of
type `Set<String|Integer>`.
Note that it is possible for two sets of disjoint
element type to be considered to have elements in
common. For example, since \`1==1.0\`
[[evaluates to true|Integer.equals]],
the expression
set { 1 } | set { 1.0 }
produces the set `{ 1 }`."
shared default
Set<Element|Other> union<Other>(Set<Other> set)
given Other satisfies Object
=> package.set(chain(set));
"Returns a new `Set` containing only the elements that
are present in both this set and the given `Set` and
that are instances of the intersection `Element&Other`
of the element types of the two sets.
For example:
set { \"hello\", \"world\" } & set { 1, 2, \"hello\" }
Produces the set `{ \"hello\" }` of type `Set<String>`.
Note that, according to this definition, and even
though `1==1.0` [[evaluates to true|Integer.equals]],
the expression
set { 1 } & set { 1.0 }
produces the empty set `{}`."
shared default
Set<Element&Other> intersection<Other>(Set<Other> set)
given Other satisfies Object
=> package.set(filter((e) => e in set)
"Returns a new `Set` containing all the elements in this
set that are not contained in the given `Set`.
For example:
set { \"hello\", \"world\" } ~ set { 1, 2, \"hello\" }
Produces the set `{ \"world\" }` of type `Set<String>`."
shared default
Set<Element> complement<Other>(Set<Other> set)
given Other satisfies Object
=> package.set(filter((e) => !e in set));
"Returns a new `Set` containing only the elements
contained in either this set or the given `Set`, but no
element contained in both sets."
shared default
Set<Element|Other> exclusiveUnion<Other>(Set<Other> set)
given Other satisfies Object
=> package.set(filter((e) => !e in set)
.chain(set.filter((e) => !e in this)));
"Two `Set`s are considered equal if they have the same
size and if every element of the first set is also an
element of the second set, as determined by
[[contains]]. Equivalently, a set is equal to a second
set if it is both a subset and a superset of the second
shared actual default Boolean equals(Object that) {
if (is Set<> that, that.size==size) {
for (element in this) {
if (!element in that) {
return false;
else {
return true;
return false;
shared actual default Integer hash {
variable Integer hashCode = 0;
for (elem in this) {
hashCode += elem.hash;
return hashCode;
"Create a new immutable [[Set]] containing every element
produced by the given [[stream]], resolving items with
duplicate keys according to the given [[function|choosing]].
For example:
set { 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3 }
produces the set `{ 0, 1, 2, 3 }`.
This is an eager operation and the resulting set does not
reflect changes to the given [[stream]]."
see(`value Iterable.distinct`)
shared Set<Element> set<Element>(
"The stream of elements."
{Element*} stream,
"A function that chooses between duplicate elements. By
default, the element that occurs _earlier_ in the
stream is chosen."
Element choosing(Element earlier, Element later)
=> earlier)
given Element satisfies Object
=> IterableSet(stream, choosing);
class IterableSet<Element>(
{Element*} stream,
Element choosing(Element earlier, Element later))
extends Object()
satisfies Set<Element>
given Element satisfies Object {
value elements =
(Element? current, element)
=> if (exists current)
then choosing(current, element)
else element);
contains(Object element) => elements.defines(element);
iterator() => elements.keys.iterator();
size => elements.size;
empty => elements.empty;
clone() => this;
"An immutable [[Set]] with no elements."
shared object emptySet
extends Object()
satisfies Set<Nothing> {
shared actual
Set<Other> union<Other>(Set<Other> set)
given Other satisfies Object
=> set;
shared actual
Set<Nothing> intersection<Other>(Set<Other> set)
given Other satisfies Object
=> this;
shared actual
Set<Other> exclusiveUnion<Other>(Set<Other> set)
given Other satisfies Object
=> set;
shared actual
Set<Nothing> complement<Other>(Set<Other> set)
given Other satisfies Object
=> this;
subset(Set<> set) => true;
superset(Set<> set) => set.empty;
clone() => this;
iterator() => emptyIterator;
size => 0;
empty => true;
contains(Object element) => false;
containsAny({Object*} elements) => false;
containsEvery({Object*} elements) => false;
count(Boolean selecting(Nothing element)) => 0;
any(Boolean selecting(Nothing element)) => false;
every(Boolean selecting(Nothing element)) => true;
shared actual
Null find(Boolean selecting(Nothing element))
=> null;
shared actual
Null findLast(Boolean selecting(Nothing element))
=> null;
skip(Integer skipping) => this;
take(Integer taking) => this;
by(Integer step) => this;
shared actual
void each(void step(Nothing element)) {}