"""A string of characters. Each character in the string 
   is a [[32-bit Unicode character|Character]]. The 
   UTF-16 encoding of the underlying native string is 
   hidden from clients.
   Literal strings may be written between double quotes:
       "hello world"
       "\{#03C0} \{#2248} 3.14159"
   Alternatively, a _verbatim string_ may be written 
   between tripled double quotes.
   The _empty string_, `""`, is a string with no 
   A string is a [[Category]] of its [[characters]], and 
   of its substrings:
       'w' in greeting 
       "hello" in greeting
   Strings are [[summable|Summable]]:
       String greeting = "hello" + " " + "world";
   They are efficiently [[iterable|Iterable]]:
       for (char in "hello world") { ... }
   They are [[lists|List]] of [[characters|Character]]:
       value char = "hello world"[5];
   They are [[ranged|Ranged]]:
       String who = "hello world"[6...];
   Note that since `string[index]` evaluates to the 
   optional type `Character?`, it is often more 
   convenient to write `string[index..index]`, which 
   evaluates to a `String` containing a single character, 
   or to the empty string `""` if `index` refers to a 
   position outside the string.
   It is easy to use comprehensions to transform strings:
       String { for (s in "hello world") if (s.letter) s.uppercased }
   Since a `String` has an underlying UTF-16-encoded 
   native string, certain operations are expensive, 
   requiring iteration of the characters of the string. 
   In particular, [[size]] requires iteration of the 
   whole string, and `get()`, `span()`, and `measure()` 
   require iteration from the beginning of the string to 
   the given index."""
by ("Gavin")
tagged("Basic types", "Strings")
shared native final class String
        extends Object
        satisfies SearchableList<Character> &
                  Comparable<String> &
                  Summable<String> & 
                  Ranged<Integer,Character,String> {
    "The concatenation of the given [[strings]]."
    see (`class StringBuilder`)
    shared static String sum({String*} strings) {
        value result = StringBuilder();
        return result.string;
    "The characters that form this string."
    {Character*} characters;
    "Capture the given stream of characters as a stream
     backed by an immutable native String."
    native {Character*} capture({Character*} characters);
    "A new string with the given [[characters]]."
    shared native new ({Character*} characters) 
            extends Object() {
        this.characters = capture(characters);
    "This string, with all characters in lowercase.
     Conversion of uppercase characters to lowercase is
     performed according to a locale-independent mapping
     that produces incorrect results in certain locales
     (e.g. `tr-TR`).
     The resulting string may not have the same number 
     of characters as this string, since the uppercase 
     representation of certain characters comprises 
     multiple characters, for example the lowercase 
     representation of 
     characters wide."
    see (`value String.uppercased`)
    shared native String lowercased;
    "This string, with all characters in uppercase.
     Conversion of lowercase characters to uppercase is
     performed according to a locale-independent mapping
     that produces incorrect results in certain locales
     (e.g. `tr-TR`).
     The resulting string may not have the same number 
     of characters as this string, since the uppercase 
     representation of certain characters comprises 
     multiple characters, for example the uppercase 
     representation of \{LATIN SMALL LETTER SHARP S} is 
    see (`value String.lowercased`)
    shared native String uppercased;
    "Split the string into tokens, using the given 
     [[predicate function|splitting]] to determine which 
     characters are _separator characters_ delimiting 
     token boundaries.
         value pathElements = path.split('/'.equals);
     The flags [[discardSeparators]] and [[groupSeparators]]
     determine how separator characters occur in the
     resulting stream. 
     - If `discardSeparators` is enabled, the stream 
       contains only _regular tokens_ containing 
       adjacent non-separator characters, and the 
       separator characters are simply discarded.
     - If `discardSeparators` is disabled, the string is 
       broken into regular tokens and _separator tokens_
       containing the separator characters. If 
       `groupSeparators` is disabled, the separator 
       tokens each contain a single character. If 
       `groupSeparators` is enabled, adjacent separator 
       characters are grouped into a single token.
     The [[limit]] determines the maximum number of 
     regular (non-separator) tokens that are returned in 
     the stream. If the limit is exceeded, the remainder 
     of the string is returned as a single token at the 
     end of the resulting stream. For example,
         \"foo bar baz fum\".split { limit = 2; }
     produces the stream `{ \"foo\", \"bar\", \"baz fum\" }`.
     If the first character of this string is a 
     separator character, the stream begins with an 
     empty token. Likewise, if the last character of 
     this string is a separator character, and the 
     `limit` is not reached, the stream ends with an 
     empty token.
     Note that for the case of the empty string, `split()` 
     always produces a stream containing a single empty 
     token. For example:
     evaluates to the nonempty stream `{ \"\" }`."
    shared native {String+} split(
            "A predicate that determines if a character 
             is a separator characters at which to split. 
             Default to split at any 
            Boolean splitting(Character ch) => ch.whitespace,
            "Specifies that separator characters 
             occurring in the string should be discarded.
             If `false`, the resulting stream will have 
             separator tokens containing the separator 
            Boolean discardSeparators = true,
            "Specifies that adjacent separator 
             characters should be grouped into a single 
             separator token. If `false` each separator 
             token will contain a single character."
            Boolean groupSeparators = true,
            "Specifies the maximum number of regular 
             tokens, with a `null` argument indicating 
             no upper limit. If this string contains 
             more regular tokens than the given limit, 
             the remaining part of the string will be 
             returned as a single token at the very end 
             of the stream. If the limit is not strictly 
             positive, a stream containing this string 
             will be returned."
            Integer? limit = null)
            => StringTokens(this, splitting, 
                discardSeparators, groupSeparators, 
    "The first character in the string."
    shared actual native Character? first
            => characters.first;
    "The last character in the string."
    shared actual native Character? last
            => characters.last;
    "The rest of the string, without its first character."
    shared actual native String rest
            => String(characters.rest);
    "A sequence containing all indexes of this string."
    shared actual native Integer[] keys => 0:size;
    "Join the [[string representations|Object.string]] 
     of the given [[objects]], using this string as a 
    shared native String join({Object*} objects) {
        value result = StringBuilder();
        value strings = objects.map(Object.string);
        result.appendAll(empty then strings 
            else strings.interpose(this));
        return result.string;
    "Split the string into lines of text, discarding 
     line breaks. Recognized line break sequences are 
     `\\n` and `\\r\\n`. The empty string is considered 
     a single line of text."
    see (`value linesWithBreaks`)
    shared native {String+} lines 
            => split('\n'.equals, true, false)
    "Split the string into lines of text with line 
     breaks. Each line will be terminated by a line 
     break sequence, `\\n` or `\\r\\n`, except for the 
     very last line. The empty string is considered a 
     single line of text."
    see (`value lines`)
    shared native {String+} linesWithBreaks
            => split('\n'.equals, false, false)
            .map(([line, *rest])
                    => if (nonempty rest)
                    then line + rest[0]
                    else line);
    "A string containing the characters of this string, 
     after discarding [[whitespace|Character.whitespace]] 
     from the beginning and end of the string."
    shared native String trimmed
            => trim(Character.whitespace);
    "A string containing the characters of this string, 
     after discarding the characters matching the given 
     [[predicate function|trimming]] from the beginning 
     and end of the string.
         value trimmed = name.trim('_'.equals);
     A character is removed from the string if it 
     matches the given predicate and if either:
     - every character occurring earlier in the string 
       also matches the predicate, or
     - every character occurring later in the string 
       also matches the predicate."
    shared actual native String trim(
            "A predicate that determines whether a 
             character occurring near the start or end 
             of the string should be trimmed."
            Boolean trimming(Character element))
            => if (exists from
                    = firstIndexWhere(not(trimming)),
                   exists to
                    = lastIndexWhere(not(trimming))) 
            then this[from..to]
            else "";
    "A string containing the characters of this string, 
     after discarding the characters matching the given 
     [[predicate function|trimming]] from the beginning 
     of the string.
     A character is removed from the string if it 
     matches the given predicate and every character 
     occurring earlier in the string also matches the 
    shared actual native String trimLeading(
            "A predicate that determines whether a 
             character occurring near the start of the 
             string should be trimmed."
            Boolean trimming(Character element))
            => if (exists from
                    = firstIndexWhere(not(trimming))) 
            then this[from...]
            else "";
    "A string containing the characters of this string, 
     after discarding the characters matching the given 
     [[predicate function|trimming]] from the end of the 
     A character is removed from the string if it 
     matches the given predicate and every character 
     occurring later in the string also matches the 
    shared actual native String trimTrailing(
            "The predicate that determines whether a 
             character occurring near the end of the
             string should be trimmed."
            Boolean trimming(Character element))
            => if (exists to
                    = lastIndexWhere(not(trimming))) 
            then this[...to]
            else "";

    "A string containing the characters of this string 
     after collapsing strings of adjacent 
     [[whitespace|Character.whitespace]] characters into 
     single space characters and discarding whitespace 
     from the beginning and end of the string."
    shared native String normalized {
        value result = StringBuilder();
        variable value previousWasWs = false;
        for (ch in this) {
            value currentIsWs = ch.whitespace;
            if (!currentIsWs) {
            else if (!previousWasWs) {
                result.appendCharacter(' ');
            previousWasWs = currentIsWs;
        return result.string.trimmed;
    "A string containing the characters of this string, 
     with the characters in reverse order."
    shared native actual String reversed 
            => StringBuilder()
    "Determine if this string contains only 
     [[whitespace characters|Character.whitespace]]. 
     Returns `false` if the string contains at least one 
     character which is not a whitespace character."
    shared native Boolean whitespace
            => every(Character.whitespace);
    "Determines if this string contains a character at 
     the given [[index]], that is, if `0<=index<size`."
    shared native actual Boolean defines(Integer index)
            => 0<=index<size;
    "A string containing the characters of this string 
     occurring between the given indexes. If the 
     [[start index|from]] is the same as the 
     [[end index|to]], return a string with a single 
     character. If the start index is larger than the 
     end index, return the characters in the reverse 
     order from the order in which they occur in this 
     string. If both the start index and the end index 
     are larger than the last index in the string, or if 
     both the start index and the end index are smaller 
     than the first index in the string, return the 
     empty string. Otherwise, if the last index is 
     larger than the last index in the string, return 
     all characters from the start index to last 
     character of the string.
     Using the [[span operator|Ranged.span]], 
     `string.span(to, from)` may be written as 
    shared actual native String span(Integer from, 
                                     Integer to)
            => String(characters.take(to).skip(from));
    "A string containing the characters of this string 
     from the given [[start index|from]] inclusive to 
     the end of the string. If the start index is larger
     than the last index of the string, return the empty 
     string. If the start index is negative, return this 
     Using the [[span operator|Ranged.spanFrom]], 
     `string.spanFrom(from)` may be written as 
    shared actual native String spanFrom(Integer from)
            => from<size then span(from, size) else "";
    "A string containing the characters of this string 
     from the start of the string up to and including 
     the given [[end index|to]]. If the end index is 
     negative, return the empty string. If the end index 
     is larger than the last index in this string, 
     return this string.
     Using the [[span operator|Ranged.spanTo]], 
     `string.spanTo(to)` may be written as 
    shared actual native String spanTo(Integer to)
            => to>=0 then span(0, to) else "";
    "A string containing the characters of this string 
     beginning at the given [[start index|from]], 
     returning a string no longer than the given 
     [[length]]. If the portion of this string starting 
     at the given index is shorter than the given length, 
     return the portion of this string from the given 
     index until the end of this string. Otherwise, 
     return a string of the given length. If the start 
     index is larger than the last index of the string, 
     return the empty string.
     Using the [[measure operator|Ranged.measure]], 
     `string.measure(from, length)` may be written as
    shared native actual String measure(Integer from, 
                                        Integer length)
            => length > 0 
            then span(from, from+length-1) 
            else "";
    "Select the first characters of this string, 
     returning a string no longer than the given 
     [[length]]. If this string is shorter than the 
     given length, return this string. Otherwise, return 
     a string of the given length."
    shared native actual String initial(Integer length)
            => this[0:length];
    "Select the last characters of the string, returning 
     a string no longer than the given [[length]]. If 
     this string is shorter than the given length, 
     return this string. Otherwise, return a string of 
     the given length."
    shared native actual String terminal(Integer length)
            => this[size-length:length];
    "Return two strings, the first containing the 
     characters that occur before the given [[index]], 
     the second with the characters that occur after the 
     given `index`. If the given `index` is outside the 
     range of indices of this string, one of the 
     returned strings will be empty."
    shared native actual String[2] slice(Integer index)
            => [this[...index-1], this[index...]];
    "The length of the string (the number of characters 
     it contains). In the case of the empty string, the 
     string has length zero. Note that this operation is 
     potentially costly for long strings, since the
     underlying representation of the characters uses a
     UTF-16 encoding. Use of [[longerThan]] or 
     [[shorterThan]] is highly recommended."
    see (`function longerThan`, `function shorterThan`)
    aliased ("length")
    shared actual native Integer size => characters.size;
    "The index of the last character in the string, or 
     `null` if the string has no characters. Note that 
     this operation is potentially costly for long 
     strings, since the underlying representation of the 
     characters uses a UTF-16 encoding. For any nonempty 
         string.lastIndex == string.size-1"
    shared actual Integer? lastIndex 
            => !characters.empty then characters.size-1;
    "An iterator for the characters of the string."
    shared actual native Iterator<Character> iterator()
            => characters.iterator();
    "Returns the character at the given [[index]] in the 
     string, or `null` if the index is before the start 
     of the string or past the end of string. The first 
     character in the string occurs at index zero. The 
     last character in the string occurs at index 
     Using the [[item operator|Correspondence.get]],
     `string.getFromFirst(index)` may be written as
    see (`function getFromLast`)
    shared actual native Character? getFromFirst(
        "An index from the start of the string, which 
         identifies a character within the string only 
         if it falls within the range `0:size`. The 
         index `0` refers to the first character in the
        Integer index)
            => characters.getFromFirst(index);
    "Get the character at the specified index, where the 
     string is indexed from the _end_ of the string, or 
     `null` if the index falls outside the bounds of 
     this string."
    see (`function getFromFirst`)
    shared actual native Character? getFromLast(
        "An index from the end of the string, which 
         identifies a character within this string only 
         if it falls within the range `0:size`. The 
         index `0` refers to the last character in the
        Integer index)
            => super.getFromLast(index);
    "Determines if the given object is a `String` and, 
     if so, if it occurs as a substring of this string, 
     or if the object is a `Character` that occurs in 
     this string. That is to say, a string is considered 
     a [[Category]] of its substrings and of its 
     Using the [[`in` operator|Category.contains]],
     `string.contains(element)` may be written as
     `element in string`."
    shared actual native Boolean contains(Object element)
            => switch (element)
            case (is String) includes(element)
            case (is Character) occurs(element)
            else false;
    "Determines if this string starts with the 
     characters of the given string or list. Returns 
     `false` if the given list contains an element that 
     is not a [[Character]]."
    shared actual native Boolean startsWith(
        "A sequence of [[Character]]s, usually a 
        List<> substring)
            => if (is String substring) 
            then includesAt(0, substring)
            else super.startsWith(substring);
    "Determines if this string ends with the characters 
     of the given string or list. Returns `false` if the 
     given list contains an element that is not a 
    shared actual native Boolean endsWith(
        "A sequence of [[Character]]s, usually a 
        List<> substring)
            => if (is String substring)
            then includesAt(size-substring.size, substring)
            else super.endsWith(substring);
    "Returns the concatenation of this string with the
     given string. The resulting string contains the 
     characters of this string followed by the 
     characters of the given string.
     Using the [[addition operator|Summable.plus]], 
     `string.plus(otherString)` may be written as
     `string + otherString`."
    shared actual native String plus(String other)
            => String(characters.chain(other.characters));
    "Returns a string formed by repeating this string 
     the given number of [[times]], or the empty string 
     if `times<=0`."
    shared actual native String repeat(Integer times) {
        value result = StringBuilder();
        for (_ in 0:times) {
        return result.string;
    "Returns a string formed by replacing every 
     occurrence in this string of the given nonempty 
     [[substring]] with the given [[replacement]] string, 
     working from the start of this string to the end."
    throws (`class AssertionError`,
            "if the given [[substring]] is empty")
    shared native String replace(String substring, 
                                 String replacement) {
        "string to replace must be nonempty"
        assert (!substring.empty);
        value firstIndex = firstInclusion(substring);
        if (!exists firstIndex) {
            return this;
        value substringLength = substring.size;
        value replacementLength = replacement.size;
        value result = StringBuilder().append(this);
        variable value index = firstIndex;
        while (true) {
            result.replace {
                index = index;
                length = substringLength;
                string = replacement;
            if (exists nextIndex
                = result.firstInclusion(substring, 
                        index + replacementLength)) {
                index = nextIndex;
            else {
        return result.string;
    "Returns a string formed by replacing the first 
     occurrence in this string of the given nonempty 
     [[substring]], if any, with the given 
     [[replacement]] string."
    throws (`class AssertionError`,
            "if the given [[substring]] is empty")
    shared native String replaceFirst(String substring, 
                                      String replacement) {
        "string to replace must be nonempty"
        assert (!substring.empty);
            if (exists index = firstInclusion(substring)) 
            then initial(index)
                    + replacement
                    + spanFrom(index+substring.size) 
            else this;
    "Returns a string formed by replacing the last 
     occurrence in this string of the given nonempty 
     [[substring]], if any, with the given 
     [[replacement]] string."
    throws (`class AssertionError`,
            "if the given [[substring]] is empty")
    shared native String replaceLast(String substring, 
                                     String replacement) {
        "string to replace must be nonempty"
        assert (!substring.empty);
            if (exists index = lastInclusion(substring)) 
            then initial(index)
                    + replacement
                    + spanFrom(index+substring.size) 
            else this;
    "Returns a string formed by removing the given 
     [[prefix]] from the start of this string, if this 
     string [[starts with|startsWith]] the given `prefix`, 
     or this string otherwise."
    shared native String removeInitial(String prefix) 
            => startsWith(prefix) 
            then spanFrom(prefix.size)
            else this;
    "Returns a string formed by removing the given 
     [[postfix]] from the end of this string, if this 
     string [[ends with|endsWith]] the given `postfix`, 
     or this string otherwise."
    shared native String removeTerminal(String postfix) 
            => endsWith(postfix) 
            then spanTo(size-postfix.size)
            else this;
    function charsEqualIgnoringCase(Character x, Character y) 
            => x==y 
            || x.uppercased==y.uppercased
            || x.lowercased==y.lowercased;
    "Compare this string with the given string 
     lexicographically, according to the Unicode code 
     points of the characters.
     This defines a locale-independent collation that is
     incorrect in some locales.
     For more specialized lexicographic comparisons 
     between strings, use [[compareIgnoringCase]] or 
    see (`function compareIgnoringCase`,
         `function compareCorresponding`)
    shared actual native Comparison compare(String other)
            => compareCorresponding(this, other, 
                (Character x, Character y) => x<=>y);
    "Compare this string with the given string 
     lexicographically, ignoring the case of the 
     characters. That is, by considering two characters 
     `x` and `y` as equal if:
     - `x == y`,
     - `x.uppercased == y.uppercased`, or
     - `x.lowercased == y.lowercased`.
     This defines a locale-independent collation that is
     incorrect in some locales.
     For more specialized lexicographic comparisons 
     between strings, use [[compareCorresponding]]."
    see (`value Character.lowercased`, 
         `value Character.uppercased`,
         `function compareCorresponding`)
    shared native Comparison compareIgnoringCase(String other)
            => compareCorresponding(this, other, 
                (Character x, Character y) 
                        => charsEqualIgnoringCase(x, y) 
                        then equal 
                        else x.lowercased <=> y.lowercased);
    "Determines if this string is longer than the given
     [[length]]. This is a more efficient operation than
     `string.size>length`, since it does not require 
     complete iteration of the underlying UTF-16-encoded
     native string."
    see (`value size`)
    shared actual native Boolean longerThan(Integer length) {
        variable value index = 0;
        for (_ in characters) {
            if (index++ > length) {
                return true;
        else {
            return false;
    "Determines if this string is shorter than the given
     [[length]]. This is a more efficient operation than
     `string.size>length`, since it does not require 
     complete iteration of the underlying UTF-16-encoded
     native string."
    see (`value size`)
    shared actual native Boolean shorterThan(Integer length) {
        variable value index = 0;
        for (_ in characters) {
            if (index++ >= length) {
                return false;
        else {
            return true;
    "Determines if the given object is a `String`, and 
     if so, if this string has the same [[length|size]], 
     and the same [[characters]], in the same order, as 
     the given [[string|that]].
     For more specialized character-wise comparisons 
     between strings, use [[equalsIgnoringCase]] or 
    see (`function equalsIgnoringCase`,
         `function corresponding`)
    shared actual native Boolean equals(Object that)
            => if (is String that)
            then corresponding(this, that, 
                    (Character x, Character y) => x==y)
            else false;
    "Compare this string with the given string, ignoring 
     the case of the characters. That is, by considering 
     two characters `x` and `y` as equal if:
     - `x == y`,
     - `x.uppercased == y.uppercased`, or
     - `x.lowercased == y.lowercased`.
     For more specialized character-wise comparisons 
     between strings, use [[corresponding]]."
    see (`value Character.lowercased`, 
         `value Character.uppercased`,
         `function corresponding`)
    shared native Boolean equalsIgnoringCase(String that)
            => corresponding(this, that, 
    "A hash code for this `String`, computed from its 
     UTF-16 code units."
    shared actual native Integer hash {
        variable small value hash = 0;
        for (char in this) {
            //TODO: this is not quite correct, should
            //      break the char into UTF-16 units 
            hash *= 31;
            hash += char.hash;
        return hash;
    "This string."
    shared actual String string => this;
    "Determines if this string has no characters, that 
     is, if it has zero [[size]]. This is a _much_ more 
     efficient operation than `string.size==0`."
    see (`value size`)
    shared actual native Boolean empty => characters.empty;
    "This string."
    shared actual String coalesced => this;
    "This string."
    shared actual String clone() => this;
    "Pad this string with the given [[character]], 
     producing a string of the given minimum [[size]], 
     centering the string. If this string is not smaller 
     than the given `size`, return this string."
    shared native String pad(Integer size, 
        "The padding character."
        Character character=' ') {
        value length = this.size;
        if (size<=length) {
            return this;
        value left = (size-length)/2;
        value right = left + (size-length)%2;
        value builder = StringBuilder();
        for (_ in 0:left) {
        for (_ in 0:right) {
        return builder.string;
    "Left pad this string with the given [[character]], 
     producing a string of the given minimum [[size]]. 
     If this string is not smaller than the given `size`, 
     return this string."
    shared native String padLeading(Integer size, 
        "The padding character."
        Character character=' ') {
        value length = this.size;
        if (size<=length) {
            return this;
        value builder = StringBuilder();
        for (_ in 0:size-length) {
        return builder.string;
    "Right pad this string with the given [[character]], 
     producing a string of the given minimum [[size]].
     If this string is not smaller than the given `size`, 
     return this string."
    shared native String padTrailing(Integer size, 
        "The padding character."
        Character character=' ') {
        value length = this.size;
        if (size<=length) {
            return this;
        value builder = StringBuilder();
        for (_ in 0:size-length) {
        return builder.string;
    "Efficiently copy the characters in the segment
     `sourcePosition:length` of this string to the 
     segment `destinationPosition:length` of the given 
     [[character array|destination]].
     The given [[sourcePosition]] and [[destinationPosition]] 
     must be non-negative and, together with the given 
     [[length]], must identify meaningful ranges within 
     the two lists, satisfying:
     - `size >= sourcePosition+length`, and 
     - `destination.size >= destinationPosition+length`.
     If the given `length` is not strictly positive, no
     elements are copied."
    throws (`class AssertionError`, 
        "if the arguments do not identify meaningful 
         ranges within the two lists:
         - if the given [[sourcePosition]] or 
           [[destinationPosition]] is negative, 
         - if `size < sourcePosition+length`, or 
         - if `destination.size < destinationPosition+length`.")
    shared native 
    void copyTo(
        "The array into which to copy the elements."
        Array<in Character> destination,
        "The index of the first element in this array to 
        Integer sourcePosition = 0,
        "The index in the given array into which to copy 
         the first element."
        Integer destinationPosition = 0,
        "The number of elements to copy."
        Integer length 
                = smallest(size - sourcePosition,
                    destination.size - destinationPosition));
    "A string containing the characters of this string 
     beginning at the given [[start index|from]], up to, 
     but not including, the given [[end index|end]]. If 
     the given end index is greater than the last index 
     of this string, return the portion of the string 
     from the given start index until the end of the 
     string. If the start index is larger than the last 
     index of the string, or if the end index is less 
     than one or less than the start index, return the 
     empty string.
     For every pair of indexes, `start`, and `end`, and 
     for any `string`:
         string.substring(start, end) == string[start:end-start]
     _Note: this operation is provided to ease migration 
     of code written in other languages. It is more 
     idiomatic to use [[measure]] or [[span]] where 
    see (`function measure`, `function span`)
    shared native String substring(
        "The inclusive start index."
        Integer from = 0,
        "The exclusive end index." 
        Integer end = size)
            => this[from:end-from];
    "The first index greater than or equal to the given 
     [[start index|from]] at which the given substring 
     occurs in this string, if any, or `-1` otherwise.
     For any `string` and `substring`, and for every 
     index `from`:
         string.indexOf(substring, from) 
            == string.firstInclusion(substring, from) 
                    else -1
     _Note: this operation is provided to ease migration 
     of code written in other languages. It is more 
     idiomatic to use [[firstInclusion]] where 
    see (`function firstInclusion`)
    shared native Integer indexOf(
        "The substring to find within this string."
        String string,
        "The inclusive start index."
        Integer from = 0)
            => firstInclusion(string, from) else -1;
    "The last index smaller than or equal to the given 
     [[end index|to]] at which the given substring 
     occurs in this string, if any, or `-1` otherwise.
     For any `string` and `substring`, and for every 
     index `from`:
         string.lastIndexOf(substring, from) 
            == string.lastInclusion(substring, string.size-from) 
                    else -1
     _Note: this operation is provided to ease migration 
     of code written in other languages. It is more 
     idiomatic to use [[lastInclusion]] where 
    see (`function lastInclusion`)
    shared native Integer lastIndexOf(
        "The substring to find within this string."
        String string,
        "The inclusive start index."
        Integer to = size)
            => lastInclusion(string, size-to) else -1;
    "Determines if this string occurs after the given 
     string in lexicographic order, returning `false` if 
     the two strings are equal."
    shared actual native Boolean largerThan(String other)
            => super.largerThan(other);
    "Determines if this string occurs before the given 
     string in lexicographic order, returning `false` if 
     the two strings are equal."
    shared actual native Boolean smallerThan(String other)
            => super.smallerThan(other);
    "Determines if this string occurs after the given 
     string in lexicographic order, returning `true` if 
     the two strings are equal."
    shared actual native Boolean notSmallerThan(String other)
            => super.notSmallerThan(other);
    "Determines if this string occurs before the given 
     string in lexicographic order, returning `true` if 
     the two strings are equal."
    shared actual native Boolean notLargerThan(String other)
            => super.notLargerThan(other);
    //operations inherited from List
    shared actual native List<Character> sublist(Integer from, Integer to)
            => super.sublist(from, to);
    shared actual native List<Character> sublistFrom(Integer from)
            => super.sublistFrom(from);
    shared actual native List<Character> sublistTo(Integer to)
            => super.sublistTo(to);
    shared actual native {Integer*} indexesWhere(Boolean selecting(Character element))
            => super.indexesWhere(selecting);
    shared actual native Integer? firstIndexWhere(Boolean selecting(Character element))
            => super.firstIndexWhere(selecting);
    shared actual native Integer? lastIndexWhere(Boolean selecting(Character element))
            => super.lastIndexWhere(selecting);
    //operations inherited from SearchableList
    shared actual native {Integer*} occurrences(Character element, Integer from, Integer length)
            => super.occurrences(element, from, length);
    shared actual native {Integer*} inclusions(List<Character> sublist, Integer from)
            => super.inclusions(sublist, from);
    shared actual native Boolean occurs(Character element, Integer from, Integer length)
            => super.occurs(element, from, length);
    shared actual native Boolean occursAt(Integer index, Character element)
            => super.occursAt(index, element);
    shared actual native Boolean includes(List<Character> sublist, Integer from)
            => super.includes(sublist, from);
    shared actual native Boolean includesAt(Integer index, List<Character> sublist)
            => super.includesAt(index, sublist);
    shared actual native Integer? firstOccurrence(Character element, Integer from, Integer length)
            => super.firstOccurrence(element, from, length);
    shared actual native Integer? lastOccurrence(Character element, Integer from, Integer length)
            => super.lastOccurrence(element, from, length);
    shared actual native Integer? firstInclusion(List<Character> sublist, Integer from)
            => super.firstInclusion(sublist, from);
    shared actual native Integer? lastInclusion(List<Character> sublist, Integer from)
            => super.firstInclusion(sublist, from);
    //operations inherited from Iterable
    shared actual native void each(void step(Character element))
            => characters.each(step);
    shared actual native Integer count(Boolean selecting(Character element))
            => characters.count(selecting);
    shared actual native Boolean every(Boolean selecting(Character element))
            => characters.every(selecting);
    shared actual native Boolean any(Boolean selecting(Character element))
            => characters.any(selecting);
    shared actual native Result|Character|Null reduce<Result>
            (Result accumulating(Result|Character partial, Character element))
            => characters.reduce(accumulating);
    shared actual native Character? find(Boolean selecting(Character element))
            => characters.find(selecting);
    shared actual native Character? findLast(Boolean selecting(Character element))
            => characters.findLast(selecting);
    shared actual native <Integer->Character>? locate(Boolean selecting(Character element))
            => characters.locate(selecting);
    shared actual native <Integer->Character>? locateLast(Boolean selecting(Character element))
            => characters.locateLast(selecting);
    shared actual native {<Integer->Character>*} locations(Boolean selecting(Character element))
            => characters.locations(selecting);