import ceylon.language.meta.declaration {

"The annotation class for the [[annotation]] meta-annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class AnnotationAnnotation()
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<AnnotationAnnotation,
                  | FunctionDeclaration> {}

"Annotation to mark a class as an *annotation class*, or a 
 top-level function as an *annotation constructor*."
see (`interface Annotation`)
shared annotation AnnotationAnnotation annotation()
        => AnnotationAnnotation();

"The annotation class for the [[shared]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class SharedAnnotation()
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<SharedAnnotation,
                  | ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration
                  | ConstructorDeclaration
                  | Package | Import> {}

"Annotation to mark a declaration as shared. A `shared` 
 declaration is visible outside the block of code in which 
 it is declared."
shared annotation SharedAnnotation shared()
        => SharedAnnotation();

"The annotation class for the [[restricted]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class RestrictedAnnotation(
    "The modules to which this declaration is visible."
    Module* modules)
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<RestrictedAnnotation,
                  | ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration
                  | ConstructorDeclaration
                  | Package> {}

"Annotation to restrict the visibility of a declaration or
 package to a given list of [[modules]]. If no modules are 
 specified, a `restricted` declaration is only visible 
 within the package in which it is defined."
shared annotation RestrictedAnnotation restricted(
    "The modules to which this declaration is visible."
    Module* modules)
        => RestrictedAnnotation(*modules);

"The annotation class for the [[variable]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class VariableAnnotation()
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<VariableAnnotation,
                    ValueDeclaration> {}

"Annotation to mark a value as variable. A `variable` value 
 may be assigned multiple times."
shared annotation VariableAnnotation variable()
        => VariableAnnotation();

"The annotation class for the [[abstract]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class AbstractAnnotation()
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<AbstractAnnotation,
                  | ConstructorDeclaration> {}

"Annotation to mark a class as abstract. An `abstract` class
 may have `formal` members, but may not be directly 
 instantiated. An enumerated class must be `abstract`."
shared annotation AbstractAnnotation abstract()
        => AbstractAnnotation();

"The annotation class for the [[final]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class FinalAnnotation()
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<FinalAnnotation,
                    ClassDeclaration> {}

"Annotation to mark a class as final. A `final` class may 
 not be extended. Marking a class as `final` affects disjoint
 type analysis."
shared annotation FinalAnnotation final()
        => FinalAnnotation();
"The annotation class for the [[sealed]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class SealedAnnotation()
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<SealedAnnotation,
                  | ConstructorDeclaration> {}
"Annotation to mark an interface, class, or constructor as 
 sealed. A `sealed` interface may not be satisfied outside 
 of the module in which it is defined. A `sealed` class may 
 not be extended or instantiated outside of the module in 
 which it is defined. A `sealed` constructor may not be
 invoked outside of the module in which it is defined."
shared annotation SealedAnnotation sealed()
        => SealedAnnotation();

"The annotation class for the [[actual]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class ActualAnnotation()
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<ActualAnnotation,
                  | ClassDeclaration> {}

"Annotation to mark a member of a type as refining a member 
 of a supertype."
shared annotation ActualAnnotation actual()
        => ActualAnnotation();

"The annotation class for the [[formal]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class FormalAnnotation()
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<FormalAnnotation,
                  | ClassDeclaration> {}

"Annotation to mark a member whose implementation must be 
 provided by subtypes."
shared annotation FormalAnnotation formal()
        => FormalAnnotation();

"The annotation class for the [[default]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class DefaultAnnotation()
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<DefaultAnnotation,
                  | ClassDeclaration> {}

"Annotation to mark a member whose implementation may be 
 refined by subtypes. Non-`default` declarations may not be 
shared annotation DefaultAnnotation default()
        => DefaultAnnotation();

"The annotation class for the [[static]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class StaticAnnotation()
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<StaticAnnotation,
                  | ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration
                  | AliasDeclaration> {}

"Annotation to mark a member of a toplevel class as static. 
 A `static` member does not have access to any current 
 instance of the class, and must occur before all 
 constructor declarations and non-`static` member 
 declarations in the body of the class.
 For example:
     class Hello {
         shared static void hello() => print(\"hello\");
         shared new() {}
 A `static` member may be invoked or evaluated without any
 receiving instance of the class, by qualifying the member
 by a reference to the class itself.
     shared void run() => Hello.hello();
 The type parameters of a generic class are in scope at the
 declaration of a `static` member.
     class Box<Element> {
         shared static Box<Element>[2] pair(Element x, Element y)
                => [create(x), create(y)];
         shared new create(Element element) {}
     Box<Float>[2] boxes = Box.pair(1.0, 2.0);"
shared annotation StaticAnnotation static()
        => StaticAnnotation();

"The annotation class for the [[late]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class LateAnnotation()
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<LateAnnotation,
                    ValueDeclaration> {}

"Annotation to disable definite initialization analysis for 
 an attribute of a class, or for a toplevel value, or to
 specify that an attribute of a class should be initialized
 - In the case of a class attribute, the attribute may have 
   no initializer and may be left unassigned by the class 
 - In the case of a toplevel value, the value may have no
 If a `late` value does have an initializer, the initializer
 will be executed lazily the first time the value is 
 evaluated, if the value has not already been assigned.
 A `late` value may be assigned by any code to which it is
 visible, but repeated assignment produces an 
 Evaluation of a `late` value with no initializer cannot be 
 guaranteed sound by the compiler, and so evaluation of a 
 `late` value with no initializer before it has been 
 assigned produces an [[InitializationError]].
     class Lately() {
         shared interface Calculator {
             shared formal Float calculatePi();
         //an uninitialized attribute
         late Calculator calculator;
         //a lazy attribute
         shared late Float pi = calculator.calculatePi();
         shared void init(Calculator calculator) {
             //initialize the attribute
             this.calculator = calculator;
shared annotation LateAnnotation late()
        => LateAnnotation();

"The annotation class for the [[native]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class NativeAnnotation(backends)
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<NativeAnnotation> {
    "The compiler backend(s) that this native annotation applies 
     to, or the empty sequence to declare the annotated element 
     is a native header."
    shared String* backends;

"Annotation to mark a module, import, or declaration as 
 For example, this code defines a native function in a 
 cross-platform module:
     import java.lang { System }
     native void hello();
     native (\"jvm\") void hello() {
     native (\"js\") void hello() {
         dynamic {
shared annotation NativeAnnotation native(
    String* backends)
        => NativeAnnotation(*backends);

/*"The annotation class for [[inherited]]."
shared final sealed annotation class InheritedAnnotation()
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<InheritedAnnotation, 
            ClassDeclaration> {}

"Annotation to mark an annotation class as a *inherited*."
shared annotation InheritedAnnotation inherited() 
        => InheritedAnnotation();*/

"The annotation class for the [[doc]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class DocAnnotation(
    "Documentation, in Markdown syntax, describing the 
     annotated program element"
    shared String description)
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<DocAnnotation> {}

"Annotation to specify API documentation of a program 
 element. The `doc` annotation need not be explicitly 
 specified, since a string literal at the beginning of a
 declaration is implicitly considered an argument to
     \"Something awesome\"
     void hello() => print(\"hello\");
 Is an abbreviation for:
     doc (\"Something awesome\")
     void hello() => print(\"hello\");"
shared annotation DocAnnotation doc(
    "Documentation, in Markdown syntax, describing the 
     annotated program element"
    String description) 
        => DocAnnotation(description);

"The annotation class for the [[see]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class SeeAnnotation(
    "The program elements being referred to."
    shared Declaration* programElements)
        satisfies SequencedAnnotation<SeeAnnotation> {}

"Annotation to specify references to other program elements
 related to the annotated API."
shared annotation SeeAnnotation see(
    "The program elements being referred to."
    Declaration* programElements)
        => SeeAnnotation(*programElements);

"The annotation class for the [[by]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class AuthorsAnnotation(
    "The authors, in Markdown syntax, of the annotated 
     program element"
    shared String* authors)
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<AuthorsAnnotation> {}

"Annotation to document the authors of an API."
shared annotation AuthorsAnnotation by(
    "The authors, in Markdown syntax, of the annotated 
     program element"
    String* authors)
        => AuthorsAnnotation(*authors);

"The annotation class for the [[throws]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class ThrownExceptionAnnotation(
    "The [[Exception]] type that is thrown."
    shared Declaration type,
    "A description, in Markdown syntax, of the circumstances 
     that cause this exception to be thrown."
    shared String when)
        satisfies SequencedAnnotation<ThrownExceptionAnnotation,
                  | ClassDeclaration
                  | ConstructorDeclaration> {}

"Annotation to document the exception types thrown by a 
 function, value, class, or constructor.
     throws(`class Exception`)
     void die() { throw; }"
shared annotation ThrownExceptionAnnotation throws(
    "The [[Exception]] type that is thrown."
    Declaration type,
    "A description, in Markdown syntax, of the circumstances 
     that cause this exception to be thrown."
    String when = "")
        => ThrownExceptionAnnotation(type, when);

"The annotation class for the [[deprecated]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class DeprecationAnnotation(
    "A description, in Markdown syntax, of why the program 
     element is deprecated, and of what alternatives are 
    shared String description)
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<DeprecationAnnotation> {
    "A description, in Markdown syntax, of why the program 
     element is deprecated, and what alternatives are 
     available, or `null`."
    shared String? reason
            => !description.empty then description;

"Annotation to mark program elements which should not be 
 used anymore."
shared annotation DeprecationAnnotation deprecated(
    "A description, in Markdown syntax, of why the program 
     element is deprecated, and what alternatives are 
    String reason = "")
        => DeprecationAnnotation(reason);

"The annotation class for the [[tagged]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class TagsAnnotation(
    "The tags, in plain text."
    shared String* tags)
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<TagsAnnotation> {}

"Annotation to categorize an API by tag."
shared annotation TagsAnnotation tagged(
    "The tags, in plain text."
    String* tags)
        => TagsAnnotation(*tags);

"The annotation class for the [[aliased]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class AliasesAnnotation(
    "The aliases, in plain text."
    shared String* aliases)
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<AliasesAnnotation> {}

"Annotation to specify a list of aliases that tools such as 
 auto-completion and quick-fixes should consider, to help 
 users find a declaration using its aliases."
shared annotation AliasesAnnotation aliased(
    "The aliases, in plain text."
    String* aliases)
        => AliasesAnnotation(*aliases);

"The annotation class for the [[license]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class LicenseAnnotation(
    "The name, text, or URL of the license."
    shared String description)
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<LicenseAnnotation,
                    Module> {}

"Annotation to specify the URL of the license of a module or 
shared annotation LicenseAnnotation license(
    "The name, text, or URL of the license."
    String description)
        => LicenseAnnotation(description);

"The annotation class for the [[since]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class SinceAnnotation(
    "The version of the module when this declaration was added."
    shared String version)
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<SinceAnnotation> {}

"Annotation to indicate at which moment the annotated declaration
 was added to the module."
shared annotation SinceAnnotation since(
    "The version of the module when this declaration was added."
    String version) 
        => SinceAnnotation(version);

"The annotation class for the [[optional]] annotation."
shared final sealed annotation class OptionalImportAnnotation()
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<OptionalImportAnnotation,
                    Import> {}

"Annotation to specify that a module can be executed even if 
 the annotated dependency is not available.
     optional import org.some.service.provider \"1.2.3\";"
shared annotation OptionalImportAnnotation optional()
        => OptionalImportAnnotation();

"The annotation class for the [[suppressWarnings]] 
shared final sealed annotation class SuppressWarningsAnnotation(
    "The warning types to suppress."
    shared String* warnings)
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<SuppressWarningsAnnotation, 
                  | ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration
                  | ConstructorDeclaration
                  | Module | Package | Import> {}

"Annotation to suppress compilation warnings of the 
 [[specified types|warnings]] when typechecking the 
 annotated program element."
shared annotation SuppressWarningsAnnotation suppressWarnings(
    "The warning types to suppress.
     Allowed warning types are:
    String* warnings) 
        => SuppressWarningsAnnotation(*warnings);

"The annotation class for the [[serializable]] annotation."
shared final annotation class SerializableAnnotation()
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<SerializableAnnotation,
                    ClassDeclaration> {

"Annotation to specify that a class is serializable.
 A serializable class may have instances that cannot be 
 serialized if those instances have reachable references to 
 instances of non-serializable classes."
shared annotation SerializableAnnotation serializable() 
        => SerializableAnnotation();

"The annotation class for the [[small]] annotation."
shared final annotation class SmallAnnotation()
        satisfies OptionalAnnotation<SmallAnnotation,
                    FunctionOrValueDeclaration> {

"Annotation to hint to the compiler that, if possible:
  - an [[Integer]] type should be represented using a 32-bit 
    signed integer,
  - a [[Float]] type should be represented using 32-bit IEEE 
    float, or
  - a [[Character]] type should be represented as a single 
    16-bit code point in the Basic Multilingual Plane.
 The compiler is permitted to ignore this hint.
     small Integer zero = 0;"
shared annotation SmallAnnotation small() 
        => SmallAnnotation();

"The annotation class for the [[service]] annotation."
shared final annotation class ServiceAnnotation(contract)
        satisfies SequencedAnnotation<ServiceAnnotation,
                    ClassDeclaration> {
    "The service interface or class that the annotated class 
    shared ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration contract;

"Annotation marking a class as implementing a service. The
 class must be a non-abstract, shared, toplevel class.
 For example, if `Manager` is an interface, this code
 declares an implementation of `Manager`:
     service (`Manager`)
     shared class DefautManager() satisfies Manager {}
 Service implementations can be found at runtime using 
     {Manager*} managers = `module`.findServiceProviders(`Manager`);
     assert (exists manager = managers.first);"
shared annotation ServiceAnnotation service(
    "The service interface or class that the annotated class 
    ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration contract) 
        => ServiceAnnotation(contract);