"An instance of [[Float]] representing positive infinity, 
 \{#221E}, the result of dividing a positive number by zero. 
 Negative infinity, -\{#221E}, the result of dividing a
 negative number by zero, is the additive inverse `-infinity`.
 Note that any floating-point computation that results in a
 positive value too large to be represented as a `Float` is 
 \"rounded up\" to `infinity`. Likewise, any floating-point 
 computation that yields a negative value whose magnitude is
 too large to be represented as a `Float` is \"rounded down\" 
 to `-infinity`."
native shared Float infinity;

native("jvm") shared Float infinity { 
    import java.lang {

    return Double.positiveInfinity;

native("js") shared Float infinity { 
    dynamic {
        return \iInfinity;