The declaration model of a class that has constructors. For example:

class Point {
    shared new(Float x, Float y) {
        // ...
    shared new polar(Float r, Float theta) {
        // ...
    shared new origin {
        // ...

Such classes may not have a default (unnamed) constructor, so defaultConstructor has optional type.

Since 1.2.0

no type hierarchy

no subtypes hierarchy

Inherited Attributes
Attributes inherited from: Object
Attributes inherited from: ClassDeclaration
Attributes inherited from: ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration
Attributes inherited from: Declaration
Attributes inherited from: GenericDeclaration
Attributes inherited from: NestableDeclaration
Attributes inherited from: TypedDeclaration
Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from: Object
Methods inherited from: Annotated
Methods inherited from: AnnotatedDeclaration
Methods inherited from: ClassDeclaration
Methods inherited from: ClassOrInterfaceDeclaration
Methods inherited from: GenericDeclaration