import ceylon.language.meta.model {
AppliedType = Type,
"""Abstraction over declarations from which a value can be obtained, namely
* [[ValueDeclaration]] which abstracts over values and attributes
* [[ValueConstructorDeclaration]] which represents value constructors
shared sealed interface GettableDeclaration {
/*"Applies this value declaration in order to obtain a value model.
See [this code sample](#toplevel-sample) for an example on how to use this."
throws(`class IncompatibleTypeException`, "If the specified `Get` or `Set` type arguments are not compatible with the actual result.")
shared formal ValueModel<Get>&Gettable<Get> gettableApply<Get=Anything>();
"Applies the given closed container type to this attribute declaration in order to obtain an attribute model.
See [this code sample](#member-sample) for an example on how to use this."
throws(`class IncompatibleTypeException`, "If the specified `Container`, `Get` or `Set` type arguments are not compatible with the actual result.")
shared formal ValueModel<Get>&Qualified<ValueModel<Get>, Container> memberGettableApply<Container=Nothing, Get=Anything>(AppliedType<Object> containerType);*/
"Reads the current value of this toplevel value."
shared formal Anything get();
"Reads the current value of this attribute on the given container instance."
throws(`class IncompatibleTypeException`, "If the specified container is not compatible with this attribute.")
throws(`class StorageException`,
"If this attribute is not stored at runtime, for example if it is neither shared nor captured.")
shared formal Anything memberGet(Object container);
"Reads the current value of this `static` attribute."
shared formal Anything staticGet(AppliedType<Object> containerType);