Model for members that can be bound to a containing instance to turn them into toplevel models.

You can bind a member to an instance by invoking that member with the instance as parameter:

shared class Outer(String name){
    shared class Inner(){
        shared String hello => "Hello "+name;

void test(){
    Member<Outer,Class<Outer.Inner,[]>> memberClass = `Outer.Inner`;
    Class<Outer.Inner,[]> c = memberClass(Outer("Stef"));
    // This will print: Hello Stef

no type hierarchy

declaringTypeSource Codeshared formal AppliedType<Anything> declaringType

The declaring closed type. This is the type that declared this member.

Inherited Attributes
Attributes inherited from: Object
Inherited Methods
Methods inherited from: Object
Methods inherited from: Qualified<Kind,Container>