"The root package of the Ceylon language module, functioning
as the core of the [Ceylon platform][sdk], and covering the
following areas of functionality:
- the foundational types [[Anything]], [[Object]], and
[[Null]], and a [[logical boolean|Boolean]] type,
- abstractions of [[numeric|Numeric]] types, along with
basic types representing [[integral|Integer]] and
[[floating point|Float]] values,
- [[characters|Character]] and [[character strings|String]],
- [[unsigned bytes|Byte]],
- support for functional programming with
- abstract interfaces for unmodifiable [[lists|List]],
[[sets|Set]], and [[maps|Map]],
- a low-level abstraction of native [[arrays|Array]],
- immutable [[sequences|Sequential]], [[ranges|Range]], and
[[tuples|Tuple]], which provide the foundation for
representing [[function types|Callable]] and lists of
function arguments,
- generic higher-order functions, including for function
[[composition|compose]] and [[partial application|curry]],
- [[exceptions|Throwable]] and support for management of
heavyweight [[destroyable|Destroyable]] and
[[obtainable|Obtainable]] objects,
- support for loading [[resources|Resource]] packaged with
a module,
- access to information about the current
[[virtual machine|runtime]], [[system|system]],
[[process]], and [[operating system|system]], and
- support for definition of [[annotations|Annotation]].
Finally, this module defines the [[most useful and
interesting void function of all time ever|print]].
Declarations belonging to this package need not be
explicitly imported by other source files.
[sdk]: https://modules.ceylon-lang.org/categories/SDK"
by ("Gavin King", "Tom Bentley", "Tako Schotanus",
"Stephane Epardaud", "Enrique Zamudio")
shared package ceylon.language;