import ceylon.language.meta.model {
import ceylon.language.meta.declaration {
"""A contract for identifying instances, specifying their classes, attributes,
elements and values, and ultimately reconstructing those instances.
Instances are identified using the [[Id]]'s semantics for equality. The
methods of this interface can be called in any order; the id serves to
associate each method invocation with the instance(s) to pertains to.
The only constraint is that [[reconstruct]] will throw if the context
lacks enough information to fully initialize the requested instance
_or any instance reachable from it_. Reference cycles are supported.
For example, given
serializable class Person(name, employer) {
shared String name;
shared Company employer;
serializable class Company(name) {
shared String name;
shared late Person owner;
And an instance graph corresponding to:
value wonkaInc = Company("Wonka Inc.");
value willy = Person("Willy Wonka", wonkaInc);
value umpaLumpa = Person("Umpa lumpa", wonkaInc);
wonkaInc.owner = willy;
Then we could reconstruct that instance graph like so:
value dc = deserialization<String>();
dc.attribute("ww", `value`, "wwn");
dc.attribute("ww", `value Person.employer`, "wi");
dc.attribute("ul", `value`, "uln");
dc.attribute("ul", `value Person.employer`, "wi");
dc.attribute("wi", `value`, "win");
dc.attribute("wi", `value Company.owner`, "ww");
dc.instanceValue("win", "Wonka Inc.");
dc.instanceValue("wwn", "Willy Wonka");
dc.instanceValue("uln", "Umpa lumpa");
dc.instance("wi", `Company`);
dc.instance("ww", `Person`);
dc.instance("ul", `Person`);
value wonkaInc2 = dc.reconstruct<Company>("wi");
value willy2 = dc.reconstruct<Person>("ww");
value umpaLumpa2 = dc.reconstruct<Person>("ul");
assert(wonkaInc2.owner === willy2);
assert(willy2.employer === wonkaInc2);
assert(umpaLumpa2.employer === wonkaInc2);
The calls to [[attribute]], [[instanceValue]] and [[instance]] could be
in any order.
shared sealed interface DeserializationContext<Id> {
"""The given [[instanceId]] refers to an instance of the given class."""
throws(`class DeserializationException`,
"the given instance was specified by [[instanceValue]] or has already been reconstructed.")
shared formal void instance(Id instanceId, ClassModel<> clazz);
"""The given [[instanceId]] is a member of the instance with the given [[containerId]].
This is used for member class instances."""
throws(`class DeserializationException`,
"the given instance was specified by [[instanceValue]] or has already been reconstructed.")
shared formal void memberInstance(Id containerId, Id instanceId);
"""The value of the given [[attribute]] of the instance with
the given [[instanceId]] has given [[attributeValueId]]."""
throws(`class DeserializationException`,
"the given instance was specified by [[instanceValue]] or has already been reconstructed.")
shared formal void attribute(Id instanceId, ValueDeclaration attribute, Id attributeValueId);
"""The value at the given [[index]] of the [[Array]] instance with
the given [[instanceId]] has given [[elementValueId]]."""
throws(`class DeserializationException`,
"the given instance was specified by [[instanceValue]] or has already been reconstructed.")
shared formal void element(Id instanceId, Integer index, Id elementValueId);
"""The instance with the given [[instanceId]] has the given value.
This can used to register non-serializable instances with the context,
for example object declarations."""
shared formal void instanceValue(Id instanceId, Anything instanceValue);
"""Get the instance with the given [[instanceId]] reconstructing it
if necessary."""
throws(`class DeserializationException`,
"the instance, or an instance reachable from it,
could not be reconstructed")
shared formal Instance reconstruct<Instance>(Id instanceId);
/*shared formal void factory(Id instanceId, Type type);
shared formal void factory2(Id instanceId, Callable f);
shared formal void argument(Id instanceId, Id argumentId);
shared formal void argumentValue(Id instanceId, Anything argumentValue);*/