Charlotte Folinus

student | engineer | tinkerer

MIT Sports Lab

Lead, MIT Sports Summit

In the buildup to the MIT Sports Summit, I organized marketing collateral, including a student resume book, and coordinated a Startup Showcase with both pitches and live demonstrations from MIT sports technology startups.


Teaching Assistant, 2.98 (Sports Technology)

As a TA for 2.98, I created peer reviews for ~30 students,  organized guest presentations from industry leaders, and advised student teams on their projects.


Pi Tau Sigma


As the Secretary of Pi Tau Sigma, I work with the Executive Board and the Mechanical Engineering Department to improve the undergraduate MechE experience. I organize member dinners, student-faculty lunches, and information sessions. I also communicate with the national organization and with university administration.

Pi Beta Phi

Vice President of Membership

As the Vice President of Membership, I organize the recruitment and retention of over 100 members. By working with the campus Panhellenic Association, I improve rules to ensure fair recruitment processes for all chapters. Within my chapter, I design workshops to cover critical topics such as conversation skills and teach members how to best represent our values. I was also selected to attend the international Pi Beta Phi Leadership Institute in July 2018.


Course Mentor

Although I hold office hours for introductory math, physics, and mechanical engineering courses, I also work with younger students to explore the opportunities available in the Mechanical Engineering department.


Alternate Panhellenic Delegate

As the Alternate Panhellenic Delegate, I helped shape campus policies regarding the Panhellenic community. I participated in weekly MIT Panhellenic Association meetings and voted on a variety of issues affecting the undergraduate community