
"Chanoyu(Chado, or the Way of Tea) simply means to heat water, put in tea and drink it"

- Sen Rikyu (1522-91)

In late 12th century, Eisai, a Zen monk, brought back tea seeds from China and promoted drinking tea as medisine and stimulant for the long meditation. Drinking tea and ritualization of manner in serving was kept in temples for a long time. In late 16th century, Rikyu refined the concept and practice of rustic simplicity in tea ceremony. Rikyu's great-grand sons formalized the Way of Tea families: Omote-Senke, Ura Senke, Mushanokoji-senke in 17th century. Tea drinking demography spreaded from monastic community to warrior class, a socially and economically affluent population, then to general public. In the mid-20th century, women began to practice and participate in Tea Ceremony taught in schools.

7 Rules of Chado

1. Make satisfying bowl of tea
2. Lay the charcoal so that the water boils efficiently
3. Provide a sense of warmth in the winter and coolness in the summer
4. Arrange the flowers as though they are in the field
5. Be ready ahead of time
6. Be prepared in case it should rain
7. Act with at most consideration toward guests

Principles of Japanese Tea Ceremony

和 WA: Harmony - with nature as a whole
敬 KEI: Respect - for each other
静 SEI: Purity- of utensils and mind
寂 JAKU: Tranquility - with nature and mind

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