MIT ChemE Associate Advising Program

Associate Advisors provide general information to incoming Chemical Engineering students about department requirements, student organizations, careers, graduate study as well as simply helping them feel a part of the Chemical Engineering Community.  Responsibilities include attending all training sessions, assisting and participating in Departmental Orientation activities, and maintaining contact and offering support to members of their advising group throughout the academic year.

2018-2019 Associate Advisor Application - Apply by July 24, 2018
Full Name:
Class Year 2019   2020
Major 10     10B     10C     10-ENG
Second Major:
Campus Address:
Campus Phone:
Summer Address:
Summer Phone:

Please answer the following questions:
1. Why are you interested in the Associate Advising Position?
2. What relevant work experience do you have?
3. What extra-curricular activities have you been involved in?
4. What do you think is the most important aspect of the Associate Advising Program?
5. What would you like to accomplish as an Associate Advisor?
6. How did you hear about the position?

Please note: You will need to submit your resume and one reference letter from either a faculty member or MIT/ Departmental Administrator in the Student Office (66-366) by July 24, 2018. The reference letter should describe the qualifications you bring to this position and it should be sent directly from either the faculty member or the administrator.