Chintan Vaishnav's Coronavirus India Response Page

India Metro Model

I have adapted a simple, classic epidemic model for a community confronting coronavirus to a typical Indian metro with a population of 1 cr (10 million), known hospital as  well as public health capacity. Importantly, I have also converted the names of the model variables to hindi in order make it easier for public health workers to explain the coronavirus situation to those who find hindi more accessible. I will update this page with any more languages I may be able to support with the help of others, and with newer versions of the Model as well as videos.


India Metro Corona Model Part I (the structure of the epidemic)

India Metro Corona Model Part II (controlling the virus spread)

Chintan VaishnavÕs Hindi Model (updated March 23rd): India_Metro_Corona_Model_8_Hindi.mdl

Tom FiddamanÕs English Model for Bozeman, Montana

Model Software Help:
You can run the model using Vensim PLE or the Model Reader (or any higher version). Our getting started and running models videos provide a quick introduction to the software.

Opinion Pieces

1. Opinion: Which Covid-19 combat plan fits perfect: Bulldoze the curve or let it simmer; Economic Times, April 03, 2020
2. What Should India's Package for Saving Small Businesses Look Like?. The Wire, April 17, 2020

3. The Virus, The Architecture of Poverty, and The Tough Balancing Act Ahead, Medium, April 24, 2020

MIT e-Vent to Vayu

Liaising with two teams in India to translate MIT's e-Vent Emergency Ventilator to the Indian context. Two ventilators prototyped and under test, regulatory approval by teams of volunteering engineers, doctors, and operations managers. Contact me for details. Now successfully translated as Ashok Leyland Ventilator.

Billion Social Masks: A Platform for Translating N-95-Like Masks for the People by the People

Billion Social Masks is committed to making safe, certified, high quality N95+ face masks for the general public and for healthcare professionals at an affordable price. It is designed to meet the need while enhancing the livelihoods of many Self Help Groups (SHGs). This vision grew out of a group of innovators and entrepreneurs who are passionate about serving this critical need with world class quality, locally available materials and livelihood enhancing activities. To achieve this vision, we presently work with our partners; Self Employed Womens Association (SEWA), Selco Foundation, Ekam Foundation, H2C, and Parisodhna TechnologiesContact me for details.

Medical Resource Control Rooms

Working with collaborators from Stanford University, IITB, and a team of software engineers to build virtual control rooms at city/region levels that save lives by alleviating urgent resource scarcity of a hospital. Presently deployed in one state of India. Contact me for more details.


India-China Lab, April 24, 2020 Session - India Covid Challenges and Response.

Chintan VaishnavÕs MIT Homepage