Mediation at MIT is
a completely voluntary and confidential process that helps two or
more people in conflict clarify their issues and goals, communicate
about the situation, and try to reach a constructive resolution.
Mediators are peers--members of the MIT community trained as neutral
facilitators to help the parties in a conflict to work together
on the issues that are important to them.
Mediators do not make decisions about who is right or wrong or
how things should be resolved--all decisions are made by the parties.
Mediation in the MIT Chemistry Department
- Faculty Mediators
It is the sincere goal of the MIT
Chemistry Department to maintain an environment in which a spirit
of collegiality and mutual respect prevails, for such an environment
fosters optimum productivity and satisfaction among its members.
To provide graduate students, postdoctorals, and staff with a well-defined
mechanism for conflict mediation, the Chemistry Department has appointed
two members of the faculty as "Department
Mediators". The Department Mediators provide a resource
for the chemistry community to assist with a wide range of problems
that may arise in the course of their appointment to the department.
One key role of the mediators is to offer advice to students, postdoctoral
personnel, and staff who find themselves in conflict with other
members of the department, including their faculty supervisors.
Such conflicts with co-workers could include harassment, concerns
over safety, and disagreements over authorship and over what constitutes
an acceptable unit of work for publication or for the award of a
degree. Although the mediators will help individuals deal with most
problems locally, they are also well informed on the many services
that MIT offers to members of the community who find themselves
in distress. The mediators can maintain confidentially in most matters,
but in cases where they cannot, they can refer individuals to resources
where confidentiality can be guaranteed.
Chemistry Resources for Easing Friction
and Stress (ChemREFS)
We are a group of chemistry graduate students trained and certified
by the state of Massachusetts as mediators. We are a resource for
chemistry graduate students, undergraduate students, and faculty/staff
as an aid in conflict discussion and resolution. All interaction
with the Chemistry REFS
program is confidential and voluntary on the part of those requesting
help. Mediators are not judges--we do not decide who or what is
right. We are facilitators. We have completed mediation training
through MEDIATION@MIT in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws,
c. 233, sec. 23C. We will attempt to provide direction and alternatives
to dealing with problems and obstacles the members of the chemistry
department may face.