By Casey Muller

A lot of work and creativity go into making advertisements, and they really are a separate art form of their own. It's always fun to watch really good ads, but it used to be very difficult to really analyze them or share particular commercials with others. Into this void came

AdCritic allows the download of a truly impressive number of professional advertisements. It tracks the most popular commercials and presents those for easy viewing, all others can be searched for. AdCritic single-handedly makes ads as a medium so much more appealing.

The site was a great idea. It's easy to get content, since most ad agencies want to have their material as widely dispersed as possible. AdCritic also provides digitizing services, so even old fashioned agencies can get their material on the site. Besides increased distribution, advertisement creators can get easy customer feedback on their designs.

AdCritic is a simple and unique site that is truly innovative and interesting. It is an easy time waster, and allows a perspective on the ad industry that cannot be gained any other way. AdCritic is also one of the first useful broadband sites, in that you really need a fast connection to enjoy it very much. As such it is leading the way into the future Internet.