By Charisse Massay

The internet is a medium which allows almost anyone to have a voice. There are many websites available that give regular people (with or without a computer) the chance to have a website. On, anyone can publish a web log or a 'blog'. A blog is a web page made up of usually short, frequently updated posts that are arranged chronologically -- like a what's new page or a journal. The content on web logs fall into a wide range. Anyone is available to publish a web log regardless of content. This open, seemingly one way, forum is incredibly popular among regular internet surfers, quoted one: "Blogger is a drug. If I don't get a fix, I get itchy." Another said: "Blogger is wacked out on drugs and speed.

Woah baby, watch that new intricate and clever interface do its thing. Word."

On the homepage, Blogger advertises the 10 most recently updated bogs which are constantly changing. Someone is always online updating their blog. The blogs have catchy titles, like 'ORGY' and 'Happiness in a biscuit'. Extremity is necessary to bring in the readers. The website also highlights specific blogs that it feels are worth exploring. I searched some of these blogs and I was not overly impressed. I have never been a big fan of reading other's journals and I did not stumble upon a blog that really caught my attention.

The navigator bar included 'Home,' 'About,' 'How To,' 'Directory' and 'Discuss.' Because of my lack of prior knowledge regarding blogs, I checked out the 'About' section. Here, the site covers exactly what a blog is, and what it can offer the author and reader. There is also an extended explanation of what does. They also have the option to read about the company (based in San Francisco) and their press clippings. Presently, Blogger is a nominee in the personal site category for The 201 Webby Awards and has received praise from the Wall Street Journal, CNN any many other publications and networks. The 'How To' section described each step to publishing a blog, from how to create a blog to troubleshooting. The "Directory" was a listing of the blogs published through They were organized by last updated, title and the date created. I was confused trying to search through all of the blogs, I did not know where to begin. I would have liked to see a directory organized according to username. Finally, 'Discuss' allowed users to openly communicate their concerns and comments on a message board set up. There was also a direct user-to-user interface so that Blogger users can talk to their fellow publishers.

I attempted to publish a web log while reviewing the website. It was a very easy task, the interface used to setup web logs is simple and user friendly. There is always the option to 'view web page.' You can check out mine at, there isn't much, but I'll keep trying. The idea of a blog is still a little confusing to me but I can see the addictiveness of it. Pretty soon, every one will have their own website, until then, everyone can have a blog.