HOME   SYLLABUS - Custom T-shirts
By John Evans allows anyone to create and sell customized T-shirts. Designs are uploaded in digital format, and can be any sort of picture, text or symbols. The images can then be placed onto T-shirts (of any size and several types), sweatshirts, mugs or mousepads. Products are organized into "stores", which can be private or public. Each product has a base price which covers production costs, and store owners can then mark up their products as much as they like. For example, a standard white T-shirt's base price is $13.99, but if you sell them for $18.99 you will get a $5.00 profit on each purchase. The stores are completely automatic, so website owners can include a link to the store on their site (or even include it in a frame), and visitors can buy products at the store at their leisure. Each month totals the store profits and pays them to the store owners. Of course, store owners can always buy their own products at no markup. fills a lot of interesting niches in the online marketplace. There is no minimum or maximum to buy, so you can create a unique custom T-shirt as a gift or order a gross of mugs for your office building. Store owners can promote their websites and provide souvenir paraphernalia to surfers; many websites already are, including the famous(?) "All Your Base" site. The concept of truly customized, "narrowcast" products is an interesting one; In my opinion, it will become much more important in the future, as technology makes it easier for people to create their own unique wardrobes and accessories. thus represents the first step in a larger trend. It's also fun to use, and can even be a way for ordinary people to easily make money off their creativity.