By Jessica N. Bowles-Martinez

The site offers a way for visitors to either play cards on their computer with one another online or to download personalized cards, which have been designed by other players, for the purpose of playing games by themselves. The site had a very poor layout and I wasn't very interested in the idea of playing cards on my computer. Yet, after looking at the posts to the message board, and the fanaticism of some of the sites on the web ring I realized this was actually entertaining to some people.

The site has extremely crude graphics that look as though they are from an early 90s adventure game. Perhaps that's its major flaw, it looks like it should be part of one of those pre-AI games that I grew to hate when I was young. Trying to get beyond my biases I still find the site's layout and color choices to be hideous. They want it to have a look that reminds people of wood; as a result the colors are shades of browns and yellows. The buttons advertising the awards they won are huge, and displayed next to the main graphics creating a very amateurish look. I would not expect this place to be a professionally run site from how it looks, rather it seems like something a teenager who likes medieval stuff would throw together on a weekend.

The games themselves are not innovative at all; rather the hardwood solitaire is identical to the solitaire included on most computers, but with a lot of ugly graphics added. Behind the cards is a wooden table pattern and the cards can have pictures on them. I just don't get why people would be all that interested in this product as I find the wood pattern distracting and ugly while the game is not original at all.

I searched around on the sites I found on the web ring list which had a listing of twelve fan sites. The fan sites had even worse html design than the site they were celebrating. I guess this explains a lot, since they probably have either low standards or actually like the cluttered layout, busy background, and silly graphics the site has. Most of the pages were made by people who seemed really excited about making their own cards. Many made them with the theme of their favorite movies or fantasy characters. The cards that I downloaded just had pictures of characters on them, but nothing unique was done with them. Once again I was at a loss at explaining why people would be so into this.

I was about to assume that the 12 sites linked to this page were probably the only 12 people in the world who cares about this stuff, until I went to the forum area. Many areas had well over one thousand posts and, surprisingly enough, the same people didn't write them all. Most of the posts were in areas pertaining to the multiplayer games as opposed to solitaire, which makes sense since the solitaire types probably don't want to communicate with other people anyway.

I wonder if people who frequent this site just want to have others to play cards with and are merely tolerating the poor site design and are apathetic to the graphics on the cards. The other possibility is that many other people are at the other end of taste regarding aesthetics than I, and they come here because they like the interface and a chance to have silly graphics on their cards. If I were a card player I'd appreciate the opportunity to play with others but would prefer a less busy site.