Hollywood Stock Exchange
By Karen Feigenbaum
[****1/2 out of *****]

The Hollywood Stock Exchange is one of the most ingenious methods ever developed to allow end user participation and interactivity with the entertainment being consumed. The system is one that grants each user two million "Hollywood dollars ®" to be used to purchase "shares" in "stocks and bond" of entertainment product, including films, actors, and music artists. It's the same concept as that of fantasy sports, but on an infinitely grander scale…one where an actual trading market is created for these fantasy commodities, securities, and assets.

This method of buying into movie concepts or artists creates a psychological "foot in the door" philosophy, wherein the user feels more bound to the investment product. This consumer is now excited to see his/her stock rise, and will therefore encourage friends to see particular movies or listen to specific musical artists. He/she personally will also have a more anticipatory excitement about upcoming films or albums that perhaps would not have existed without HSX.

Similarly, the producers of the actual content can now use this consumer information as a barometer of consumer tastes. A quote from Dan Gebler of Yahoo! News is prominently displayed on the home page, stating: "HSX has grown into such a significant online community over the past several years that Hollywood insiders commonly use it to gauge public opinion regarding their movie projects."

Dangers do arise in reference to this second half of the benefit equation:

1) Hollywood producers could go on-line and invest heavily in their own up-coming product in order to create hype, thus skewing what appears to be actual public interest.
2) Consumers with
a) access to the Internet, and
b) interest enough in entertainment product to spend the time necessary to partake in HSX
are a specific niche and probably not a good representation of the majority of the entertainment-consuming public, again creating skewed results.

But the site is well put together with a brilliant concept and just plain fun in which to partake.