By John Evans

IceBox is a media company developing and testing content on the web for eventual migration to other media. is a well-known web animation company, famous for Flash cartoons like "Zombie College", "Starship Regulars" and "Garbage Island". However, recently they seem to have undergone something of a metamorphosis. IceBox's mission has always been to create content which could be quickly distributed and reviewed over the web; with email feedback and interactive review boards, it was possible to see near-instantaneously which cartoons flopped and which cartoons flew. The most popular series had almost a dozen episodes of high-quality animation each, all available for free viewing.

Now, however, IceBox has apparently decided to use their web series as marketable assets. Each program webpage now has only one episode viewable, with a note saying "All episodes will be available only on DVD". Press releases mention IceBox also looking into television series based on their properties (Zombie College in particular).

Will the new IceBox be successful? In my opinion, it will. People will be willing to pay to see shows they enjoy, as long as there is a good value to be had. (Ten five-minute episodes on a DVD probably won't sell; forty episodes, four series, just might.) IceBox seems to have enough confidence in their properties that there will be a market for buyers. The "natural selection" business model is quite clever, and might produce many more hits if IceBox continues with the strategy. All in all, IceBox seems to be a company to watch in the new entertainment media world.