By Jessica N. Bowles-Martinez

Julie 9 is a film a project where seven directors make different parts of a movie depicting a normal weekend between two people. The site is used as both a recruiting technique to get directors into the project as well as a way to organize the project.

In the script there is a very vague description of the different parts of the film along with rules for the directors. Each director will have a different set of actors played by either friends of the director or trained actors. To give the impression that they are all the same people there is a set of identical props and costumes that every director is given. They are also forbidden to show the body shape or face of the actors. There are a few scenes were exceptions are made because the characters have dialogue to perform or at specific instances (like when the female protagonist stares at herself in the mirror). They also wanted to create a sense of unity between the scenes by matching actions. For example, if one character is handed a cigarette they want the next part to include the same character, played by a different actor, to be taking a cigarette.

The script that is online has a couple pictures and QuickTime videos on it, which I assume means that the project is completed. I was confused, though, because it seems like the site is talking about how it wants to get people to work on the movie, rather than talking about the finished product. The videos did not work on my computer so I was not sure if perhaps they are actually video instructions for the scene, rather than the finished scene itself.

I was unclear of how the web site was supposed to be the center of communication for the project. There was no forum, or way to talk about the project of ideas. The site is just a written description and some rules. If I were a filmmaker I would question the project planners real commitment to the project. Even if I wanted to join the project I would not even know if the project was completed or something I could even work on. There is no deadlines or progress reports of any kind on the site and I could easily imagine the author made the site the forgot it existed.

Despite the sets of rules and the script I am having trouble telling what the point of the project is. It might just be an experiment in seeing different styles of film and curiosity regarding the paths the filmmakers themselves take. My other guess is that this site is the result of someone trying to copy the "Dogma 95" style homemade film fad and this page is a tool to find other aspiring film makers they could sucker into working on it.

The site has an interesting idea, but it feels unformed. If there was some set deadlines and more organization then it could potentially be interesting. Unfortunately, right now it looks like it will not get finished. Unless, of course, the QuickTime videos are the finished product, despite not being labeled as such, and the project is already finished. This wouldn't make very much sense, though, as the site still has instructions for directors and seems to be there for recruiting film makers rather than showcasing a film