Lands' End
By Matthew Palmer

Most online merchants simply convert their print catalogs into digital format. While this a solid approach, it is refreshing to see an online store with some new ideas. has a good supply of women's, men's, and children's clothes as well as items for the home. The navigation is as clear as most other professional sites and the layout is attractive. In addition, the site offers a few well-designed features that offer advice on choosing a swimsuit and choosing a "business casual" look. This type of help is something you could get at better retail stores, but having assembled outfits and written guidance online is a nice feature.

Trying clothes on before buying them is certainly recommended, but it can't be done in virtual space. does offer an inventive solution, though. You can try their clothes on a "virtual model," which you can tailor to your dimensions. While this may be a clever "next best thing" to actually trying merchandise on, I doubt that I would go through the effort to assemble outfits on my virtual model and try to guess if they would fit me. For color and print matching, such as assembling a suit, this technology could be very useful. It would also be more useful if many stores used it, so my physical profile could be created once and used often. does a good job of clearly explaining their privacy policy. They say that your personal information will be shared with certain other companies so they can add you to their catalog mailing lists. To opt out of this, you need to call Lands' End. E-mail addresses are never sold, they write. Privacy is often a trade off with convenience You can choose to have the web site remember your address and credit card information so you don't need to reenter it. While this information could be traded with other companies, it could have been without the special service, so no privacy is lost. makes it a point to explain how online shopping carts and cookies work and how they affect your privacy. While their policies seem very reasonable and non-invasive, online customers should make it a point to be aware of these technologies before they shop if they are concerned about privacy. Especially for online merchants, comfort and security are important concerns. Being open like is may help set their minds at ease.