By Michael Torrice

Referred to as the Libertarian, establishes a vehicle to express opinions on the current state of politics and society from a Libertarian prospective. Like most web zines, is put together by a small number of people and relies on the contributions of outsiders to submit articles. The site features articles that are published on a weekly basis and an archive of all articles previously published. It also allows readers to discuss the articles in a sparsely populated discussion forum.

Although it does not contain eye-popping media features, its basic streamlined appearance allows its content to be radical. The net is often congested with the fight between "conservatives" and "liberals", cuts through the congestion to present ideas based on reason and liberty. From stories defending the Bush tax cut to denouncing Republican attempts to censor video games, offers an alternative viewpoint on today's political and social issues. Whether you agree with their principles or not, the site offers articles written to defend positions and not to start flame wars with the opposition.

Unfortunately, a site can not just exist with good ideas if it does not have a good distribution plan. Although it is limited by its size, could stand to make the site more accessible to the public. The problem which becomes apparent when one examines the site is its lack of links to other sites. Besides links to news agencies for top news stories, there are no links to other Libertarian based sites. Libertarians are in favor of rugged individualism, but this web isolationism borders on craziness. There are plenty of other publications and organizations on the web that would offer those interested in the Libertarian standpoint more information. Reason magazine, Capitalism Magazine, the myriad of Objectivist web sites, and even the Libertarian party's main page would be excellent links for this zine. By associating with other similar minded sites, it could present its ideas to a larger audience. needn't add more flashy features to improve its web presentation, it just needs to do a better job of becoming accessible to people.