By Kevin Johnson

Machinima is touted as the next new artform. The term refers to movies made using 3D engine from computer games. Such of a method of movie creation offers up nearly unlimited possibilities for films as everything is created in a virtual space. can be considered the homepage for the machinima movement. While the site is thoroughly comprehensive, poor design and a slight bias towards game players bring the site down a little.

The site is home to a new participatory culture and features all the typical 'community' features such as message boards, mailing lists, and chat rooms. Also, there is (relatively) easy access to the 100+ movies that have already been made. The site also features tutorials on how newbies can get into making machinima movies. This part is kind of a double-edged sword.

There are lots of tutorials covering many of the major 3D game engines (Quake 2 and 3, Unreal, Half-life) but the page does not group them in any way other than date posted. Loading the page just gives you a long list of varied topics and it can take quite a bit of time to find something useful. Also, since the only way to make these movies is to be manipulating complex 3D engines, it's really hard to write a tutorial that's not too complex for people new to gaming. Gamers will probably be able to deal with all the terminology, but the current state of the culture intimidates outsiders from trying their hand at it. Fortunately, there is a group working on the Lithtech Film Producer - a software package that is made specifically for making machinima (rather than using little hacks on interactive systems to make movies). Once this comes out it is very likely that this 'new art' will begin to have a large following.