By Casey Muller
It's kind of fun to see a webpage that makes no attempt at explaining
its own purpose. Upon first going to, it's easy just
click around the site, watching animations and looking at
illustrations without any real comprehension. The site appears to
the product of an individual or individuals who are quite talented
mixing a sort of retro animation look with flash and other new
techniques. Then comes the revelation that the site also makes and
sells dolls, and things get weird.
The site is a strange mix of the artsiness of flash demo sites and
commercial graphic design and merchandising. Apparently it hosts
artists in residence, and the dolls seem to be a large part of it's
uniqueness- perhaps they even came before the purely visual
products. It is hard to tell anything at all.
Whatever it's real purpose, the site is an interesting one to visit,
and provides quite a visual feast. It is cool to see such an
innovative portfolio for a person or persons who are willing to do
commercial work. I would certainly consider hiring them.