By Jessica N. Bowles-Martinez

The layout of the page is simple. Its simplicity initially surprised me because I always imagined that pages reviewing and talking about video games would feel the need to be flashy and interactive. I was a bit relieved to not be bombarded with lots of graphics but a bit disappointed that it at first seemed like they didn't try too hard. Then I started to read the articles, and realized that the people writing know what they are talking about and have a real love for video games.

The site has a basic layout of banner on top and index on the side which make it easy to jump to preferred areas. The graphics used throughout as the permanent fixtures on the site are simple geometric shapes and there are either screen shots or one simple photograph at the top of articles. The pictures don't detract from the article and are lacking in much information. Clicking around without reading makes the site seem like its very boring with nothing to look at besides all this text.

Once I settled into the acceptance that there was not an abundance of eye-candy I began to look at the text and read articles. All the ones I read had the enthusiasm of someone talking about a hobby they genuinely love and as a result naturally know a lot about. There wasn't an attitude that tried to imply that the writer was superior because he knew so much, but rather that of someone wanting to inform in hopes of exciting others.

This site is created for people who love videogames and is created by likeminded people. There are antidotes about how videogames have affected friendships and influenced music, along with interviews of video game designers by people who seem intimately familiar with their. I am not a fan of videogames, yet I found most of the articles interesting as a result of good writing and the lack of assumptions about videogame knowledge.

The biggest draw back is that it will take patience and willingness to read the site before its quality is made evident. While I like the graphics being subdued even I was a bit taken aback by the lack of them.

Hopefully people will take the time to explore the site and read some of the articles. This site is about more than just specific games and focuses on the culture and pleasures derived from playing videogames. If anything it's a way for non-gamers to get a feel of the excitement video gamers experience.