By Margaret Wong

NRG is screaming "energy" when it comes to web designs. As a company that targets high-end graphics, concentrating on 3-D graphics, animation, Flash, and audio background and captioning, their main site introduces the potential customer to an overwhelming amount of interactivity. Though a novelty upon first contact with Flash sites, the extraneous amount of time spent in transition between actions can get irritating.

As a portal of portfolio for their work, is no doubt an excellent representation. An excellent design aspect of the site is their simplicity upon first glance. Since graphics is their forte, the designers has taken great care to eliminate words as much as possible. This greatly enhances the graphical design and impact on the site's overall presentational value. Clean, clear, and precise, potential customers are given plenty of samples to choose from.

"Get Ready for a Creative Power" is their slogan, and creative it certainly is. However, like most sites involving Flash and rich multimedia, slower connection viewers get systematically eliminated from the potential customers' pool, as well as the audience of such potential customers. Through the surge in popularity of higher speed connections this problem should cease to exist in the near future, though it certainly presents itself as an obstacle in the present digital divide.

NRG's site is aimed at web savvy viewers, as its contents are not obviously displayed upon entry. Mouseover techniques were necessary to display the site's menu options, portfolio locations, multimedia downloads such as screensavers, and more. Though the different techniques involved in creating the site is impressive, and its interactive nature engages the viewer entirely, it literally takes a full seven seconds to go from one menu to another due to its Flash nature. The navigation, in this respect, fails horribly. There are no menu options within each sub-menu to quickly change categories, such as changing from "Site by NRG" to "Graphics". Such time consumption, beyond the first time visitor, generally wears on the surfer's patience and turns interest into annoyance. But overall the site is still very impressive and leaves the viewer craving for more. In comparison to other commercial sites, especially static sites, is truly a break through and will remain memorable for all those who had the pleasure of viewing it.