By Jessica Scott

The first thing you notice about the website for the upcoming film is that the name of the film is spelled backwards in the address. This is a pretty clever way of introducing the main gimmick behind the film.

If you are not familiar with the premise of the film, it is a murder mystery using an interesting plot device: the story is told backwards. The reason it is done so is because the main character is inflicted with amnesia, so the story unfolds as he remembers it.

The main part of the site is a very well done flash applet. The front part of this applet is what looks like a newspaper clipping. The headline reads, "Photograph Sparks Murder Investigation." The article tells of the discovery of several incriminating photographs in a motel room. The man staying the room was Leonard Shelby. It looks like a normal article, but if you look closely, a few selected words fade to white and back again continuously. These are words like body, foul and Leonard. If you move your mouse over these words the rest of the article disappears, leaving only that word on the screen. If you click on it, it moves to the center of the screen, and you are presented with some "evidence".

The clues you are given about the murders include the pictures of the bodies, police reports, paperwork from the hospital Leonard was committed to, and, most interesting of all, notes from Leonard to himself. He knows he will forget important details because of his amnesia, so he writes several notes to himself to remind himself of important facts.

I thought the site was very well put together and the story it tried to tell was interesting. I enjoyed the style of narrative, which was completely non-linear. It definitely got me interested in going out and actually seeing the film, which is of course the purpose of this site in the first place.