By Wesley Wong

One of the more interesting phenomenons of the Internet is the proliferation of creative sites created by individuals about their personal life. Many of these have attracted a cult following simply through emails that have been forwarded from friend to friend. These initial sparks of creativity are then picked up by other members of the digital community, who create Flash animations of MP3's based on the original site. One of these sites is, which claims to get 750,000 hits per day.

The site is the creation of a guy named Mark, whose relationship with an older woman turned sour, and bitter arguing between the two ensued. He warns visitors, "run, don't walk, from a psychotic woman". The primary focus of the site are the 50 or so voicemails that the woman, or PEG (Pyscho Ex-Girlfriend), left him. Judging from the timestamps on the voicemails, many of them were left in quick succession without giving Mark a chance to respond. As I listened to the voicemails, I got addicted. First, they were hilarious, and the woman, who you find difficulty sympathizing with given the name of the site, is hysterical and outrageous. In one voicemail, the woman screams over the phone how she is going to the hospital because she is overcome with grief. In another, she is frustrated that she once again is unable to reach Mark, and yells at him for ignoring her and then concludes that he must be out "boozing it up on his own". Anyone who has been in a difficult and turbulent romantic relationship will immediately recognize the tone and phrases present in these voicemails. In that sense, the site is therapeutic and other men out there who have PEG's will take comfort in the fact that they are not alone. Judging from the heavily populated message boards, and the sites huge following, there are many of such men out there.

The design of the site is very basic, and a navigation bar on the left takes the user to various sections of the website. Beyond the voicemails and message board, there is an online test to see if your girlfriend is psycho, and a T-shirt store selling shirts. The shirts are based on the voicemails, and one of them features a bunch of guys sitting around drinking, with one asking, "What do you do when you girlfriend goes psycho?" and another guy responds, "Simple. You booze it up." Like all quality grassroots sites, the content has spread to other areas on the Internet. For example, features several techno tracks that sample portions of the voicemails ( Unfortunately, beyond the message board, much of the site appears to be static, so after one visit, users are unlikely to return. Nonetheless, represents a truly creative way of dealing with a traumatic relationship that would otherwise be impossible over other media. In addition, the creator is maintaining two important traditions of the Internet: anonymity and helping others through sharing.